Friends S04E16

Friends S04E16 Lyrics

Song Friends S04E16
Artist 英语听力
Album 老友记(第四季)
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[00:09.40] Cereal killer. 玉米片杀人狂 (音同连续杀人狂)
[00:12.77] Cereal killer? 玉米片杀人狂?
[00:14.28] Hey,come on,I say more dumb things before 9 a.m... 我一早说的蠢话
[00:16.81] ...than most people say all day. 比别人整天说的还多
[00:21.05] What? 怎么了?
[00:22.25] I can't find anything that I wanna eat. Everything makes me nauseous. 我不知道要吃什么 吃什么都会恶心
[00:26.49] I'm telling you,being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh,cake! 怀孕有够难搞的…啊,蛋糕
[00:30.89] No. 不行
[00:33.33] Honey,I'm sorry. 真可怜
[00:36.36] What is that smell? It's coming from the bathroom. 什么香味?是浴室传出来的
[00:40.80] Pregnancy does give you some weird cravings. 你倒是多了些怪癖
[00:44.81] It's me. It's Phoebe. Listen,there's something in here I want to eat. 是我,菲比 这里有我想吃的东西
[00:50.65] What smells so good? 什么味道这么香?
[00:53.58] -ls it the shampoo? It's guava. -No. 是新洗发精吗?番石榴香味 不是
[00:57.95] Wait. 等一下
[01:00.62] Is it my bologna sandwich? 是我的红肠三明治吗?
[01:04.99] Yes. Yes. Yes. 对,没错
[01:06.96] I can't believe it. The baby wants bologna. The baby wants meat. I can't eat meat. 宝宝居然想吃红肠 宝宝想吃肉,我不能吃肉
[01:11.47] Wait! 等一下
[01:14.07] Maybe it's the pickle! 也许是腌黄瓜
[01:16.60] The One With the Fake Party 本集播出:“求爱十八招”
[02:01.65] (中央咖啡馆)
[02:06.35] What are you writing? 你在写什么?
[02:07.72] Joshua's coming in tomorrow,and since I don't have the guts to ask him out... 约书亚明天要来 既然我没胆约他
[02:12.16] ...I'm gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket. 我决定卖他一件外套 再把纸条塞进口袋
[02:16.63] "Joshua,give me a call sometime. Guys like you... “约书亚:有空打电话给我” “你这样的人…”
[02:20.90] ...never go out of style." “…永不退流行”
[02:24.24] What did you throw away? 你扔了哪些人?
[02:28.51] -Hi,guys. -What have you guys been up to? 你们做了什么?
[02:31.65] We went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the museum. 我们去看维多利亚时期门把展
[02:36.08] Without me? 没找我去?
[02:39.22] My uncle dragged us there, but it turned out to be really interesting. 是舅舅拖我们去的 结果很有意思
[02:43.09] They were so ornate and beautiful. Look at that. 那些门把很华丽,你们看
[02:46.23] I don't know how museums work in England, but here,you're not supposed to take stuff. 我不知道英国的国情 但这里不能顺手牵羊
[02:51.60] I got it from the gift shop. 这是礼品部的
[02:53.67] They have really lax security there. 那里没什么防盗措施
[02:57.24] It's a joke. 这是笑话
[03:00.34] Anyone for more tea? (英国腔)谁还要喝茶?
[03:03.75] No,just me then. (英国腔)那我自己叫了
[03:06.85] Hey,Ringo. 鹦鹉先生
[03:09.48] Every time Emily's around,you talk like her. Would you please cut it out? 每次艾蜜莉在,你就怪腔怪调 别闹了
[03:13.45] I think you like it. 我看你喜欢喔
[03:17.09] I think you can't resist me when I do it. 你无法抗拒这样的我
[03:19.66] You want to eat me up like a cream "pumpy." 你想一口…了我
[03:24.77] -What? -All right,look,I don't know all the words. 什么? 我不是每个英国字都会
[03:32.71] Right. I've got to be off. I'll see you. Bye-bye,then. 我该走了,再见咯
[03:35.48] Bye-bye,then. 再见咯
[03:39.71] You guys seem to be having a good time. 你们相处得很愉快
[03:41.82] She is amazing, and she's so much fun. 对,她人很棒,而且很有趣
[03:46.19] And you know what? When I'm with her,I'm fun! 跟她在一起时,我也很有趣
[03:51.76] I do things like run off to Vermont... 我会跑去佛蒙特 56 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:58,230 ...and you guys saw the doorknob. 你们也看到那个门把了
[03:59.80] I even signed up for helicopter classes. 我甚至报名学开直升机
[04:03.77] She's leaving in two days. I don't have to do it. 她过两天就走了,我不必真学
[04:07.14] Two days? You must be bummed. 两天?你一定很失望
[04:09.44] She's got to go back to London,but I've been prepared for this from the start. 她非回去不可 不过我早就有心理准备 62 00:04:13,820 --> 00:04:17,480 We both knew we had two weeks together, and then th?
