The first thing is personal finance. Every week or so, there always seems to be a new article in CNN, USA Today, or Yahoo about young adults struggling with debt, whether it be from credit cards or loans in general. High interest rates, hidden fees, not consolidating debt-these terms and concepts are mostly unknown to young adults and because of that ignorance, they tend to make big errors in judgment. Credit score is another big thing. A lot of young adults don't bother to check up on it to make sure there are no errors with it. Your credit score is your report card in the real world and it comes into play when you're buying a car, renting your first apartment, and even when you're getting a job. Protect that at all costs. Learn what drives your credit score down. Learn what drives your credit score up. Check up on it every now and then to ensure nothing is wrong with it. | |
首先是个人理财。CNN,《今日美国》,还有雅虎差不多每周都会出一则有关于年轻人欠债的报道,这些人通常因信用卡或者贷款债务缠身。年轻人对高利率,隐藏开销以及非合并债务这些名词几乎毫无概念,而且由于这方面的无知使得他们在判断的时候往往犯了致命的错误。信用评分也是不可忽视的。许多年轻人不厌其烦地对此核实就是为了确保它没有出错。你的信用评分代表着你在现实社会中的信誉报告单。当你需要买车,第一次租房甚至找工作的时候它便开始发挥作用。不惜一切代价保护你的信用。弄明白为什么你的信用评分会降低,为什么会上升。时不时地核实一下以确保万无一失。 |
The first thing is personal finance. Every week or so, there always seems to be a new article in CNN, USA Today, or Yahoo about young adults struggling with debt, whether it be from credit cards or loans in general. High interest rates, hidden fees, not consolidating debtthese terms and concepts are mostly unknown to young adults and because of that ignorance, they tend to make big errors in judgment. Credit score is another big thing. A lot of young adults don' t bother to check up on it to make sure there are no errors with it. Your credit score is your report card in the real world and it comes into play when you' re buying a car, renting your first apartment, and even when you' re getting a job. Protect that at all costs. Learn what drives your credit score down. Learn what drives your credit score up. Check up on it every now and then to ensure nothing is wrong with it. | |
shou xian shi ge ren li cai. CNN, jin ri mei guo, hai you ya hu cha bu duo mei zhou dou hui chu yi ze you guan yu nian qing ren qian zhai de bao dao, zhei xie ren tong chang yin xin yong ka huo zhe dai kuan zhai wu chan shen. nian qing ren dui gao li lv, yin cang kai xiao yi ji fei he bing zhai wu zhei xie ming ci ji hu hao wu gai nian, er qie you yu zhe fang mian di wu zhi shi de ta men zai pan duan de shi hou wang wang fan le zhi ming de cuo wu. xin yong ping fen ye shi bu ke hu shi de. xu duo nian qing ren bu yan qi fan di dui ci he shi jiu shi wei le que bao ta mei you chu cuo. ni de xin yong ping fen dai biao zhe ni zai xian shi she hui zhong de xin yu bao gao dan. dang ni xu yao mai che, di yi ci zu fang shen zhi zhao gong zuo de shi hou ta bian kai shi fa hui zuo yong. bu xi yi qie dai jia bao hu ni de xin yong. nong ming bai wei shi me ni de xin yong ping fen hui jiang di, wei shi me hui shang sheng. shi bu shi di he shi yi xia yi que bao wan wu yi shi. |
The first thing is personal finance. Every week or so, there always seems to be a new article in CNN, USA Today, or Yahoo about young adults struggling with debt, whether it be from credit cards or loans in general. High interest rates, hidden fees, not consolidating debtthese terms and concepts are mostly unknown to young adults and because of that ignorance, they tend to make big errors in judgment. Credit score is another big thing. A lot of young adults don' t bother to check up on it to make sure there are no errors with it. Your credit score is your report card in the real world and it comes into play when you' re buying a car, renting your first apartment, and even when you' re getting a job. Protect that at all costs. Learn what drives your credit score down. Learn what drives your credit score up. Check up on it every now and then to ensure nothing is wrong with it. | |
shǒu xiān shì gè rén lǐ cái. CNN, jīn rì měi guó, hái yǒu yǎ hǔ chà bù duō měi zhōu dōu huì chū yī zé yǒu guān yú nián qīng rén qiàn zhài de bào dào, zhèi xiē rén tōng cháng yīn xìn yòng kǎ huò zhě dài kuǎn zhài wù chán shēn. nián qīng rén duì gāo lì lǜ, yǐn cáng kāi xiāo yǐ jí fēi hé bìng zhài wù zhèi xiē míng cí jī hū háo wú gài niàn, ér qiě yóu yú zhè fāng miàn dí wú zhī shǐ de tā men zài pàn duàn de shí hòu wǎng wǎng fàn le zhì mìng de cuò wù. xìn yòng píng fēn yě shì bù kě hū shì de. xǔ duō nián qīng rén bù yàn qí fán dì duì cǐ hé shí jiù shì wèi le què bǎo tā méi yǒu chū cuò. nǐ de xìn yòng píng fēn dài biǎo zhe nǐ zài xiàn shí shè huì zhōng de xìn yù bào gào dān. dāng nǐ xū yào mǎi chē, dì yī cì zū fáng shèn zhì zhǎo gōng zuò de shí hòu tā biàn kāi shǐ fā huī zuò yòng. bù xī yī qiè dài jià bǎo hù nǐ de xìn yòng. nòng míng bai wèi shí me nǐ de xìn yòng píng fēn huì jiàng dī, wèi shí me huì shàng shēng. shí bù shí dì hé shí yī xià yǐ què bǎo wàn wú yī shī. |