BBC news 5

Song BBC news 5
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC news


A French television correspondent has become the first western journalist to be killed in Syria since the uprising against President began. The television channel France 2 said Gilles Jacquier was killed in the city of Homs. Another foreign journalist who was on the Syrian government escorted trip told the BBC what he saw. The only thing that I could see was that the grenades were hitting the building where we were in. And so the only thing we tried to do in the chaos was try to get out. And I was running down, and then I saw the body of Gilles being there. But in the next couple of minutes, you could see some other bodies. We just tried to get in a car and tried to get out of there. The Arab League says it has to delay sending additional observers to Syria after some members of the first group were attacked on Monday. An Algerian monitor has resigned, calling the mission a farce. The Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousuf Raza Gilani has sacked a top official of the Ministry of Defense, Naeem Khalid Lodi, a retired army general, and accused him of gross misconduct. The move was announced just hours after the armed forces criticized Mr. Gilani for a recent interview in which he accused the army chief and the head of intelligence of acting unconstitutionally. Aleem Maqbool reports from Islamabad. The Defense Secretary General Lodi was nothing less than the army's man inside the Pakistani administration, for Prime Minister Gilani to sack him is a clear affront to the military. It is the latest in a series of incidents in this escalating row between the government and army. And it's now got the media here, frantically speculating about an imminent coup. Of course, tensions between the two institutions were ever present in Pakistan, but they really boiled over in October when a memo emerged which appeared to show Pakistani civilian leadership asking for American help to weaken the Pakistani army. Reports from Pakistan say 14 soldiers have been killed in an attack in the southwestern province of Balochistan. The attack on a unit of the army's frontier corps took place later on Wednesday. The security services in Balochistan face insurgencies by separatists and Islamic militants. The militant Islamist sect in Nigeria Boko Haram has released a video seeking to justify its recent attacks on Christians. The man regarded as the group's leader, Abubakar Shekau, said the attacks were in revenge for the killing of Muslims across northern Nigeria. He warned the Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan that the security forces would be no match for his group. Security agents who have taken up their arms against us and their accomplices, these are the people we are at war with and of course Christians because everyone knows what they did to us. Hours later, suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed four Christian traders in the northern city of Potiskum. Boko Haram has carried out a series of bombings, including one on a church outside the capital Abuja on Christmas Day which killed 37 people. BBC News. United States has denied any involvement in the killing of an Iranian scientist employed at one of Iran's nuclear facilities. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, who worked in Natanz uranium enrichment plant, was killed when two motorcyclists attached a magnetic bomb to his car. Iran accused the US and Israel of being behind the attack. But the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rejected the accusation. I want to categorically deny any United States involvement in any kind of act of violence inside Iran. United States has held its highest contact so far with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which has been the biggest winner in the country's parliamentary elections. The Deputy Secretary of State William Burns met the head of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, Mohamed Morsi, in Cairo. A prosecutor has been shot dead by a man in the middle of a trial in Germany. The defendant who was appearing in court in the town of Dachau, near Munich, opened fire at the prosecutor before police were able to overpower him. Fiona Werge reports. The man pulled out a revolver and shot first at the judge, but missed. He then fired three shots at the prosecutor in the local district court in Dachau, wounding him in the shoulder, stomach and arm. The lawyer was taken to the hospital where he later died. There were no reports of other injuries. According to a local newspaper, the lawyer who was 31, but only started working for the prosecutor's office a year ago. The defendant, in his 50s, was on trial over claims he paid his employees improper wages. A French court has rejected an attempt by descendants of the man who founded the carmaker Renault to take back ownership of the firm. The company was nationalized in 1945 after the death of Louis Renault who had been accused of wartime collaboration with Nazi Germany. The Renault family argued that the move was unconstitutional and wanted the firm back from the French state. BBC World Service News.
