kun chong li liang 7

Song 昆虫力量7
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC生命博物馆


As the pesticide does its deadly work, a bounty of tiny insects rains down from the canopy gathering in the funnels below, and there's no holding Max back. Well, there's a fair bit in here. Some great big barklice. This one's got a ground beetle in it. A ground beetle? Yeah, a ground beetle, it's some way from the ground. It's got a snipe fly, isn't it? Some interesting little soldier beetles in here. There are moths, there are earwigs. Oh, there's quite a lot. This one's really, really full. You see that's why we call it insect soup? It's only when you get it back and start sorting it out under the microscope that you realise it's full of interesting things. A few weeks later, and the insect soup is coming into focus. You can see them so much more clearly, can't you? That's right. I mean, when we get the insect soup back the first thing we do is we sort it all out. So we'll end up with a stack of tubes like this, and each one contains a different group of insects. And probably a bowl of insect soup like that can have about 12 people to identify everything that's in it. So, any exciting moments? There's one beetle here. It doesn't look like much, but actually it's a very very interesting beetle. You've got a job to convince me on that one, Max.
杀虫剂药效显著,大量的昆虫像雨点一样落了下来,聚集在漏斗里。麦克斯第一个冲了上去,真不少啊,还有一些大蚜虫,俗称土鳖,步行虫。 -这里还有只地鳖 -地鳖 怎么跑到树上去的? 这里有只鹬虻,还有小花萤,蛾子,地蜈蚣。 还真不少啊,这一杯真是装满了。 这就是我们所说的昆虫汤。放在显微镜下,给它们分类时,你才能发现 这里充满了乐趣。几周后,昆虫汤被放到了显微镜下。 现在看得清楚多了 没错,把昆虫汤带回来后,首先就要把昆虫分类,把它们放到这些小管子里。每只管子都装着一类昆虫,像那样的一碗昆虫汤,大概需要12个人来鉴定和分类。 有没有什么激动时刻呢? 看这只甲虫,看起来平平常常,实际上这是种非常有意思的甲虫。 我才不信呢。


As the pesticide does its deadly work, a bounty of tiny insects rains down from the canopy gathering in the funnels below, and there' s no holding Max back. Well, there' s a fair bit in here. Some great big barklice. This one' s got a ground beetle in it. A ground beetle? Yeah, a ground beetle, it' s some way from the ground. It' s got a snipe fly, isn' t it? Some interesting little soldier beetles in here. There are moths, there are earwigs. Oh, there' s quite a lot. This one' s really, really full. You see that' s why we call it insect soup? It' s only when you get it back and start sorting it out under the microscope that you realise it' s full of interesting things. A few weeks later, and the insect soup is coming into focus. You can see them so much more clearly, can' t you? That' s right. I mean, when we get the insect soup back the first thing we do is we sort it all out. So we' ll end up with a stack of tubes like this, and each one contains a different group of insects. And probably a bowl of insect soup like that can have about 12 people to identify everything that' s in it. So, any exciting moments? There' s one beetle here. It doesn' t look like much, but actually it' s a very very interesting beetle. You' ve got a job to convince me on that one, Max.
shā chóng jì yào xiào xiǎn zhù, dà liàng de kūn chóng xiàng yǔ diǎn yí yàng luò le xià lái, jù jí zài lòu dǒu lǐ. mài kè sī dì yí gè chōng le shǎng qù, zhēn bù shǎo a, hái yǒu yī xiē dà yá chóng, sú chēng tǔ biē, bù xíng chóng. zhè lǐ hái yǒu zhǐ dì biē dì biē zěn me pǎo dào shù shǎng qù de? zhè lǐ yǒu zhǐ yù méng, hái yǒu xiǎo huā yíng, é zi, dì wú gōng. hái zhēn bù shǎo a, zhè yī bēi zhēn shì zhuāng mǎn le. zhè jiù shì wǒ men suǒ shuō de kūn chóng tāng. fàng zài xiǎn wēi jìng xià, gěi tā men fēn lèi shí, nǐ cái néng fā xiàn zhè lǐ chōng mǎn le lè qù. jǐ zhōu hòu, kūn chóng tāng bèi fàng dào le xiǎn wēi jìng xià. xiàn zài kàn de qīng chǔ duō le méi cuò, bǎ kūn chóng tāng dài huí lái hòu, shǒu xiān jiù yào bǎ kūn chóng fēn lèi, bǎ tā men fàng dào zhèi xiē xiǎo guǎn zǐ lǐ. měi zhǐ guǎn zǐ dōu zhuāng zhe yī lèi kūn chóng, xiàng nà yàng de yī wǎn kūn chóng tāng, dà gài xū yào 12 gè rén lái jiàn dìng hé fēn lèi. yǒu méi yǒu shén me jī dòng shí kè ne? kàn zhè zhǐ jiǎ chóng, kàn qǐ lái píng píng cháng cháng, shí jì shang zhè shì zhǒng fēi cháng yǒu yì sī de jiǎ chóng. wǒ cái bù xìn ne.