zheng zhi jun shi pian Item21

Song 政治军事篇Item21
Artist 英语听力
Album 听透VOA


In Cuba, the Supreme Court has upheld the 20-year prison sentence of independent journalist Raul Rivero. Rivero and 74 other pro-democracy dissidents were convicted earlier this year of treason.
独立记者Raul Rivero被古最高法院判处有期徒刑20年。Rivero和其他的74个民主异议人士在今年年初就被定了叛国罪。


In Cuba, the Supreme Court has upheld the 20year prison sentence of independent journalist Raul Rivero. Rivero and 74 other prodemocracy dissidents were convicted earlier this year of treason.
dú lì jì zhě Raul Rivero bèi gǔ zuì gāo fǎ yuàn pàn chǔ yǒu qī tú xíng 20 nián. Rivero hé qí tā de 74 gè mín zhǔ yì yì rén shì zài jīn nián nián chū jiù bèi dìng le pàn guó zuì.