sheng wu wu ju xi 41

Song 生物无巨细41
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC生命博物馆


Stanley's story begins here in the mouth of Swansea Bay. In June 2004, local fisherman Robert Davies set out as usual in his home-made boat, The Wonky, unaware that he was about to land a monster and himself, in very deep water. What were you actually fishing for at the time? Oh, skate, plaice, bass. Mostly bottom-feeders. Yeah. Bottom-feeders, so anything that swims, you know. Anything that swims. While today's catch contained nothing more unusual than a discarded tyre, on that particular morning, Robert snared something completely unexpected. I thought, what is that? Is that a dolphin? Or is that a shark? I didn't really know. There were scales all over his back. It was like a dinosaur, really. So, unable to actually lift a monster fish onto the deck on his own Robert tied it alongside the boat and headed back to shore. Stanley was thought to be a very rare and valuable European Atlantic sturgeon, also known as the British sturgeon.
斯坦利的故事得从斯温西湾入海口说起,2004年6月,渔民罗伯特·戴维斯照常驾驶自制漂摇号渔船出海,根本没想到他会在大海中遇到这个家伙。 那时你都能打上什么鱼? 鳐鱼,鲽鱼,鲈鱼,以水底有机沉积物为食的底栖动物,主要是食泥底鱼,有什么打什么,有什么打什么。 尽管在那天的收获里,除了一只废轮胎,没什么新鲜东西。就在那个早晨,罗伯特的所获,出乎意料。 当时我想这什么东西?海豚吗?鲨鱼吗?我真不知道。它的背部布满鳞片,就想恐龙一样,真的。 罗伯特没办法一个人,把这条怪鱼抬上甲板,他就把这条怪鱼,系在了船边,开回岸边。斯坦利是极为稀有珍贵的,欧洲大西洋鲟鱼,也被称作英国鲟鱼。


Stanley' s story begins here in the mouth of Swansea Bay. In June 2004, local fisherman Robert Davies set out as usual in his homemade boat, The Wonky, unaware that he was about to land a monster and himself, in very deep water. What were you actually fishing for at the time? Oh, skate, plaice, bass. Mostly bottomfeeders. Yeah. Bottomfeeders, so anything that swims, you know. Anything that swims. While today' s catch contained nothing more unusual than a discarded tyre, on that particular morning, Robert snared something completely unexpected. I thought, what is that? Is that a dolphin? Or is that a shark? I didn' t really know. There were scales all over his back. It was like a dinosaur, really. So, unable to actually lift a monster fish onto the deck on his own Robert tied it alongside the boat and headed back to shore. Stanley was thought to be a very rare and valuable European Atlantic sturgeon, also known as the British sturgeon.
sī tǎn lì de gù shì dé cóng sī wēn xī wān rù hǎi kǒu shuō qǐ, 2004 nián 6 yuè, yú mín luó bó tè dài wéi sī zhào cháng jià shǐ zì zhì piāo yáo hào yú chuán chū hǎi, gēn běn méi xiǎng dào tā huì zài dà hǎi zhōng yù dào zhè gè jiā huo. nà shí nǐ dōu néng dǎ shàng shén me yú? yáo yú, dié yú, lú yú, yǐ shuǐ dǐ yǒu jī chén jī wù wèi shí de dǐ qī dòng wù, zhǔ yào shì shí ní dǐ yú, yǒu shén me dǎ shén me, yǒu shén me dǎ shén me. jǐn guǎn zài nà tiān de shōu huò lǐ, chú le yì zhī fèi lún tāi, méi shén me xīn xiān dōng xī. jiù zài nà gè zǎo chén, luó bó tè de suǒ huò, chū hū yì liào. dāng shí wǒ xiǎng zhè shén me dōng xī? hǎi tún ma? shā yú ma? wǒ zhēn bù zhī dào. tā de bèi bù bù mǎn lín piàn, jiù xiǎng kǒng lóng yí yàng, zhēn de. luó bó tè méi bàn fǎ yí ge rén, bǎ zhè tiáo guài yú tái shàng jiǎ bǎn, tā jiù bǎ zhè tiáo guài yú, xì zài le chuán biān, kāi huí àn biān. sī tǎn lì shì jí wéi xī yǒu zhēn guì de, ōu zhōu dà xī yáng xún yú, yě bèi chēng zuò yīng guó xún yú.