ge ju yuan de you ling 09

Song 歌剧院的幽灵09
Artist 英语听力
Album 书虫系列第一级


[00:08.15] When the lights came on, Raoul ran.
[00:12.23] He ran down stairs and along passages,
[00:15.64] through the Opera House to the back of the stage.
[00:19.67] In the passage outside Christine's dressing room,
[00:23.13] a hand took his arm.
[00:26.81] 'What's the matter,my young friend?
[00:29.81] Where are you run ning to,so quickly?'
[00:33.78] Raoul turned and saw the long face of the Persian under his black hat.
[00:41.21] 'Christine!'Raoul said quickly.
[00:44.62] 'Erik's got her.Where is she?
[00:47.77] Help me! How do I get to his house on the lake?'
[00:52.93] 'Come with me,'said the Persian.
[00:56.78] They went quickly into Christine's dressing-room.
[01:01.23] The Persian closed the door
[01:03.62] and went to the big mirror on one wall.
[01:07.46] 'There's only one door into this room,'Raoul began.
[01:12.24] 'Wait,'the Persian said.
[01:15.61] He put his hands on the big mirror, first here, then there.
[01:21.42] For a minute nothing happened.
[01:24.16] Then the mirror began to move and turn,
[01:28.58] and a big dark hole opened in it.Raoul stared.
[01:35.02] 'Quick!Come with me,but be careful,'the Persian said.
[01:41.62] 'I know Erik.I understand his secrets.
[01:46.19] Put your right hand up near your head,
[01:48.63] like this,and keep it there all the time.
[01:53.16] 'But why?'Raoul asked.
[01:56.56] 'Remember Joseph Buquet,
[01:58.68] and the rope around his neck?
[02:01.26] Erik is a clever man with ropes in the dark.'
[02:07.23] They went down, down, down,under the Opera House.
[02:13.34] They went through secret doors in the floors,
[02:16.43] then along pas sages and down dark stairs.
[02:21.52] The Persian listened carefully all the time for strange noises.
[02:27.96] 'When do we get to the lake?' Raoul whispered.
[02:32.84] 'We're not going by the lake.
[02:35.40] Erik watches it all the time.
[02:37.94] No,we go round the lake and get into Erik's house from the back.
[02:43.86] I know some secret doors.'
[02:47.36] Soon they were there.
[02:50.46] In the dark,the Persian felt the wall carefully with his hands.
[02:55.44] 'Ah,here it is,'he whispered.
[03:00.36] The wall moved under his hands and a small door opened.
[03:06.08] Very quietly,they went through,
[03:09.59] and then the door closed behind them.
[03:12.65] They could not get out.
[03:16.39] Inside the room it was very dark.
[03:19.65] They waited and listened.
[03:22.14] The Persian put his hands on the wall.
[03:25.52] 'Oh no!'he whispered.
[03:28.69] 'It was the wrong door!
[03:31.05] This is Erik's torture room-the room of mirrors!
[03:35.01] We are dead men,Vicomte de Chagny,dead men!'
[03:40.22] At first Raoul did not understand.
[03:43.57] But he soon learnt.
[03:46.01] The lights came on, and they heard a man's laugh.
[03:50.30] Erik knew they were there.
[03:53.67] The room was all mirrors-walls,floor,ceiling.
[03:59.49] There were pictures in the mirrors of trees and flowers and rivers.
[04:04.19] The pictures moved and danced in front of their eyes.
[04:08.30] And the room was hot.
[04:10.66] It got hotter and hotter and hotter.
[04:16.17] Raoul was thirsty,hot and thirsty,
[04:20.64] and the rivers in the pictures danced and laughed at him.
[04:24.81] He closed his eyes,but the rivers still danced.
[04:29.81] Water,he needed water,
[04:33.83] but the mirrors laughed at him.
[04:37.27] Soon he could not move or speak, or open his eyes.
[04:43.72] He was not thirsty now,just tired,so tired.
