zhen ti mo ni 15

Song 真题模拟15
Artist 英语听力
Album 英语专四听力周计划


Delegates to the US-Africa business summit say Africa is open for business. Many sub-Sahara economies are growing by more than 5% per year. Wise man Nkuhlu of Pan-African Capital Holdings says much of the continent has entered a productive era. "There are large chunks of Africa that are politically stable and their economies are well managed. That really is new space for long term investments going forward." President Pohamba, called for the U.S. to do more to open its markets for African clothing and farm products. One speaker at this summit noted that trade works both ways. Stephen Cashin of the Pan African Capital Group says Africa's growing economy provides a rich marketplace. Delegates here seem to agree that business ties, rather than development aid, is the sustainable way to improve living conditions for Africans.