自从反对叙利亚总统Assad的起义爆发后,一名法国电视记者成为在该国被杀的第一名西方记者。法国电视台2频道说该记者Gilles Jacquier在是Homs市被杀害的。另一名由叙利亚政府保护的外国记者向BBC讲述了亲眼目睹的一切。 我能看到的就是手榴弹被扔进我们住的楼里。我们能做的只有尝试逃出去。当我跑下楼梯时,看到了Gilles的尸体。但是接下了几分钟里,(如果你不跑)你将看到更多的尸体。我们想方设法跑进车里,离开那儿。 阿联盟称,在第一批观察员周一遭袭后,决定推迟向叙利亚派遣更多的观察员。一名阿尔及利亚督导已经辞职,并称这次使命是场闹剧。 巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼已经解除退役将军哈立德·洛迪部长一职,总理指控其有严重过失行为。在军队批评总理吉拉尼在最近的一次采访中指控军队和情报部的最高领导人违宪数小时后,总理宣布了以上举措。Aleem Maqbool在伊斯兰堡报道。 在巴基斯坦政府中,国防部部长哈立德·洛迪就是军队的最高领导人,因此他的解雇清楚表明总理对军队的对抗态度。这是政府与军队在逐渐升级的一系列事件中的最新情况。目前这一事件使媒体疯狂地猜测是否一场政变近在眼前。尽管在巴基斯坦双方的紧张关系从未间断,但是这种关系在十月份因为一份备忘录真正到达了剑拔弩张的局面。该备忘录表明巴基斯坦政府领导人向美国寻求帮助,以消弱巴基斯坦军队的力量。 来自巴基斯坦的报道称,在其西南部的Balochistan省,14名士兵在一次袭击中死亡。这场发生在周三晚些时候的袭击目标是边境军团的一支部队。Balochistan省的安全部队面临分裂分子和伊斯兰武装分子的双重暴乱。 尼日利亚博科圣地的一个伊斯兰武装教派发布了一段视频录象,试图为袭击基督教徒的行为辩解。Abubakar Shekau, 被公认为是该组织的领导,称此次袭击只是为在尼日利亚北部地区穆斯林遭受的杀害进行报复。他警告尼日利亚总统古德勒科·乔纳森,国家安全部队无法与其武装部队抗衡。 他还说:“国家安全部队及他们的同谋们用武力镇压我们,这些人就是我们战斗的对象,因为基督教徒对我们的所作所为,当然也被包括在内。” 视频播放的几个小时后,北部城市Potiskum四名信奉基督教的生意人疑被博科圣地组织的枪手射死。该组织已经实施了一系列的爆炸事件,包括圣诞节当天对首都阿布贾外围的一个教堂的爆炸袭击,造成37人丧身。 BBC新闻 美国否认与伊朗科学家的死亡事件有任何关系,该科学家为伊朗的一处核设施工作。这名叫Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan的科学家在Natanz的核浓缩工厂工作,他是在两名摩托车手将一枚磁性炸弹装在他车上时死亡的。伊朗指控美国和以色列为此枪杀事件幕后人。但是美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿反驳这一指控。 我要断然否定美国与任何在伊朗境内的暴力事件有关。 到目前为止,美国和埃及的穆斯林兄弟会进行了最高层的接触,该组织是本次埃及国会选举中的最大赢家。美国副国务卿威廉·伯恩斯在开罗会见了穆斯林兄弟会自由和正义党的最高领袖Mohamed Morsi。 在德国一名检查官在审判过程中被一名男子开枪射死。这名被告在慕尼黑附近达豪镇的法庭接受审判,他在警察能够控制他之前,朝检查官开了枪。Fiona Werge 报道。 在达豪镇的当地法庭,被告拿出一把左轮手枪,朝法官开了第一枪,但未击中。他之后向检查官开了三枪,分别击中肩部,胃及胳膊。这名检查官被送往医院,抢救无效而死亡。没有其他伤亡报道。根据当地报纸的报道,这名律师31岁,仅在检查院工作一年。被告,50多岁,因被指控支付雇员工资不当而出庭受审。 法国一个法庭否决了雷诺汽车制造公司创办人的后代重获公司所有权的申请。雷诺公司于1945雷诺先生去世后被国有化,雷诺先生曾被指控在战时通敌人纳粹德国。雷诺家人认为这一行为违宪,并要求法国政府公司返还公司。 BBC世界新闻


A French television correspondent has become the first western journalist to be killed in Syria since the uprising against President began. The television channel France 2 said Gilles Jacquier was killed in the city of Homs. Another foreign journalist who was on the Syrian government escorted trip told the BBC what he saw. The only thing that I could see was that the grenades were hitting the building where we were in. And so the only thing we tried to do in the chaos was try to get out. And I was running down, and then I saw the body of Gilles being there. But in the next couple of minutes, you could see some other bodies. We just tried to get in a car and tried to get out of there. The Arab League says it has to delay sending additional observers to Syria after some members of the first group were attacked on Monday. An Algerian monitor has resigned, calling the mission a farce. The Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousuf Raza Gilani has sacked a top official of the Ministry of Defense, Naeem Khalid Lodi, a retired army general, and accused him of gross misconduct. The move was announced just hours after the armed forces criticized Mr. Gilani for a recent interview in which he accused the army chief and the head of intelligence of acting unconstitutionally. Aleem Maqbool reports from Islamabad. The Defense Secretary General Lodi was nothing less than the army' s man inside the Pakistani administration, for Prime Minister Gilani to sack him is a clear affront to the military. It is the latest in a series of incidents in this escalating row between the government and army. And it' s now got the media here, frantically speculating about