xi la li chu xi APEC feng hui 2 2

Song 希拉里出席APEC峰会(2/2)
Artist 英语听力
Album 美音社论


Second is on promoting green growth. "We have advanced a trade initiative for environmental goods and services which will help spur industries investing in green growth," Secretary Clinton said, "We've worked to reduce inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, which will help protect the environment by reducing the wasteful consumption of fossil fuels. And we are renewing our commitment to reduce our energy intensity by at least 45% by 2035." Third is to advance further in regulatory cooperation and convergence. "We have seen how improvements in this area can unleash billions of dollars in commercial activities," Secretary Clinton said, "For example, when a majority of APEC countries adopted a uniform safety standard for televisions in 2005, exports for the region increased by 45% over the subsequent three years." "I am well aware that we all have differences in our individual approaches to economic policymaking, but I also know that we share the belief that markets, trade, and investment are vital to our prosperity," Secretary Clinton concluded, "I look forward to hearing from everyone about ways we can continue to build an enduring regional economic architecture that is open, free, transparent, and fair."
第二点是促进绿色增长。”我们已经推进了一个环保商品和服务的贸易倡议,这将有助于绿色增长方面的行业投资。“国务卿克林顿说道,”我们做了一些工作来减少低效率矿石燃料补贴,这将有助于通过减少矿石燃料的浪费性消耗进而来保护环境。而且我们也更新了我们的承诺-在2035年的时候至少减少45%的能源强度。 第三点是在有规则的合作和统一方面进一步推进。“我们看到在这一方面的提高引发了数十亿美金的商业活动。”国务卿克林顿说道,“例如,在2005年的时候大多数APEC国家采用同一的电视安全标准, 这个区域的出口在接下来的3年里,增加了45%。“ 我非常清楚地知道我们各自在经济政策制定上有着不同的见解,但是我也知道我们的信仰是一样的-那就是市场,贸易和投资是繁荣的关键。”国务卿克林顿总结道,“我期待着能够从每个人那里听到我们能够继续建立持久的区域经济格局的方法,这个格局是公开的,自由的,透明的,公平的。


Second is on promoting green growth. " We have advanced a trade initiative for environmental goods and services which will help spur industries investing in green growth," Secretary Clinton said, " We' ve worked to reduce inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, which will help protect the environment by reducing the wasteful consumption of fossil fuels. And we are renewing our commitment to reduce our energy intensity by at least 45 by 2035." Third is to advance further in regulatory cooperation and convergence. " We have seen how improvements in this area can unleash billions of dollars in commercial activities," Secretary Clinton said, " For example, when a majority of APEC countries adopted a uniform safety standard for televisions in 2005, exports for the region increased by 45 over the subsequent three years." " I am well aware that we all have differences in our individual approaches to economic policymaking, but I also know that we share the belief that markets, trade, and investment are vital to our prosperity," Secretary Clinton concluded, " I look forward to hearing from everyone about ways we can continue to build an enduring regional economic architecture that is open, free, transparent, and fair."
dì èr diǎn shì cù jìn lǜ sè zēng zhǎng." wǒ men yǐ jīng tuī jìn le yí gè huán bǎo shāng pǐn hé fú wù de mào yì chàng yì, zhè jiāng yǒu zhù yú lǜ sè zēng cháng fāng miàn dí háng yè tóu zī." guó wù qīng kè lín dùn shuō dào," wǒ men zuò le yī xiē gōng zuò lái jiǎn shǎo dī xiào lǜ kuàng shí rán liào bǔ tiē, zhè jiāng yǒu zhù yú tōng guò jiǎn shǎo kuàng shí rán liào de làng fèi xìng xiāo hào jìn ér lái bǎo hù huán jìng. ér qiě wǒ men yě gēng xīn le wǒ men de chéng nuò zài 2035 nián de shí hòu zhì shǎo jiǎn shǎo 45 de néng yuán qiáng dù. dì sān diǎn shì zài yǒu guī zé de hé zuò hé tǒng yī fāng miàn jìn yī bù tuī jìn." wǒ men kàn dào zài zhè yī fāng miàn dí tí gāo yǐn fā le shù shí yì měi jīn de shāng yè huó dòng." guó wù qīng kè lín dùn shuō dào," lì rú, zài 2005 nián de shí hòu dà duō shù APEC guó jiā cǎi yòng tóng yī de diàn shì ān quán biāo zhǔn, zhè gè qū yù de chū kǒu zài jiē xià lái de 3 nián lǐ, zēng jiā le 45." wǒ fēi cháng qīng chǔ dì zhī dào wǒ men gè zì zài jīng jì zhèng cè zhì dìng shàng yǒu zhe bù tóng de jiàn jiě, dàn shì wǒ yě zhī dào wǒ men de xìn yǎng shì yí yàng de nà jiù shì shì chǎng, mào yì hé tóu zī shì fán róng de guān jiàn." guó wù qīng kè lín dùn zǒng jié dào," wǒ qī dài zhe néng gòu cóng měi ge rén nà lǐ tīng dào wǒ men néng gòu jì xù jiàn lì chí jiǔ de qū yù jīng jì gé jú de fāng fǎ, zhè gè gé jú shì gōng kāi de, zì yóu de, tòu míng de, gōng píng de.