W: Isn't this wind lovely! Just look at the trees bending -- I'm sure those big branches are going to break. M: No, they're much too strong for that. These trees are over 200 years old, you know, so they must be tough. Anyway, ready to jog again? W: In a couple of minutes. I'm enjoying the cookies. Hey -- did you hear a child sobbing just now? M: No, I didn't. Probably the branches creaking. W: I suppose you're right. I must be imaging things. Ah... listen, there it is again. M: I heard it too, then. It seems to be up in this tree somewhere... Yes, look! There's a kid up there -- there, over on the left. W: Where? I can't see anything. M: By that big broken branch. W: Oh, yes. He must be terrified in this wind! We'll have to help him if we can. M: Don't look at me -- I'm terrified of heights. Let's call the Fire Brigade. W: No, he may fall if we wait for them. Look, I'll climb up. Guide me, will you? M: But, Lucy, it's very dangerous -- I'm warning you! Oh, be careful. Now, over to the left. No! Not that branch. It's dead. Gently does it. That's right -- make him climb down after you. Slowly now... OK, lift him down to me. Now then, young man, what's your name? Hey, he's running away! W: OK, hero -- how about lifting me down now? |