an imminent coup. Of course, tensions between the two institutions were ever present in Pakistan, but they really boiled over in October when a memo emerged which appeared to show Pakistani civilian leadership asking for American help to weaken the Pakistani army. Reports from Pakistan say 14 soldiers have been killed in an attack in the southwestern province of Balochistan. The attack on a unit of the army' s frontier corps took place later on Wednesday. The security services in Balochistan face insurgencies by separatists and Islamic militants. The militant Islamist sect in Nigeria Boko Haram has released a video seeking to justify its recent attacks on Christians. The man regarded as the group' s leader, Abubakar Shekau, said the attacks were in revenge for the killing of Muslims across northern Nigeria. He warned the Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan that the security forces would be no match for his group. Security agents who have taken up their arms against us and their accomplices, these are the people we are at war with and of course Christians because everyone knows what they did to us. Hours later, suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed four Christian traders in the northern city of Potiskum. Boko Haram has carried out a series of bombings, including one on a church outside the capital Abuja on Christmas Day which killed 37 people. BBC News. United States has denied any involvement in the killing of an Iranian scientist employed at one of Iran' s nuclear facilities. Mostafa AhmadiRoshan, who worked in Natanz uranium enrichment plant, was killed when two motorcyclists attached a magnetic bomb to his car. Iran accused the US and Israel of being behind the attack. But the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rejected the accusation. I want to categorically deny any United States involvement in any kind of act of violence inside Iran. United States has held its highest contact so far with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which has been the biggest winner in the country' s parliamentary elections. The Deputy Secretary of State William Burns met the head of the Brotherhood' s Freedom and Justice Party, Mohamed Morsi, in Cairo. A prosecutor has been shot dead by a man in the middle of a trial in Germany. The defendant who was appearing in court in the town of Dachau, near Munich, opened fire at the prosecutor before police were able to overpower him. Fiona Werge reports. The man pulled out a revolver and shot first at the judge, but missed. He then fired three shots at the prosecutor in the local district court in Dachau, wounding him in the shoulder, stomach and arm. The lawyer was taken to the hospital where he later died. There were no reports of other injuries. According to a local newspaper, the lawyer who was 31, but only started working for the prosecutor' s office a year ago. The defendant, in his 50s, was on trial over claims he paid his employees improper wages. A French court has rejected an attempt by descendants of the man who founded the carmaker Renault to take back ownership of the firm. The company was nationalized in 1945 after the death of Louis Renault who had been accused of wartime collaboration with Nazi Germany. The Renault family argued that the move was unconstitutional and wanted the firm back from the French state. BBC World Service News.
