2011 nian zhuo yue qi ye cheng jiu jiang 1 2

Song 2011年卓越企业成就奖(1/2)
Artist 英语听力
Album 美音社论


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently awarded the 2011 Awards for Corporate Excellence, or ACE. This year's winners are Sahlman Seafoods, Incorporated, in Nicaragua; and Procter & Gamble in Nigeria and in Pakistan. The ACE is an annual award that recognizes U.S.-owned businesses that exhibit good corporate citizenship, promote innovation, and advance democratic principles around the world. "We are honoring these two companies," said Secretary Clinton, "because they have had an exceptional impact in giving back to the communities where they do business. They are setting the highest standards for corporate social responsibility. They're showing the world that it is indeed possible to do well by doing good." This year's small- or medium-sized company winner, Sahlman Seafoods, is a shrimp farming company that promotes sustainable aquaculture and environmental awareness in local communities. Sahlman Seafoods also works to protect endangered species of wildlife, and assists communities by improving school facilities, providing meals to children, and offering free medical treatment to farm workers.