S06E064 liu an hua ming you yi cun

Song S06E06-4 柳暗花明又一村
Artist 英语听力
Album 绯闻女孩


I made a mistake. Many. Who hasn't? You'll have to be more specific, dear. When I quit earlier, I thought that I was using my dark side to hide the fact that I have no talent. I wasn't the one who said you didn't have talent, Blair. No, but you told me to squash my dark side, which is my talent. It's my inspiration. You can't blackmail your way through business. Well, I agree, but I'm not talking about my management style, which I admit needs help to stay on the straight and narrow. I'm talking about my designs. Oh, where is this coming from? High school. My Grace Kelly did have talent. She got me straight A's and the perfect boyfriend. But it was my Grace Jones that had everyone wanting to dress like me, not because they admired my hard work but because they were fascinated by my ferocity. You did instill fear in the hearts of many. I need to stop trying to be you and use my power to form the fashionistas of the future with a line for high school girls, inspired by my Constance uniform.
我犯了一个错误。 你犯的错误多了。谁没犯过错? 你得说得详细些,亲爱的。 我早先辞职的时候,我说我总用我的阴暗面去掩盖我没有天赋的事实。 我并没说过你毫无天赋,Blair。 不,但是你告诉我要赶走我的阴暗面。 那就是我的天赋,那是我的灵感所在。 你不能在生意上耍手段。 我同意,但是我不是在说我的管理方式。我承认我需要监督才能安分守己。我是说我的设计。 你哪来的设计? 高中时代。 我像Grace Kelly的那一面很有天赋。她使我得满分,交上完美的男友。但是我像Grace Jones 的那一面使大家想穿成像我这样。不是因为她们钦羡我努力的工作,而是因为他们被我的霸道吸引。 你确实是很多人的梦魇。 我需要试着不去成为你而去利用我自己的能力成为未来的流行人士。通过Constance校服的灵感设计一个女学生系列时装。


I made a mistake. Many. Who hasn' t? You' ll have to be more specific, dear. When I quit earlier, I thought that I was using my dark side to hide the fact that I have no talent. I wasn' t the one who said you didn' t have talent, Blair. No, but you told me to squash my dark side, which is my talent. It' s my inspiration. You can' t blackmail your way through business. Well, I agree, but I' m not talking about my management style, which I admit needs help to stay on the straight and narrow. I' m talking about my designs. Oh, where is this coming from? High school. My Grace Kelly did have talent. She got me straight A' s and the perfect boyfriend. But it was my Grace Jones that had everyone wanting to dress like me, not because they admired my hard work but because they were fascinated by my ferocity. You did instill fear in the hearts of many. I need to stop trying to be you and use my power to form the fashionistas of the future with a line for high school girls, inspired by my Constance uniform.
wǒ fàn le yí gè cuò wù. nǐ fàn de cuò wù duō le. shuí méi fàn guò cuò? nǐ dé shuō de xiáng xì xiē, qīn ài de. wǒ zǎo xiān cí zhí de shí hòu, wǒ shuō wǒ zǒng yòng wǒ de yīn àn miàn qù yǎn gài wǒ méi yǒu tiān fù de shì shí. wǒ bìng méi shuō guò nǐ háo wú tiān fù, Blair. bù, dàn shì nǐ gào sù wǒ yào gǎn zǒu wǒ de yīn àn miàn. nà jiù shì wǒ de tiān fù, nà shi wǒ de líng gǎn suǒ zài. nǐ bù néng zài shēng yì shàng shuǎ shǒu duàn. wǒ tóng yì, dàn shì wǒ bú shì zài shuō wǒ de guǎn lǐ fāng shì. wǒ chéng rèn wǒ xū yào jiān dū cái néng ān fèn shǒu jǐ. wǒ shì shuō wǒ de shè jì. nǐ nǎ lái de shè jì? gāo zhōng shí dài. wǒ xiàng Grace Kelly de nà yī miàn hěn yǒu tiān fù. tā shǐ wǒ dé mǎn fēn, jiāo shàng wán měi dí nán yǒu. dàn shì wǒ xiàng Grace Jones de nà yī miàn shǐ dà jiā xiǎng chuān chéng xiàng wǒ zhè yàng. bú shì yīn wèi tā men qīn xiàn wǒ nǔ lì de gōng zuò, ér shì yīn wèi tā men bèi wǒ de bà dào xī yǐn. nǐ què shí shì hěn duō rén de mèng yǎn. wǒ xū yào shì zhe bù qù chéng wéi nǐ ér qù lì yòng wǒ zì jǐ de néng lì chéng wéi wèi lái de liú xíng rén shì. tōng guò Constance xiào fú de líng gǎn shè jì yí gè nǚ xué shēng xì liè shí zhuāng.