zì cóng fǎn duì xù lì yà zǒng tǒng Assad de qǐ yì bào fā hòu, yī míng fǎ guó diàn shì jì zhě chéng wéi zài gāi guó bèi shā de dì yī míng xī fāng jì zhě. fǎ guó diàn shì tái 2 pín dào shuō gāi jì zhě Gilles Jacquier zài shì Homs shì bèi shā hài de. lìng yī míng yóu xù lì yà zhèng fǔ bǎo hù de wài guó jì zhě xiàng BBC jiǎng shù le qīn yǎn mù dǔ de yī qiè. wǒ néng kàn dào de jiù shì shǒu liú dàn bèi rēng jìn wǒ men zhù de lóu lǐ. wǒ men néng zuò de zhǐ yǒu cháng shì táo chū qù. dāng wǒ pǎo xià lóu tī shí, kàn dào le Gilles de shī tǐ. dàn shì jiē xià le jǐ fēn zhōng lǐ, rú guǒ nǐ bù pǎo nǐ jiāng kàn dào gèng duō de shī tǐ. wǒ men xiǎng fāng shè fǎ pǎo jìn chē lǐ, lí kāi nà ér. ā lián méng chēng, zài dì yī pī guān chá yuán zhōu yī zāo xí hòu, jué dìng tuī chí xiàng xù lì yà pài qiǎn gèng duō de guān chá yuán. yī míng ā ěr jí lì yà dū dǎo yǐ jīng cí zhí, bìng chēng zhè cì shǐ mìng shì chǎng nào jù. bā jī sī tǎn zǒng lǐ jí lā ní yǐ jīng jiě chú tuì yì jiāng jūn hā lì dé luò dí bù zhǎng yī zhí, zǒng lǐ zhǐ kòng qí yǒu yán zhòng guò shī xíng wéi. zài jūn duì pī píng zǒng lǐ jí lā ní zài zuì jìn de yī cì cǎi fǎng zhōng zhǐ kòng jūn duì hé qíng bào bù de zuì gāo lǐng dǎo rén wéi xiàn shù xiǎo shí hòu, zǒng lǐ xuān bù le yǐ shàng jǔ cuò. Aleem Maqbool zài yī sī lán bǎo bào dào. zài bā jī sī tǎn zhèng fǔ zhōng, guó fáng bù bù zhǎng hā lì dé luò dí jiù shì jūn duì de zuì gāo lǐng dǎo rén, yīn cǐ tā de jiě gù qīng chǔ biǎo míng zǒng lǐ duì jūn duì de duì kàng tài dù. zhè shì zhèng fǔ yǔ jūn duì zài zhú jiàn shēng jí de yī xì liè shì jiàn zhōng de zuì xīn qíng kuàng. mù qián zhè yī shì jiàn shǐ méi tǐ fēng kuáng dì cāi cè shì fǒu yī chǎng zhèng biàn jìn zài yǎn qián. jǐn guǎn zài bā jī sī tǎn shuāng fāng de jǐn zhāng guān xì cóng wèi jiàn duàn, dàn shì zhè zhǒng guān xì zài shí yuè fèn yīn wèi yī fèn bèi wàng lù zhēn zhèng dào dá le jiàn bá nǔ zhāng de jú miàn. gāi bèi wàng lù biǎo míng bā jī sī tǎn zhèng fǔ lǐng dǎo rén xiàng měi guó xún qiú bāng zhù, yǐ xiāo ruò bā jī sī tǎn jūn duì de lì liàng. lái zì bā jī sī tǎn de bào dào chēng, zài qí xī nán bù de Balochistan shěng, 14 míng shì bīng zài yī cì xí jī zhòng sǐ wáng. zhè chǎng fā shēng zài zhōu sān wǎn xiē shí hòu de xí jī mù biāo shì biān jìng jūn tuán de yī zhī bù duì. Balochistan shěng de ān quán bù duì miàn lín fēn liè fèn zǐ hé yī sī lán wǔ zhuāng fèn zǐ de shuāng chóng bào luàn. ní rì lì yà bó kē shèng dì de yí gè yī sī lán wǔ zhuāng jiào pài fā bù le yī duàn shì pín lù xiàng, shì tú wèi xí jī jī dū jiào tú de xíng wéi biàn jiě. Abubakar Shekau, bèi gōng rèn wéi shì gāi zǔ zhī de lǐng dǎo, chēng cǐ cì xí jī zhǐ shì wèi zài ní rì lì yà běi bù dì qū mù sī lín zāo shòu de shā hài jìn xíng bào fù. tā jǐng gào ní rì lì yà zǒng tǒng gǔ dé lēi kē qiáo nà sēn, guó