[04:17.72] Hey,that's what all my relationships are like. 我的每段恋情都是
[04:21.16] Yes,but in Ross' case, they both know in two weeks that's it. 罗斯他们是“双方”都知道 只有2星期
[04:26.39] -Pheebs! -Hello. Hello. 菲比
[04:29.23] No,I know. Yeah. 宝宝好啊 好啦
[04:33.17] So the baby is totally craving meat. 宝宝想肉想疯了
[04:35.80] I tried tricking it,and I made it a soy burger, so that maybe it'd think it was getting meat. 下午我想用素肉堡骗他 让他以为他吃到肉
[04:40.68] And I got nauseous. 结果就反胃了
[04:42.88] Maybe that's because soy burgers suck. 也许是因为素肉堡粉难吃
[04:47.35] But I'm no obstetrician.... 不过应该很营养
[04:50.75] Being pregnant is hard on your tummy. 怀孕真难吃东西
[04:53.09] At least you got that cool,pregnant-lady glow. 但你有一种孕妇的光彩
[04:56.16] That's sweat. You throw up all morning, you'll have that glow too. 你要是吐一早上也会有光彩
[05:07.74] Okay.
[05:08.90] -Here's that trench coat that you wanted. -Great. 这是你要的风衣 太好了
[05:14.11] It's comfortable. 很舒服
[05:15.94] You could really flash somebody in this. 这可以用来装变态
[05:19.61] No. They don't want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store. 不行,出了店门 才能把手放进口袋里
[05:25.45] Why not? 为什么?
[05:26.79] Well,because... 因为…
[05:28.72] ...we get a lot of 有很多人…
[05:33.39] They ruin it for everybody. 真是害群之马
[05:35.23] I know. 是啊
[05:36.76] I wore that sweater on a date last night. 我昨晚穿那件 喀什米尔毛衣去约会
[05:40.87] It was the first date since the divorce. 我离婚后第一次约会
[05:44.14] Congratulations. So do you love her? 恭喜,你爱她吗?
[05:48.24] She's nice, but it made me realize... 她还不错,不过我也发现
[05:51.28] ...I'm just not ready to be dating. 我还没有心情约会
[05:59.22] That's interesting. 真有意思
[06:03.02] -What was that? -Just an anti-theft device. 那是什么? 只是防盗磁条
[06:06.89] Then what's this? 那这是什么?
[06:08.63] You need that too,because a thief could just tear this up. 那个也要,因为这个一撕就碎
[06:18.14] We have to have a party in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans. 晚上有派对 其实是5分钟后,有事快取消
[06:24.05] What's going on? 你在说什么? 怎么回事?
[06:25.55] We have to have a bon-voyage party for Emily. 我们要帮艾蜜莉办惊喜欢送会
[06:28.78] But it's actually for Joshua. 其实是为了约书亚
[06:30.79] That sucks. Nobody's ever thrown me a bon-voyage-Emily party. 讨厌 都没人帮我办过假欢送会
[06:35.99] He said he's not ready to date. 他说他还没有心情约会
[06:38.56] So I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work. 我得找他参加派对 才能在工作之外见到他
[06:41.96] And now I have created the perfect opportunity to seduce him. 现在我制造了一个 色诱他的完美机会
[06:47.34] As much as I'd like to meet Josh and warn him... 我很想当面警告约书亚
[06:52.67] ...Emily and I won't be here. She's gonna come by to say goodbye... 但艾蜜莉和我不能参加 她会来说声再见
[06:56.88] ...and then I've got a special evening planned. Sorry. No party. 然后我安排了整晚的节目 对不起,没戏唱了
[07:03.85] -Hello? -Surprise! 惊喜!
[07:08.02] Surprise! 惊喜!
[07:11.46] No one's thrown me a surprise party before. 没有人替我办过惊喜派对
[07:14.30] Well,it was all Ross' idea. 这都是罗斯的主意
[07:18.77] You're so sweet. 你真好
[07:21.37] And I'm so surprised. 我好惊喜喔
[07:27.61] You didn't know? 你真的没料到?
[07:39.32] Why are you over here if Joshua's over there? 约书亚在那边,你怎么在这边
[07:42.42] I'm trying to play hard-to-get. 我想假装很难上手
[07:46.36] Quick! He's looking. Say something funny. 快,说句好笑的话
[07:49.26] Like what? 举个例?
[07:52.97] What's so funny? 什么事这么好笑?
[07:56.50] I said,"Like what?" 我说“举个例”
[07:59.61] Now that's a thinker. 真深奥
[08:02.54] This playing-hard-to-get thing is not working. 假装很难上手没用
[08:05.58] Hand me those cherries. 把樱桃给我,好…
[08:15.99] -Care for a cherry? -No,thanks. 要吃樱桃吗? 不要,谢谢
[08:18.56] I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue. 我可以用舌头把樱桃梗打结
[08:36.04] You okay? 你还好吗?
