He dispatched an expedition under his brilliant general, Count Belisarius. In a remarkable display of military virtuosity, Belisarius, with just a few thousand men, captured Rome. Justinian ousted the old pope and installed Vigilius. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Vigilius now regarded himself as the direct heir of St Peter. Justinian, Christ's vice-regent on earth, had little time for self-promoting bishops. The two were on collision course. Vigilius tried to assert Rome's authority. But he was ineffectual, pleasing nobody. Eventually, Justinian's patience snapped. He kidnapped the Pope and sent him back to the East. As the Pope's boat left the Tiber wharf, his reputation was in tatters. The crowd threw stones and yelled insults. Vigilius was even more humiliated in Constantinople. He called a council of bishops, but it descended into a brawl. Vigilius sought refuge in the palace church. He clung to the altar, but was dragged out by his beard and forced to sign a document recognising Justinian's supremacy. | |
查士丁尼大帝委派他最杰出的将军贝利萨里乌斯伯爵远征,贝利萨里乌斯将军在这次远征中表现出了非凡的军事眼光,仅凭一支只有几千人的队伍就征服了罗马。查士丁尼大帝当即废黜了当时的教皇并任命维吉里为新一任教皇。一切都似乎正按计划进行。这时维吉里已经将自己视为圣彼得的直系继承人。而查士丁尼大帝,自诩基督之子,却疏于自我提升。于是他们之间的矛盾产生了。维吉里试图维护罗马的权威。却没有任何成效,没有人对此感到满意。最后,查士丁尼大帝的耐性耗尽。他把教皇绑走送往罗马以东。当教皇乘坐的船离开台伯河岸时,教皇的名声早已臭不可闻了。人们往船上扔石头、大声辱骂教皇。教皇维吉里在君士坦丁堡受到了更多的羞辱。在此期间,他传唤了一名教皇顾问,谁知却引发了一场争斗。维吉里试图走进宫廷教堂寻求庇护,他紧拽住祭坛不放,却被拖着胡子拖出了教堂,之后他被迫签下了一份文件,承认了查士丁尼大帝对罗马的统治地位。 |
He dispatched an expedition under his brilliant general, Count Belisarius. In a remarkable display of military virtuosity, Belisarius, with just a few thousand men, captured Rome. Justinian ousted the old pope and installed Vigilius. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Vigilius now regarded himself as the direct heir of St Peter. Justinian, Christ' s viceregent on earth, had little time for selfpromoting bishops. The two were on collision course. Vigilius tried to assert Rome' s authority. But he was ineffectual, pleasing nobody. Eventually, Justinian' s patience snapped. He kidnapped the Pope and sent him back to the East. As the Pope' s boat left the Tiber wharf, his reputation was in tatters. The crowd threw stones and yelled insults. Vigilius was even more humiliated in Constantinople. He called a council of bishops, but it descended into a brawl. Vigilius sought refuge in the palace church. He clung to the altar, but was dragged out by his beard and forced to sign a document recognising Justinian' s supremacy. | |
cha shi ding ni da di wei pai ta zui jie chu de jiang jun bei li sa li wu si bo jue yuan zheng, bei li sa li wu si jiang jun zai zhe ci yuan zheng zhong biao xian chu le fei fan de jun shi yan guang, jin ping yi zhi zhi you ji qian ren de dui wu jiu zheng fu le luo ma. cha shi ding ni da di dang ji fei chu liao dang shi de jiao huang bing ren ming wei ji li wei xin yi ren jiao huang. yi qie dou si hu zheng an ji hua jin xing. zhe shi wei ji li yi jing jiang zi ji shi wei sheng bi de de zhi xi ji cheng ren. er cha shi ding ni da di, zi xu ji du zhi zi, que shu yu zi wo ti sheng. yu shi ta men zhi jian de mao dun chan sheng le. wei ji li shi tu wei hu luo ma de quan wei. que mei you ren he cheng xiao, mei you ren dui ci gan dao