2009 nian 12 yue zhen ti duan wen 2 1 2

Song 2009年12月真题短文2(1/2)
Artist 英语听力
Album 六级听力室


One of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today is the rapid advance of globalization. The market place is no longer national or regional, but extends to all corners of the world. And this requires a global ready workforce. Universities have a large part to play in preparing students for the 21st century labor market by promoting international educational experiences. The most obvious way universities can help develop a global workforce is by encouraging students to study abroad as part of their course. Students who have experienced another culture first hand are more likely to be global ready when they graduate.


One of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today is the rapid advance of globalization. The market place is no longer national or regional, but extends to all corners of the world. And this requires a global ready workforce. Universities have a large part to play in preparing students for the 21st century labor market by promoting international educational experiences. The most obvious way universities can help develop a global workforce is by encouraging students to study abroad as part of their course. Students who have experienced another culture first hand are more likely to be global ready when they graduate.
rú jīn, gù zhǔ hé jiào yù zhě yù dào de zuì dà de tiǎo zhàn zhī yī biàn shì quán qiú huà de xùn sù kuò zhāng. shì chǎng bù zài jù yǒu dì yù jú xiàn xìng, ér shì kuò zhǎn dào le shì jiè de měi gè jiǎo luò. yīn ér, zhè yě yāo qiú shì yìng quán qiú huà de láo dòng lì. dà xué zài tōng guò tí shēng guó jì huà jiào yù jīng yàn lái péi yǎng xué shēng jìn jūn èr shí yī shì jì de láo dòng shì chǎng fāng miàn dà yǒu wén zhāng kě zuò. dà xué zhù lì quán qiú láo dòng lì fā zhǎn de zuì xiǎn zhù de fāng fǎ jiù shì gǔ lì xué shēng qù guó wài shēn zào, bìng qiě bǎ qí dàng zuò yī mén kè chéng rèn zhēn duì dài. zài tā men bì yè shí, nèi xiē yǒu guó wài shēng huó jīng yàn de xué shēng gèng yǒu kě néng chéng wéi quán qiú huà de xiān qū.