[04:51.24] 'Oh Christine, I'm sorry,'he thought.
[04:55.42] 'I wanted to help you,
[04:57.86] and now I'm dying…'
[05:01.85] Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room.
[05:07.80] Behind her Erik stood,with his hands on her arms.
[05:13.44] 'He's dying,Christine,dying.
[05:18.01] Watch him carefully.
[05:20.30] No,don't close your eyes.Watch him!'
[05:26.23] Christine could not speak.
[05:28.72] She wanted to scream,but no words came.
[05:32.99] Then she found her voice again.
[05:36.66] How can you do this,Erik!
[05:39.31] Why don't you kill me?'
[05:42.81] 'Because I love you,Christine.
[05:46.31] Marry me,be my wife,and love me.
[05:51.37] Then Raoul and the Persian can live.'
[05:55.74] Slowly,Christine turned.
[05:59.35] She looked into Erik's terrible,
[06:01.80] ugly face,and spoke again,very quietly.
[06:07.47] 'Yes,Erik.From this minute I am your wife.'
[06:14.76] She put her arms around Erik's neck,
[06:18.10] and kissed him-kissed him slowly and lovingly on his ugly mouth.
[06:25.72] Then she took her arms away and said slowly,
[06:30.88] 'Poor,unhappy Erik.'
[06:35.95] Erik stared at her.
[06:39.09] You kissed me! he whispered.
[06:43.36] ' I didn't ask you,but you kissed me-freely!
[06:49.59] Oh Christine,my angel!
[06:54.11] That was my first kiss from a woman.
[06:57.85] Even my mother never kissed me!
[07:00.99] She gave me my first mask when I was two years old.
[07:06.84] She turned her face away from me every time I came near her.'
[07:12.92] Erik put his ugly face in his hands and cried.
[07:17.99] Then he went down on the floor at Christine's feet.
[07:22.41] 'You are free,Christine,free!
[07:25.99] Go away and marry your Raoul,and be happy.
[07:30.41] But remember Erik,sometimes.
[07:34.06] Go now,quickly!Take Raoul and the Persian,and go!'


[00:08.15] When the lights came on, Raoul ran
[00:12.23] He ran down stairs and along passages,
[00:15.64] through the Opera House to the back of the stage
[00:19.67] In the passage outside Christine' s dressing room,
[00:23.13] a hand took his arm
[00:26.81] ' What' s the matter, my young friend?
[00:29.81] Where are you run ning to, so quickly?'
[00:33.78] Raoul turned and saw the long face of the Persian under his black hat
[00:41.21] ' Christine!' Raoul said quickly
[00:44.62] ' Erik' s got her Where is she?
[00:47.77] Help me! How do I get to his house on the lake?'
[00:52.93] ' Come with me,' said the Persian
[00:56.78] They went quickly into Christine' s dressing room.
[01:01.23] The Persian closed the door
[01:03.62] and went to the big mirror on one wall
[01:07.46] ' There' s only one door into this room,' Raoul began
[01:12.24] ' Wait,' the Persian said
[01:15.61] He put his hands on the big mirror, first here, then there
[01:21.42] For a minute nothing happened
[01:24.16] Then the mirror began to move and turn,
[01:28.58] and a big dark hole opened in it Raoul stared
[01:35.02] ' Quick! Come with me, but be careful,' the Persian said
[01:41.62] ' I know Erik I understand his secrets
[01:46.19] Put your right hand up near your head,
[01:48.63] like this, and keep it there all the time
[01:53.16] ' But why?' Raoul asked
[01:56.56] ' Remember Joseph Buquet,
[01:58.68] and the rope around his neck?
[02:01.26] Erik is a clever man with ropes in the dark'
[02:07.23] They went down, down, down, under the Opera House
[02:13.34] They went through secret doors in the floors,
[02:16.43] then along pas sages and down dark stairs.