man yi. zui hou, cha shi ding ni da di de nai xing hao jin. ta ba jiao huang bang zou song wang luo ma yi dong. dang jiao huang cheng zuo de chuan li kai tai bo he an shi, jiao huang de ming sheng zao yi chou bu ke wen le. ren men wang chuan shang reng shi tou da sheng ru ma jiao huang. jiao huang wei ji li zai jun shi tan ding bao shou dao le geng duo de xiu ru. zai ci qi jian, ta chuan huan le yi ming jiao huang gu wen, shei zhi que yin fa le yi chang zheng dou. wei ji li shi tu zou jin gong ting jiao tang xun qiu bi hu, ta jin zhuai zhu ji tan bu fang, que bei tuo zhe hu zi tuo chu le jiao tang, zhi hou ta bei po qian xia le yi fen wen jian, cheng ren le cha shi ding ni da di dui luo ma de tong zhi di wei. |
He dispatched an expedition under his brilliant general, Count Belisarius. In a remarkable display of military virtuosity, Belisarius, with just a few thousand men, captured Rome. Justinian ousted the old pope and installed Vigilius. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Vigilius now regarded himself as the direct heir of St Peter. Justinian, Christ' s viceregent on earth, had little time for selfpromoting bishops. The two were on collision course. Vigilius tried to assert Rome' s authority. But he was ineffectual, pleasing nobody. Eventually, Justinian' s patience snapped. He kidnapped the Pope and sent him back to the East. As the Pope' s boat left the Tiber wharf, his reputation was in tatters. The crowd threw stones and yelled insults. Vigilius was even more humiliated in Constantinople. He called a council of bishops, but it descended into a brawl. Vigilius sought refuge in the palace church. He clung to the altar, but was dragged out by his beard and forced to sign a document recognising Justinian' s supremacy. | |
chá shì dīng ní dà dì wěi pài tā zuì jié chū de jiāng jūn bèi lì sà lǐ wū sī bó jué yuǎn zhēng, bèi lì sà lǐ wū sī jiāng jūn zài zhè cì yuǎn zhēng zhōng biǎo xiàn chū le fēi fán de jūn shì yǎn guāng, jǐn píng yī zhī zhǐ yǒu jǐ qiān rén de duì wǔ jiù zhēng fú le luó mǎ. chá shì dīng ní dà dì dāng jí fèi chù liǎo dàng shí de jiào huáng bìng rèn mìng wéi jí lǐ wèi xīn yī rèn jiào huáng. yī qiè dōu sì hū zhèng àn jì huà jìn xíng. zhè shí wéi jí lǐ yǐ jīng jiāng zì jǐ shì wéi shèng bǐ dé de zhí xì jì chéng rén. ér chá shì dīng ní dà dì, zì xǔ jī dū zhī zǐ, què shū yú zì wǒ tí shēng. yú shì tā men zhī jiān de máo dùn chǎn shēng le. wéi jí lǐ shì tú wéi hù luó mǎ de quán wēi. què méi yǒu rèn hé chéng xiào, méi yǒu rén duì cǐ gǎn dào mǎn yì. zuì hòu, chá shì dīng ní dà dì de nài xìng hào jìn. tā bǎ jiào huáng bǎng zǒu sòng wǎng luó mǎ yǐ dōng. dāng jiào huáng chéng zuò de chuán lí kāi tái bó hé àn shí, jiào huáng de míng shēng zǎo yǐ chòu bù kě wén le. rén men wǎng chuán shàng rēng shí tou dà shēng rǔ mà jiào huáng. jiào huáng wéi jí lǐ zài jūn shì tǎn dīng bǎo shòu dào le gèng duō de xiū rǔ. zài cǐ qī jiān, tā chuán huàn le yī míng jiào huáng gù wèn, shéi zhī què yǐn fā le yī chǎng zhēng dòu. wéi jí lǐ shì tú zǒu jìn gōng tíng jiào táng xún qiú bì hù, tā jǐn zhuāi zhù jì tán bù fàng, què bèi tuō zhe hú zǐ tuō chū le jiào táng, zhī hòu tā bèi pò qiān xià le yī fèn wén jiàn, chéng rèn le chá shì dīng ní dà dì duì luó mǎ de tǒng zhì dì wèi. |