BBC xin wen 100 pian News Item 4

Song BBC新闻100篇 News Item 4
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is expected to confirm
[00:04.60] that he is sending hundreds more troops to Afghanistan,
[00:07.09] bringing the total number of British troops there to about 9,500.
[00:10.76] Britain has the second largest NATO contingent in Afghanistan
[00:15.12] after the United States.
[00:16.92] Our defense correspondent Caroline Wyatt reports.
[00:19.41] In his statement on Afghanistan,
[00:21.90] it's believed Mr. Brown will say he's agreed in principle
[00:24.26] to send around 500 extra British troops to Helmand.
[00:27.74] The military advice says that extra forces are needed
[00:30.67] to help maintain progress
[00:31.97] and dominate the ground more effectively
[00:34.03] to keep the Taliban out of key areas.
[00:36.08] However, there will be caveats.
[00:38.50] The Prime Minister will want assurances from military chiefs
[00:41.37] that the extra troops will be properly equipped.
[00:44.10] But he'll also expect Britain's NATO partners to follow suit
[00:47.27] by offering more forces themselves.
[00:49.33] NATO defense ministers are likely to discuss troop levels
[00:52.69] on a meeting formally in Bratislava next week.