di qi qi 2 3

Song 第七期2/3
Artist 英语听力
Album 专八新闻系列


World Expo 2010 Shanghai will help the entire Yangtze Delta Region be more competitive internationally as an economic development unit, Expo liaison vice director Cai Guofeng told a symposium on the delta's international prospects. The symposium featured top officials from Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces discussing how to take advantage of the "Expo effect“ to improve the region's international profile and competitiveness and boost their industries. Mr. Cai said, "Expo 2010 will help the region to forge a consolidated cooperation system. which will continue operating well after the event ends, and the Expo will facilitate international development of the region and bring in global investment." In 2010, Shanghai Expo is expected to attract about 70 million visitors in 184 days, placing a heavy demand on its facilities and services. The region is forging an economic unit to hold a successful event and to share in the "Expo effect." Shanghai and its neighboring provinces are building a working platform for better Expo cooperation. Zhejiang has established an Expo working committee to guide provincial preparation.


World Expo 2010 Shanghai will help the entire Yangtze Delta Region be more competitive internationally as an economic development unit, Expo liaison vice director Cai Guofeng told a symposium on the delta' s international prospects. The symposium featured top officials from Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces discussing how to take advantage of the " Expo effect" to improve the region' s international profile and competitiveness and boost their industries. Mr. Cai said, " Expo 2010 will help the region to forge a consolidated cooperation system. which will continue operating well after the event ends, and the Expo will facilitate international development of the region and bring in global investment." In 2010, Shanghai Expo is expected to attract about 70 million visitors in 184 days, placing a heavy demand on its facilities and services. The region is forging an economic unit to hold a successful event and to share in the " Expo effect." Shanghai and its neighboring provinces are building a working platform for better Expo cooperation. Zhejiang has established an Expo working committee to guide provincial preparation.