wang ling dao A Dead Man

Song 亡灵岛A Dead Man
Artist 英语听力
Album 书虫系列第二级


[00:01.01] 5 A Dead Man5
[00:06.58] I went into the room...and I was very surprised.
[00:11.88] The room was full of strange things. Coloured shirts and suits . Three guitars. And there were posters and photographs on the walls.
[00:25.71] I looked at the posters.
[00:28.47] Jake Ross's face looked down at me.
[00:34.58] I looked at the dead Jake Ross's pictures. And l remembered all the photographs on the walls of my room in Hong Kong. I could never forget that face -the face of my favourite singer.
[00:50.62] Then,while I looked at his face, something strange happened. I began to see another face in the posters. An older face, and with a moustache, but the same face.
[01:08.65] I saw the face of Mr Ross.
[01:14.52] 'No! 'I said.' 'It's not true! 'But it was, I knew it was."Mr Ross is..Jake·Ross!'No! 'said a voice behind me. ”
[01:32.57] I turned round and saw Mr Ross. He was standing in the doorway. He looked...afraid.
[01:43.58] I don't believe you! 'I said.“
[01:48.23] 'You have to believe me! '“
[01:53.64] I looked at the posters. 'Who is that, if it's not you? "'It's Jake Ross. He was... my brother.'
[02:03.57] 'That's not true! I shouted. 'I don't believe you. Listen, Jake·Ross was my favourite singer I had hundreds of photos of him.' I still have all his records. I loved him, do you understand? Thousands of people loved him.'“
[02:31.42] "He's dead, 'Mr.Ross said quietly.“
[02:35.47] 'No! 'I shouted. 'You're Jake Ross ! You look different now, yes. You've got short hair , you've got t a moustache now . and you wear glasses . But you`re Jake...Ross. You were my favourite pop star, so I know." “
[02:58.01] Mr.Ross said nothing. And watched my face.
[03:04.17] "He doesn't know what to do, 'I thought. 'He knows I don't believe him, and he's afraid.Then he said, 'It was you in the passage last night, wasn't it? ''Yes, 'l answered.“
[03:24.65] He looked angry.' 'I was wrong to give your mother a job, 'he said. 'I thought it was OK because you came from Hong Kong. And I needed help with my work. I needed a good secretary.
[03:40.54] ’Does your other secretary know who you are? 'I asked. 'Do the other people on the island know?’“
[03:51.42] Mr Ross didn't answer, but walked across to the window. He was thinking.'What's he going to do? 'I thought.
[04:03.41] Then he turned round. OK, you're right. I..I am Jake Ross. ''I knew it! '
[04:13.02] He  looked  worried  and unhappy . 'Can you keep a secret ? A very important secret?
[04:23.54] I thought for a minute, then l said, 'Yes, I can keep a secret.Then he told me:
[04:31.52] 'The other people on this island are my family. ''Your family? 'l said.“
[04:39.02] 'Yes. My real name is James Duncan, and Mr and Mrs Duncan are my father and mother. Tony is my younger brother, and his wife, Lisa, is my secretary. It's she who's in hospital. '“
[05:00.32] 'And Stella and Dan Parks? 'l asked.'My mother's sister and her husband, 'he said. “
[05:08.36] 'But what are you doing hereon this island? I don't understand. '“
[05:16.05] 'I'll tell you, 'he said. He sat down on a chair and took a guitar in his hands, but he didn't play it. 'You were right.I was a famous pop star. I was very rich, and l had a beautiful wife. But things went wrong. '“
[05:37.42] 'How? '
[05:40.23] 'I took drugs, 'he said. 'I drank a lot of alcohol. I got drunk and crashed cars. I did stupid, terrible things. I knew it was wrong but l couldn't stop doing it. I was...crazy,for a time.“
[06:01.52] 'I can understand that, 'l told him. 'I've taken drugs, too.He looked surprised. 'You have? ’“
[06:13.07] Yes, 'l said. 'After my father died, I was very unhappy and things went wrong for me too. But go on with your story.
[06:26.37] He went on. 'One night. I was driving my car. L was drunk and- and I hit somebody. A young girl. She...died.I killed her.
[06:47.43] 'Oh. No!’
