S06E106 GG yi si

Song S06E10-6 GG已死
Artist 英语听力
Album 绯闻女孩


My mother and Lily are at Citarella right now getting food. We're gonna have a wedding reception. And don't even think that you will be invited, Humphrey. We read while we were waiting.You have a lot of explaining to do. What do you wanna know, Blair? What do you look so amused for? Uh, it's just that I felt the same way until I realized that I'm fine with it. Fine? He stopped posting after our accident. He shut down the site. I mean, we always knew it was one of us, right? I always thought it was Dorota! You know, I actually thought it was Eric for a little bit, and then I thought it was you, Rufus. My dad? Come on. Hey! It could've been me. I always thought it was Nate. Did anyone think it could be me? My money was on the blonde broad in London. Why do you all think that this is funny? Gossip Girl ruined our lives! Is your life really ruined, Blair? If you think about it, we're all on track to do exactly what we wanted to do. But he schemed and lied and spread horrible stories. Blair, I think you're just mad because Dan was the one who was pulling the strings all along. This whole time, I had more power than you. But what he did with that power was write a love letter not just to me but to all of us. It made me realize I don't want to run away, that you guys are my family, and I belong here. And so does Dan. So I guess that means it's all over now, that we can all grow up and move on. Yeah. Gossip Girl's dead.
我母亲还有Lily正在Citarella采购,我们要举办婚宴。 你别想受邀参加,Humphrey。 我们等结果的时候看到你的新闻。你该好好解释下。 你想知道什么,Blair? 有什么让你这么高兴的? 我只是有同感而已。直到我意识到我已经习惯了。 真的吗? 在经历了那次意外后她就停止了一切。 他关闭了它。 我的意思是,我们始终知道他是我们中的一员,不是吗? 我一直以为是Dorota。 事实上我还以为是Eric。然后我感觉又是你,Rufus。 我爸爸,得了吧。 也可以是我。我还以为是Nate呢。 有人觉得有可能是我吗? 我的钱全压在伦敦的金发女郎那。 为什么你们都认为这一切很可笑呢? 八卦天后破坏了我们的生活。 你的生活真的被破坏了吗,Blair? 如果你仔细想想,我们都已经做了自己想做的事情。 但是他善用阴谋谎言,四处散播可怕的故事。 Blair,我认为你只是生气Dan才是背后控制一切的人。 一直以来,我都比你有能力。 但他只是用那能力写了一封情书,不仅仅给我,而是给我们所有人的情书。这让我意识到,自己不想再逃避了。 你们所有人都是我的家人,而我属于这里。Dan也是。 那么,这就完了。 大家一起成长,所有的事一笔勾销。 是的。 八卦天后已经死了。


My mother and Lily are at Citarella right now getting food. We' re gonna have a wedding reception. And don' t even think that you will be invited, Humphrey. We read while we were waiting. You have a lot of explaining to do. What do you wanna know, Blair? What do you look so amused for? Uh, it' s just that I felt the same way until I realized that I' m fine with it. Fine? He stopped posting after our accident. He shut down the site. I mean, we always knew it was one of us, right? I always thought it was Dorota! You know, I actually thought it was Eric for a little bit, and then I thought it was you, Rufus. My dad? Come on. Hey! It could' ve been me. I always thought it was Nate. Did anyone think it could be me? My money was on the blonde broad in London. Why do you all think that this is funny? Gossip Girl ruined our lives! Is your life really ruined, Blair? If you think about it, we' re all on track to do exactly what we wanted to do. But he schemed and lied and spread horrible stories. Blair, I think you' re just mad because Dan was the one who was pulling the strings all along. This whole time, I had more power than you. But what he did with that power was write a love letter not just to me but to all of us. It made me realize I don' t want to run away, that you guys are my family, and I belong here. And so does Dan. So I guess that means it' s all over now, that we can all grow up and move on. Yeah. Gossip Girl' s dead.
wǒ mǔ qīn hái yǒu Lily zhèng zài Citarella cǎi gòu, wǒ men yào jǔ bàn hūn yàn. nǐ bié xiǎng shòu yāo cān jiā, Humphrey. wǒ men děng jié guǒ de shí hòu kàn dào nǐ de xīn wén. nǐ gāi hǎo hǎo jiě shì xià. nǐ xiǎng zhī dào shén me, Blair? yǒu shén me ràng nǐ zhè me gāo xìng de? wǒ zhǐ shì yǒu tóng gǎn ér yǐ. zhí dào wǒ yì shí dào wǒ yǐ jīng xí guàn le. zhēn de ma? zài jīng lì le nà cì yì wài hòu tā jiù tíng zhǐ le yī qiè. tā guān bì le tā. wǒ de yì sī shì, wǒ men shǐ zhōng zhī dào tā shì wǒ men zhōng de yī yuán, bú shì ma? wǒ yī zhí yǐ wéi shì Dorota. shì shí shàng wǒ hái yǐ wéi shì Eric. rán hòu wǒ gǎn jué yòu shì nǐ, Rufus. wǒ bà bà, dé le ba. yě kě yǐ shì wǒ. wǒ hái yǐ wéi shì Nate ne. yǒu rén jué de yǒu kě néng shì wǒ ma? wǒ de qián quán yā zài lún dūn de jīn fà nǚ láng nà. wèi shí me nǐ men dōu rèn wéi zhè yī qiè hěn kě xiào ne? bā guà tiān hòu pò huài le wǒ men de shēng huó. nǐ de shēng huó zhēn de bèi pò huài le ma, Blair? rú guǒ nǐ zǐ xì xiǎng xiǎng, wǒ men dōu yǐ jīng zuò le zì jǐ xiǎng zuò de shì qíng. dàn shì tā shàn yòng yīn móu huǎng yán, sì chù sàn bō kě pà de gù shì. Blair, wǒ rèn wéi nǐ zhǐ shì shēng qì Dan cái shì bèi hòu kòng zhì yī qiè de rén. yī zhí yǐ lái, wǒ dōu bǐ nǐ yǒu néng lì. dàn tā zhǐ shì yòng nà néng lì xiě le yī fēng qíng shū, bù jǐn jǐn gěi wǒ, ér shì gěi wǒ men suǒ yǒu rén de qíng shū. zhè ràng wǒ yì shí dào, zì jǐ bù xiǎng zài táo bì le. nǐ men suǒ yǒu rén dōu shì wǒ de jiā rén, ér wǒ shǔ yú zhè lǐ. Dan yě shì. nà me, zhè jiù wán le. dà jiā yì qǐ chéng zhǎng, suǒ yǒu de shì yī bǐ gōu xiāo. shì de. bā guà tiān hòu yǐ jīng sǐ le.