jiā ān quán bù duì wú fǎ yǔ qí wǔ zhuāng bù duì kàng héng. tā hái shuō:" guó jiā ān quán bù duì jí tā men de tóng móu men yòng wǔ lì zhèn yā wǒ men, zhèi xiē rén jiù shì wǒ men zhàn dòu de duì xiàng, yīn wèi jī dū jiào tú duì wǒ men de suǒ zuò suǒ wéi, dāng rán yě bèi bāo kuò zài nèi." shì pín bō fàng de jǐ gè xiǎo shí hòu, běi bù chéng shì Potiskum sì míng xìn fèng jī dū jiào de shēng yì rén yí bèi bó kē shèng dì zǔ zhī de qiāng shǒu shè sǐ. gāi zǔ zhī yǐ jīng shí shī le yī xì liè de bào zhà shì jiàn, bāo kuò shèng dàn jié dàng tiān duì shǒu dū a bù jiǎ wài wéi de yí gè jiào táng de bào zhà xí jī, zào chéng 37 rén sàng shēn. BBC xīn wén měi guó fǒu rèn yǔ yī lǎng kē xué jiā de sǐ wáng shì jiàn yǒu rèn hé guān xì, gāi kē xué jiā wèi yī lǎng de yī chù hé shè shī gōng zuò. zhè míng jiào Mostafa AhmadiRoshan de kē xué jiā zài Natanz de hé nóng suō gōng chǎng gōng zuò, tā shì zài liǎng míng mó tuō chē shǒu jiāng yī méi cí xìng zhà dàn zhuāng zài tā chē shàng shí sǐ wáng de. yī lǎng zhǐ kòng měi guó hé yǐ sè liè wéi cǐ qiāng shā shì jiàn mù hòu rén. dàn shì měi guó guó wù qīng xī lā lǐ kè lín dùn fǎn bó zhè yī zhǐ kòng. wǒ yào duàn rán fǒu dìng měi guó yǔ rèn hé zài yī lǎng jìng nèi de bào lì shì jiàn yǒu guān. dào mù qián wéi zhǐ, měi guó hé āi jí de mù sī lín xiōng dì huì jìn xíng le zuì gāo céng de jiē chù, gāi zǔ zhī shì běn cì āi jí guó huì xuǎn jǔ zhōng de zuì dà yíng jiā. měi guó fù guó wù qīng wēi lián bó ēn sī zài kāi luó huì jiàn le mù sī lín xiōng dì huì zì yóu hé zhèng yì dǎng de zuì gāo lǐng xiù Mohamed Morsi. zài dé guó yī míng jiǎn chá guān zài shěn pàn guò chéng zhōng bèi yī míng nán zǐ kāi qiāng shè sǐ. zhè míng bèi gào zài mù ní hēi fù jìn dá háo zhèn de fǎ tíng jiē shòu shěn pàn, tā zài jǐng chá néng gòu kòng zhì tā zhī qián, cháo jiǎn chá guān kāi le qiāng. Fiona Werge bào dào. zài dá háo zhèn dí dàng dì fǎ tíng, bèi gào ná chū yī bǎ zuǒ lún shǒu qiāng, cháo fǎ guān kāi le dì yī qiāng, dàn wèi jī zhòng. tā zhī hòu xiàng jiǎn chá guān kāi le sān qiāng, fēn bié jī zhòng jiān bù, wèi jí gē bó. zhè míng jiǎn chá guān bèi sòng wǎng yī yuàn, qiǎng jiù wú xiào ér sǐ wáng. méi yǒu qí tā shāng wáng bào dào. gēn jù dāng dì bào zhǐ de bào dào, zhè míng lǜ shī 31 suì, jǐn zài jiǎn chá yuàn gōng zuò yī nián. bèi gào, 50 duō suì, yīn bèi zhǐ kòng zhī fù gù yuán gōng zī bù dàng ér chū tíng shòu shěn. fǎ guó yí gè fǎ tíng fǒu jué le léi nuò qì chē zhì zào gōng sī chuàng bàn rén de hòu dài chóng huò gōng sī suǒ yǒu quán de shēn qǐng. léi nuò gōng sī yú 1945 léi nuò xiān shēng qù shì hòu bèi guó yǒu huà, léi nuò xiān shēng céng bèi zhǐ kòng zài zhàn shí tōng dí rén nà cuì dé guó. léi nuò jiā rén rèn wéi zhè yī xíng wéi wéi xiàn, bìng yāo qiú fǎ guó zhèng fǔ gōng sī fǎn huán gōng sī. BBC shì jiè xīn wén