[02:21.52] The Persian listened carefully all the time for strange noises
[02:27.96] ' When do we get to the lake?' Raoul whispered
[02:32.84] ' We' re not going by the lake
[02:35.40] Erik watches it all the time
[02:37.94] No, we go round the lake and get into Erik' s house from the back
[02:43.86] I know some secret doors'
[02:47.36] Soon they were there
[02:50.46] In the dark, the Persian felt the wall carefully with his hands
[02:55.44] ' Ah, here it is,' he whispered
[03:00.36] The wall moved under his hands and a small door opened
[03:06.08] Very quietly, they went through,
[03:09.59] and then the door closed behind them
[03:12.65] They could not get out
[03:16.39] Inside the room it was very dark
[03:19.65] They waited and listened
[03:22.14] The Persian put his hands on the wall
[03:25.52] ' Oh no!' he whispered
[03:28.69] ' It was the wrong door!
[03:31.05] This is Erik' s torture roomthe room of mirrors!
[03:35.01] We are dead men, Vicomte de Chagny, dead men!'
[03:40.22] At first Raoul did not understand
[03:43.57] But he soon learnt
[03:46.01] The lights came on, and they heard a man' s laugh
[03:50.30] Erik knew they were there
[03:53.67] The room was all mirrorswalls, floor, ceiling
[03:59.49] There were pictures in the mirrors of trees and flowers and rivers.
[04:04.19] The pictures moved and danced in front of their eyes
[04:08.30] And the room was hot
[04:10.66] It got hotter and hotter and hotter
[04:16.17] Raoul was thirsty, hot and thirsty,
[04:20.64] and the rivers in the pictures danced and laughed at him
[04:24.81] He closed his eyes, but the rivers still danced
[04:29.81] Water, he needed water,
[04:33.83] but the mirrors laughed at him
[04:37.27] Soon he could not move or speak, or open his eyes
[04:43.72] He was not thirsty now, just tired, so tired
[04:51.24] ' Oh Christine, I' m sorry,' he thought
[04:55.42] ' I wanted to help you,
[04:57.86] and now I' m dying'
[05:01.85] Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room
[05:07.80] Behind her Erik stood, with his hands on her arms
[05:13.44] ' He' s dying, Christine, dying
[05:18.01] Watch him carefully
[05:20.30] No, don' t close your eyes Watch him!'
[05:26.23] Christine could not speak
[05:28.72] She wanted to scream, but no words came
[05:32.99] Then she found her voice again
[05:36.66] How can you do this, Erik!
[05:39.31] Why don' t you kill me?'
[05:42.81] ' Because I love you, Christine
[05:46.31] Marry me, be my wife, and love me
[05:51.37] Then Raoul and the Persian can live'
[05:55.74] Slowly, Christine turned
[05:59.35] She looked into Erik' s terrible,
[06:01.80] ugly face, and spoke again, very quietly
[06:07.47] ' Yes, Erik From this minute I am your wife'
[06:14.76] She put her arms around Erik' s neck,
[06:18.10] and kissed himkissed him slowly and lovingly on his ugly mouth
[06:25.72] Then she took her arms away and said slowly,
[06:30.88] ' Poor, unhappy Erik'
[06:35.95] Erik stared at her
[06:39.09] You kissed me! he whispered
[06:43.36] ' I didn' t ask you, but you kissed mefreely!
[06:49.59] Oh Christine, my angel!
[06:54.11] That was my first kiss from a woman
[06:57.85] Even my mother never kissed me!
[07:00.99] She gave me my first mask when I was two years old
[07:06.84] She turned her face away from me every time I came near her.'
[07:12.92] Erik put his ugly face in his hands and cried
[07:17.99] Then he went down on the floor at Christine' s feet
[07:22.41] ' You are free, Christine, free!
[07:25.99] Go away and marry your Raoul, and be happy
[07:30.41] But remember Erik, sometimes
[07:34.06] Go now, quickly! Take Raoul and the Persian, and go!'