bing xue shi jie 8

Song 冰雪世界 8
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC地球脉动


Driven by hunger, the exhausted females now return to the ocean on their own repeating the epic journey they made with the males only a month before. Now the sun barely appears above the horizon. As the days shorten, its warmth is withdrawn from the continent. With the females gone the colony undergoes a strange transformation. The males shuffle into groups, their eggs still tucked away above their feet. They lock together in tightly packed huddles as they struggle to keep warm. Speeding up the action reveals how these huddles constantly shift and change as each penguin works its way towards the warmer interior. Crammed into this scrum, the birds are remarkably good natured, but they have to be. If the huddle breaks even for a moment, precious heat escapes.


Driven by hunger, the exhausted females now return to the ocean on their own repeating the epic journey they made with the males only a month before. Now the sun barely appears above the horizon. As the days shorten, its warmth is withdrawn from the continent. With the females gone the colony undergoes a strange transformation. The males shuffle into groups, their eggs still tucked away above their feet. They lock together in tightly packed huddles as they struggle to keep warm. Speeding up the action reveals how these huddles constantly shift and change as each penguin works its way towards the warmer interior. Crammed into this scrum, the birds are remarkably good natured, but they have to be. If the huddle breaks even for a moment, precious heat escapes.
yīn wèi jī è nán nài, jīng pí lì jìn de cí qǐ é yào dú zì huí dào hǎi lǐ qù, zǒu de shì yí gè yuè qián tā men hé xióng qǐ é yì qǐ lái shí de nà yī tiáo lù. zhè shí tài yáng jī hū hěn nán cóng dì píng xiàn shàng shēng qǐ, bái tiān yuè lái yuè duǎn, wēn nuǎn zhú jiàn xiāo shī dé wú yǐng wú zōng le. cí qǐ é zǒu hòu, zhè lǐ fā shēng le qí tè de biàn huà, xióng qǐ é men jǐ zài yì qǐ, jiǎo de shàng fāng fàng zhe gāng gāng chǎn xià bù jiǔ de dàn. tōng guò jìng tóu kuài fàng, kě yǐ kàn chū tā men de duì xíng yī zhí zài biàn huà zhī zhōng, yīn wèi dà jiā dōu zài wǎng wēn nuǎn de zhōng jiān jǐ. zhèi xiē niǎo ér rú cǐ jǐn jǐn dì jǐ zài yì qǐ, yí gè gè dōu biǎo xiàn dé shí fēn wēn xún, tā men yě bì xū rú cǐ, yīn wèi rú guǒ duì wǔ sàn kāi, nǎ pà yī xiǎo huì ér, bǎo guì de rè liàng jiù huì sàn shī.