[06:49.12] Yes, 'he said. "She was fifteen years old. I wanted to die, too. The money didn't matter any more. Nothing mattered any more.“
[07:01.24] What did you do after the accident? 'I asked。“
[07:08.34] I drove on in the car. I didn't stop, and I didn't tell the police. I had killed someone and I was afraid. He looked afraid now. He put the guitar down and went on with his story. 'So I made a plan. Jake Ross had to die, too. It was the best thing to do. And so I “killed"him.'“
[07:40.54] 'But you are till alive.’“
[07:43.28] 'My family know I'm alive. but no other people know. 'He looked at me. 'But now you know. “
[07:53.34] 'How did you do it? 'l asked. “
[07:59.41] I told my family about my plan and I told Greta. my wife. At first they didn't like it. But after along time, they said OK. Then I faked the car crash.“
[08:14.20] Faked it? '
[08:17.35] 'Yes, "he said. 1 put: some of my things in the car. A guitar, and some clothes. Then l pushed my car over a cliff and burned it. The police found the burned car and thought I was dead. Everybody thought I was killed in the car crash.'“
[08:38.47]] 'But you faked the crash. 'I said.‘Yes’“
[08:44.18] What did you do then?’“
[08:47.01] 'My family hid me away for months. I tried to change into a different person-with shorter hair. A moustache quiet suits. All my money went to Greta and she changed her name to Ross. told her to buy this island. Now I invest their money. The money that was mine. And now I’m "James Ross”“
[09:17.21] What about Jake·Ross? 'I asked.“
[09:22.41] Jake Ross took drugs, "he said. 'Jake Ross got drunk and crashed cars. He killed a young girl, so he had to "die"- I can never forget the girl. I think about her everyday.’“
[09:41.42] ‘And that's why you always look so sad.’ I thought.“
[09:47.22] I looked around the room. 'Why do you keep a room like this? Why do you keep the guitars, the posters and photographs?
[09:58.43] James Ross did not speak for a minute. Then he said. 'I need to remember my old life. and what Jake Ross was like. I'm never going to sing again and I’m never going to take drugs But I need this room. to remember.
[10:19.34] I looked at the posters and the photographs. And l looked at his sad face. I’m not going to say anything. I won't tell my mother. I won't tell anybody.
[10:34.54] James Ross looked at me. 'think you understand. 'he said.
[10:42.44] I do, 'I said. I’ve done bad things. I want to forget them. too. I needed to get away,to hide too.That’s why we came to England,to begin a new life Yes I understand’“
[11:04.51] He took my hand, and we walked out of the room and closed the door.I never went into the room again, and l didn't tell anybody.
[11:16.13] My mother and I left the island at the end of the summer. Soon after, I went to college.
[11:24.52] My life is better now. I work on a farm in England and my mother works in an office. My mother doesn't worry about me, because I'm happier now.
[11:38.47] I haven't been back to the island.
[11:41.20] But I know there's a ‘dead man' living there.


[00:01.01] 5  A  Dead Man5
[00:06.58] I  went  into  the  room... and  I  was  very  surprised.
[00:11.88] The  room  was  full  of  strange  things.  Coloured shirts  and  suits .  Three guitars.  And there  were  posters  and  photographs  on  the  walls.
[00:25.71] I  looked  at  the  posters.
[00:28.47] Jake  Ross' s  face  looked  down  at  me.
[00:34.58] I  looked  at  the  dead  Jake  Ross' s  pictures.  And l remembered all  the photographs  on  the  walls  of  my  room  in  Hong Kong.  I could  never  forget  that face  the  face  of my  favourite  singer.
[00:50.62] Then, while I  looked at  his  face,  something  strange  happened.  I began  to  see another  face  in  the  posters.  An older  face,  and  with  a  moustache,  but the  same  face.
[01:08.65] I  saw  the  face  of  Mr  Ross.
[01:14.52] ' No! ' I said.' ' It' s not true! ' But it was, I knew it was." Mr Ross is.. Jake Ross!' No! ' said a voice behind me. "
[01:32.57] I  turned  round  and  saw  Mr  Ross.  He was  standing  in  the  doorway.  He looked... afraid.
[01:43.58] I don' t  believe  you! ' I said."
[01:48.23] ' You  have  to  believe  me! '"
[01:53.64] I looked at the posters. ' Who is that, if it' s not you? "' It' s Jake Ross. He was... my brother.'
[02:03.57] ' That' s  not  true!  I shouted. ' I  don' t  believe  you.  Listen,  Jake Ross was  my favourite  singer I  had hundreds  of  photos  of  him.'  I  still  have all  his  records.  I  loved him,  do you  understand?  Thousands  of  people  loved him.'"
[02:31.42] " He' s  dead, ' Mr. Ross  said  quietly."
[02:35.47] ' No! ' I shouted. ' You' re  Jake  Ross !  You look  different  now,  yes.  You' ve got  short hair ,  you' ve  got  t  a  moustache now .  and  you  wear  glasses .  But you re Jake... Ross.  You  were  my  favourite  pop  star,  so  I  know." "
[02:58.01] Mr. Ross  said  nothing.  And watched  my  face.
[03:04.17] " He  doesn' t  know  what  to  do, ' I thought. ' He  knows  I  don' t  believe  him,  and he' s afraid. Then  he  said, ' It was  you  in  the  passage  last  night,  wasn' t it? '' Yes, ' l answered."
[03:24.65] He  looked  angry.' ' I was  wrong  to  give  your  mother  a  job, ' he said. ' I  thought  it was  OK  because  you came  from  Hong  Kong.  And  I  needed  help with  my  work.  I needed  a  good  secretary.
[03:40.54] ' Does  your  other  secretary know  who  you  are? ' I  asked. ' Do the  other  people  on the  island  know?'"
[03:51.42] Mr  Ross  didn' t  answer,  but walked  across  to  the  window.  He  was thinking.' What' s  he  going  to  do? ' I thought.
