bai jin han gong 26

bai jin han gong 26 Lyrics

Song 白金汉宫26
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC女王的宫殿
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One of the most surprising rooms in Buckingham Palace,one not open to the public, is known as the Centre Room. It's decorated in George's favourite Oriental style. Most of the treasures in this room came from the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, George's seaside retreat where he entertained his mistresses. With the help of his favourite architect John Nash, George transformed the Pavilion into an exotic fantasy. Britain had never seen anything like it. Eventually, the finest of the pieces from Brighton ended up here in Buckingham Palace, an eccentric reminder of George's lifelong passion. George IV's nursery room was decorated with Chinese latticework. So it would have been one of the first things he saw when he was a baby, and from then on, he was hooked. As an adult, he avidly bought up exotic objects from the east at a time when no-one else was really interested. But people came and saw the King's collection of chinoiserie, as it's called, and were suitably impressed and wanted to copy him. And so, George single-handedly sparked a new wave of Oriental fashion.
白金汉宫里最令人称奇的一个房间,被称为中心房间,这里不对外开放的。这里的装饰风格是乔治四世最喜欢的东方风格。房间里大部分的珍宝来自皇家穹顶宫。皇家穹顶宫是乔治的海滨休养地。他在这里跟他的情人寻欢作乐。在他最中意的建筑师——约翰·纳什的帮助下,乔治把穹顶宫打造成了异域风格的梦幻之地。这是一种全英国前所未见的装饰。最终,穹顶宫最精美的饰品都到了这里。白金汉宫,诉说着乔治四世终其一生的反常激情。 乔治四世的幼时的房间装上了中式的窗棂,所以这可能是他看到的第一件事物。从那时起,他就深深迷上了这种风格。成年后,他大手笔购买来自东方的饰品。那个时候,人们对这些还没有兴趣。但当人们看到国王收藏的具有中式风格的藏品时,印象深刻,既而纷纷仿效。就这样,乔治四世独自引领这股东方风潮。
One of the most surprising rooms in Buckingham Palace, one not open to the public, is known as the Centre Room. It' s decorated in George' s favourite Oriental style. Most of the treasures in this room came from the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, George' s seaside retreat where he entertained his mistresses. With the help of his favourite architect John Nash, George transformed the Pavilion into an exotic fantasy. Britain had never seen anything like it. Eventually, the finest of the pieces from Brighton ended up here in Buckingham Palace, an eccentric reminder of George' s lifelong passion. George IV' s nursery room was decorated with Chinese latticework. So it would have been one of the first things he saw when he was a baby, and from then on, he was hooked. As an adult, he avidly bought up exotic objects from the east at a time when noone else was really interested. But people came and saw the King' s collection of chinoiserie, as it' s called, and were suitably impressed and wanted to copy him. And so, George singlehandedly sparked a new wave of Oriental fashion.
bai jin han gong li zui ling ren cheng qi de yi ge fang jian, bei cheng wei zhong xin fang jian, zhe li bu dui wai kai fang de. zhe li de zhuang shi feng ge shi qiao zhi si shi zui xi huan de dong fang feng ge. fang jian li da bu fen de zhen bao lai zi huang jia qiong ding gong. huang jia qiong ding gong shi qiao zhi de hai bin xiu yang di. ta zai zhe li gen ta de qing ren xun huan zuo yue. zai ta zui zhong yi de jian zhu shi yue han na shi de bang zhu xia, qiao zhi ba qiong ding gong da zao cheng le yi yu feng ge de meng huan zhi di. zhe shi yi zhong quan ying guo qian suo wei jian de zhuang shi. zui zhong, qiong ding gong zui jing mei di shi pin dou dao le zhe li. bai jin han gong, su shuo zhe qiao zhi si shi zhong qi yi sheng de fan chang ji qing. qiao zhi si shi de you shi de fang jian zhuang shang le zhong shi de chuang ling, suo yi zhe ke neng shi ta kan dao de di yi jian shi wu. cong na shi qi, ta jiu shen shen mi shang le zhe zhong feng ge. cheng nian hou, ta da shou bi gou mai lai zi dong fang de shi pin. na ge shi hou, ren men dui zhei xie hai mei you xing qu. dan dang ren men kan dao guo wang shou cang de ju you zhong shi feng ge de cang pin shi, yin xiang shen ke, ji er fen fen fang xiao. jiu zhe yang, qiao zhi si shi du zi yin ling zhe gu dong fang feng chao.
One of the most surprising rooms in Buckingham Palace, one not open to the public, is known as the Centre Room. It' s decorated in George' s favourite Oriental style. Most of the treasures in this room came from the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, George' s seaside retreat where he entertained his mistresses. With the help of his favourite architect John Nash, George transformed the Pavilion into an exotic fantasy. Britain had never seen anything like it. Eventually, the finest of the pieces from Brighton ended up here in Buckingham Palace, an eccentric reminder of George' s lifelong passion. George IV' s nursery room was decorated with Chinese latticework. So it would have been one of the first things he saw when he was a baby, and from then on, he was hooked. As an adult, he avidly bought up exotic objects from the east at a time when noone else was really interested. But people came and saw the King' s collection of chinoiserie, as it' s called, and were suitably impressed and wanted to copy him. And so, George singlehandedly sparked a new wave of Oriental fashion.
bái jīn hàn gōng lǐ zuì lìng rén chēng qí de yí gè fáng jiān, bèi chēng wéi zhōng xīn fáng jiān, zhè lǐ bú duì wài kāi fàng de. zhè lǐ de zhuāng shì fēng gé shì qiáo zhì sì shì zuì xǐ huān de dōng fāng fēng gé. fáng jiān lǐ dà bù fèn de zhēn bǎo lái zì huáng jiā qióng dǐng gōng. huáng jiā qióng dǐng gōng shì qiáo zhì de hǎi bīn xiū yǎng dì. tā zài zhè lǐ gēn tā de qíng rén xún huān zuò yuè. zài tā zuì zhòng yì de jiàn zhù shī yuē hàn nà shí de bāng zhù xià, qiáo zhì bǎ qióng dǐng gōng dǎ zào chéng le yì yù fēng gé de mèng huàn zhī dì. zhè shì yī zhǒng quán yīng guó qián suǒ wèi jiàn de zhuāng shì. zuì zhōng, qióng dǐng gōng zuì jīng měi dí shì pǐn dōu dào le zhè lǐ. bái jīn hàn gōng, sù shuō zhe qiáo zhì sì shì zhōng qí yī shēng de fǎn cháng jī qíng. qiáo zhì sì shì de yòu shí de fáng jiān zhuāng shàng le zhōng shì de chuāng líng, suǒ yǐ zhè kě néng shì tā kàn dào de dì yī jiàn shì wù. cóng nà shí qǐ, tā jiù shēn shēn mí shàng le zhè zhǒng fēng gé. chéng nián hòu, tā dà shǒu bǐ gòu mǎi lái zì dōng fāng de shì pǐn. nà gè shí hòu, rén men duì zhèi xiē hái méi yǒu xìng qù. dàn dāng rén men kàn dào guó wáng shōu cáng de jù yǒu zhōng shì fēng gé de cáng pǐn shí, yìn xiàng shēn kè, jì ér fēn fēn fǎng xiào. jiù zhè yàng, qiáo zhì sì shì dú zì yǐn lǐng zhè gǔ dōng fāng fēng cháo.
白金汉宫26 bai jin han gong 26 Lyrics
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