2006 nian Interview 1 5

Song 2006年Interview(1/5)
Artist 英语听力
Album 专八真题


Well, I see from your resume, Miss Green, that you studied at University College. How did you find it there? I had a great time. The teaching there was good and I made a lot of friends. The Psychology Department was a great place to be. How come you chose psychology? Well, at first I didn't have any clear idea of what I wanted to do after university. I guess I've just always been interested in people and the way they act. I wanted to know why people think and act the way they do. It's a fascinating area. And what was the course like? Good. The teachers were all really nice and they had this special approach to teaching. You know they didn't just give us lectures and tell us to read books like they might do in some more traditional places. The whole course was based on a problem-solving approach. You know they'd describe a particular situation to us and we'd discuss what might happen. And after that we do some reading and see if it confirmed our own ideas. That is what I liked best: the really practical orientation of the course. I learnt very well with that style, so for me it was just great.