mei guo jiao yu ti zhi 4 6

Song 美国教育体制(4/6)
Artist 英语听力
Album 专八mini系列


In 1970, about half of all American students who graduated from high school went to community college or university. Today, nearly three out of four American high school graduates go to college or university. Students have the option of attending a two-year community college(also known as a junior college) before applying to a four-year university. Admission to community college is easier, tuition is lower, and class sizes are often smaller than those in a university. Community college students can earn an Associate's degree and transfer course credits to a university. As to admission to a university, although admission policies vary from one university to the next, most determine admission based on several criteria, including a student's high school course of study, high school GPA, SAT or ACT exam scores, written essay, and possibly a personal interview. Universities often require students to write an essay as part of the application process. The length and content of the essay is determined by each admission office.


In 1970, about half of all American students who graduated from high school went to community college or university. Today, nearly three out of four American high school graduates go to college or university. Students have the option of attending a twoyear community college also known as a junior college before applying to a fouryear university. Admission to community college is easier, tuition is lower, and class sizes are often smaller than those in a university. Community college students can earn an Associate' s degree and transfer course credits to a university. As to admission to a university, although admission policies vary from one university to the next, most determine admission based on several criteria, including a student' s high school course of study, high school GPA, SAT or ACT exam scores, written essay, and possibly a personal interview. Universities often require students to write an essay as part of the application process. The length and content of the essay is determined by each admission office.
zài 1970 nián, dà yuē yī bàn de měi guó xué shēng gāo zhōng bì yè hòu qù shè qū xué yuàn huò shè qū dà xué. rú jīn, jìn sì fēn zhī sān de měi guó gāo zhōng bì yè shēng jìn rù xué yuàn huò dà xué. shēn qǐng sì nián zhì dà xué de xué shēng yào xiān zài wéi qī liǎng nián de shè qū dà xué yě chēng wéi dà zhuān xué xí. jìn rù shè qū dà xué bǐ jiào róng yì de, xué fèi yě jiào dī, ér qiě bān jí guī mó tōng cháng bǐ dà xué xiǎo. shè qū xué yuàn de xué shēng kě yǐ huò dé dà zhuān wén píng, qí kè chéng xué fēn yě kě zhuǎn yí dào dà xué. shuō dào dà xué lù qǔ, jǐn guǎn gè suǒ xué xiào de zhāo shēng zhèng cè gè bù xiāng tóng, dà duō shù xué xiào yī jù ruò gān biāo zhǔn jué dìng shì fǒu lù qǔ shēn qǐng xué shēng, zhèi xiē biāo zhǔn bāo kuò xué shēng de gāo zhōng kè chéng de xué xí qíng kuàng, gāo zhōng chéng jī, SAT huò ACT kǎo shì fēn shù, wén zhāng xiě zuò, hái yǒu kě néng shì gè rén miàn shì. zuò wéi shēn qǐng chéng xù bì bù kě shǎo de yī bù fen, dà xué jīng cháng yāo qiú xué shēng xiě yī piān lùn wén. wén zhāng de cháng dù hé nèi róng shì yóu měi gè zhāo shēng bàn gōng shì guī dìng.