bao zha an xin you yu ji mei ji chang an jian sheng ji

爆炸案心有余悸 美机场安检升级
bao zha an xin you yu ji mei ji chang an jian sheng ji Lyrics

Song 爆炸案心有余悸 美机场安检升级
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC新闻
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BBC News with Zoe Diamond The United States government has announced that all travellers flying into the US are to be subjected to tightened security measures. The move comes ten days after a failed attempt to blow up an American airliner. Our Washington correspondent Imtiaz Tyab reports. Acco…
美国政府近日宣布所有坐飞机前往美国的乘客都将通过更加严格的安检。这是在美国遭遇恐怖袭机未遂事件十天后,美国政府采取的新动作。以下是我通讯记者IT来自华盛顿的报道。 据报道,由于古巴、伊朗、苏丹、叙利亚被美国政府视作“向恐怖主义提供支持的国家”,因此来自这4国的旅客以及那些途经尼日尔、巴基斯坦和也门的乘…
BBC News with Zoe Diamond The United States government has announced that all travellers flying into the US are to be subjected to tightened security measures. The move comes ten days after a failed attempt to blow up an American airliner. Our Washington correspondent Imtiaz Tyab reports. Acco
mei guo zheng fu jin ri xuan bu suo you zuo fei ji qian wang mei guo de cheng ke dou jiang tong guo geng jia yan ge de an jian. zhe shi zai mei guo zao yu kong bu xi ji wei sui shi jian shi tian hou, mei guo zheng fu cai qu de xin dong zuo. yi xia shi wo tong xun ji zhe IT lai zi hua sheng dun de bao dao. ju bao dao, you yu gu ba yi lang su dan xu li ya bei mei guo zheng fu shi zuo" xiang kong bu zhu yi ti gong zhi chi de guo jia", yin ci lai zi zhe 4 guo de lv ke yi ji nei xie tu jing ni ri er ba ji si tan he ye men de cheng
BBC News with Zoe Diamond The United States government has announced that all travellers flying into the US are to be subjected to tightened security measures. The move comes ten days after a failed attempt to blow up an American airliner. Our Washington correspondent Imtiaz Tyab reports. Acco
měi guó zhèng fǔ jìn rì xuān bù suǒ yǒu zuò fēi jī qián wǎng měi guó de chéng kè dōu jiāng tōng guò gèng jiā yán gé de ān jiǎn. zhè shì zài měi guó zāo yù kǒng bù xí jī wèi suì shì jiàn shí tiān hòu, měi guó zhèng fǔ cǎi qǔ de xīn dòng zuò. yǐ xià shì wǒ tōng xùn jì zhě IT lái zì huá shèng dùn de bào dào. jù bào dào, yóu yú gǔ bā yī lǎng sū dān xù lì yà bèi měi guó zhèng fǔ shì zuò" xiàng kǒng bù zhǔ yì tí gōng zhī chí de guó jiā", yīn cǐ lái zì zhè 4 guó de lǚ kè yǐ jí nèi xiē tú jīng ní rì ěr bā jī sī tǎn hé yě mén de chéng
爆炸案心有余悸 美机场安检升级 bao zha an xin you yu ji mei ji chang an jian sheng ji Lyrics
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