[04:03.41] Then he turned round. OK, you' re right. I.. I am Jake Ross. '' I knew it! '
[04:13.02] He   looked   worried   and  unhappy . ' Can you  keep  a  secret ?  A  very important secret?
[04:23.54] I  thought  for  a  minute,  then l  said, ' Yes,  I can  keep  a  secret. Then  he  told  me:
[04:31.52] ' The  other  people  on  this island  are  my  family. '' Your  family? ' l said."
[04:39.02] ' Yes.  My real  name  is  James  Duncan,  and  Mr  and  Mrs  Duncan  are  my  father  and mother.  Tony  is my  younger  brother,  and  his  wife,  Lisa,  is  my secretary.  It' s  she  who' s in  hospital. '"
[05:00.32] ' And  Stella  and  Dan  Parks? ' l asked.' My  mother' s  sister  and  her husband, ' he  said. "
[05:08.36] ' But  what  are  you  doing  hereon  this  island?  I  don' t  understand. '"
[05:16.05] ' I' ll  tell  you, ' he said.  He  sat  down  on  a  chair  and  took  a guitar  in  his  hands,  but he  didn' t  play it. ' You  were  right. I was  a  famous  pop  star.  I  was  very  rich,  and l  had a  beautiful  wife.  But  things  went wrong. '"
[05:37.42] ' How? '
[05:40.23] ' I  took  drugs, ' he said. ' I  drank  a  lot  of  alcohol.  I got  drunk  and  crashed  cars.  I did  stupid,  terrible things.  I  knew  it  was  wrong  but  l couldn' t  stop  doing  it.  I  was... crazy, for  a  time."
[06:01.52] ' I can understand that, ' l told him. ' I' ve taken drugs, too. He looked surprised. ' You have? '"
[06:13.07] Yes, ' l said. ' After my father died, I was very unhappy and things went wrong for me too. But go on with your story.
[06:26.37] He went on. ' One night. I was driving my car. L was drunk and and I hit somebody. A young girl. She... died. I killed her.
[06:47.43] ' Oh. No!'
[06:49.12] Yes, ' he said. " She was fifteen years old. I wanted to die, too. The money didn' t matter any more. Nothing mattered any more."
[07:01.24] What did you do after the accident? ' I asked."
[07:08.34] I drove on in the car. I didn' t stop, and I didn' t tell the police. I had killed someone and I was afraid. He looked afraid now. He put the guitar down and went on with his story. ' So I made a plan. Jake Ross had to die, too. It was the best thing to do. And so I " killed" him.'"
[07:40.54] ' But you are till alive.'"
[07:43.28] ' My family know I' m alive. but no other people know. ' He looked at me. ' But now you know. "
[07:53.34] ' How did you do it? ' l asked. "
[07:59.41] I told my family about my plan and I told Greta. my wife. At first they didn' t like it. But after along time, they said OK. Then I faked the car crash."
[08:14.20] Faked it? '
[08:17.35] ' Yes, " he said. 1 put: some of my things in the car. A guitar, and some clothes. Then l pushed my car over a cliff and burned it. The police found the burned car and thought I was dead. Everybody thought I was killed in the car crash.'"
[08:38.47]] ' But you faked the crash. ' I said.' Yes'"
[08:44.18] What did you do then?'"
[08:47.01] ' My family hid me away for months. I tried to change into a different personwith shorter hair. A moustache quiet suits. All my money went to Greta and she changed her name to Ross. told her to buy this island. Now I invest their money. The money that was mine. And now I' m " James Ross""
[09:17.21] What about Jake Ross? ' I asked."
[09:22.41] Jake Ross took drugs, " he said. ' Jake Ross got drunk and crashed cars. He killed a young girl, so he had to " die" I can never forget the girl. I think about her everyday.'"
[09:41.42] ' And that' s why you always look so sad.' I thought."
[09:47.22] I looked around the room. ' Why do you keep a room like this? Why do you keep the guitars, the posters and photographs?
[09:58.43] James Ross did not speak for a minute. Then he said. ' I need to remember my old life. and what Jake Ross was like. I' m never going to sing again and I' m never going to take drugs But I need this room. to remember.
[10:19.34] I looked at the posters and the photographs. And l looked at his sad face. I' m not going to say anything. I won' t tell my mother. I won' t tell anybody.
[10:34.54] James Ross looked at me. ' think you understand. ' he said.
[10:42.44] I do, ' I said. I' ve done bad things. I want to forget them. too. I needed to get away, to hide too. That' s why we came to England, to begin a new life Yes I understand'"
[11:04.51] He took my hand, and we walked out of the room and closed the door. I never went into the room again, and l didn' t tell anybody.
[11:16.13] My mother and I left the island at the end of the summer. Soon after, I went to college.
[11:24.52] My life is better now. I work on a farm in England and my mother works in an office. My mother doesn' t worry about me, because I' m happier now.
[11:38.47] I haven' t been back to the island.
[11:41.20] But I know there' s a ' dead man' living there.