[08:37.88] You all right? 没事吧?
[08:44.32] We should probably get going soon. 我们得赶快走了
[08:46.82] But the party's just getting started. 但是派对才刚开始
[08:49.56] We have to be at The Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes. 我们得在15分钟内 赶去四季餐厅喝酒
[08:53.76] Then The Plaza for dinner. 然后去广场饭店吃晚饭
[08:55.83] So why did you plan a party at the same time? 那你为什么还办派对?
[08:59.83] 不是的
[09:03.20] Actually,American surprise parties are very short. 其实美国的惊喜派对都很短
[09:07.54] It's usually,"Surprise!" Then,"My God,I'm so surprised. Bye!" 通常都“惊喜!” 然后就“我好惊喜喔!再见”
[09:14.18] Ross,I'm having such a great time. 但是我觉得好好玩
[09:16.55] Your sister told me that you used to dress up like old ladies... 你妹说你以前会扮成老太太
[09:20.82] ...and host make-believe tea parties. 举办假的茶会
[09:26.26] Monica said that,did she? 摩妮卡说的是吧?
[09:29.36] Did she tell you that when she was little... 她有没有说她小的时候
[09:32.40] ...she was partially responsible for new legislation... 游乐器材商增加秋千的载重量
[09:35.30] ...regulating the strength of swing sets? 她也是原因之一?
[09:45.31] Then what are you going to put on top of that? 你接下来要放什么?
[09:48.82] -A little salami. -Oh,yeah. 一点蒜味肉肠 赞
[09:53.55] What goes on top of the salami? 蒜味肉肠上面呢?
[09:56.19] Pastrami. 熏牛肉 太赞了
[10:01.16] You're a genius. 你真是天才
[10:06.00] Give me a hand with the zipper. 帮我拉一下拉链
[10:10.44] Up! 往上拉
[10:14.74] -You changed? -I decided I needed my lucky dress. 你换衣服? 对,我需要我的幸运裙
[10:18.55] -Lucky means more cleavage? -lt does for me. 幸运是指露更多乳沟? 我觉得是
[10:32.83] Look at him! He's so cute. 你们看他多帅
[10:34.83] I just want to grab him and kiss him. 真想一把捉过来亲下去
[10:37.90] How could I kiss him without him knowing I like him? 但是他不知道我喜欢他
[10:40.84] I know how you can get him. Take off your bra. 有个办法-脱胸罩
[10:44.71] What? 什么?
[10:45.91] -This scene in Footloose -Flashdance. 在“浑身是劲”里… 是“闪舞”
[10:49.21] -Yeah. With that plumber girl? -A welder. 对…那个水电女工 是焊接工
[10:54.18] Were you,like,in the movie? 你是有演吗?
[10:58.35] She takes off her bra under the shirt and pulls it out the sleeve. 总之她在衣服底下脱掉胸罩 从袖子抽出来
[11:03.29] Very sexy. And classy. 非常性感,而且有格调
[11:09.80] -Or you could use mistletoe. -It's not Christmas. 不然你也可以用檞寄生 又不是圣诞节
[11:13.83] -Spin-the-bottle. -He's not 11. 转瓶子 他不是小孩子
[11:19.57] Thank you so much for this. It was so thoughtful of you. 谢谢你们,你们真用心
[11:22.78] You're leaving? 你们要走了?
[11:24.21] -We have something we have to get to. -I'm gonna take off too. 对,我们还有事 我也要走了
[11:28.15] You can't leave yet. You have to stay. 先别走,留下来
[11:31.22] We've got the whole big thing planned. 我们准备了重头戏
[11:34.46] What big thing? 什么重头戏?
[11:35.79] Spin-the-bottle works like this: I spin the bottle. 转瓶子的规则是,我转瓶子
[11:39.66] Lands on Gunther, so I would have to kiss Gunther. 指向阿甘,我就要亲阿甘
[11:43.96] All right. 就这样
[11:46.73] Who wants to go first? 谁要先?
[11:48.50] I'll go. 我先
[11:55.01] Welcome to America. 欢迎来到美国
[12:03.78] Oh,my God! 天哪
[12:06.49] Two in a row! You gotta use your tongues now. 连续两次!来个舌吻吧
[12:14.93] All right. 再来
[12:18.17] What are the odds? 太巧了
[12:21.84] That's enough! 够了
[12:25.01] Let's let someone else play. 让别人玩吧
[12:28.88] If you didn't want to play, then why'd you come to the party? 你不想玩干嘛来?
[12:33.78] All right,I'll go. 我来好了
[12:36.32] Somebody loose. Somebody loose. 豪放女!豪放女
[12:43.52] Story of my life. 我的人生写照
[12:46.53] 再转一次
[12:51.07] Story of my father's life. 我爸的人生写照
[12:53.80] Okay,my turn. 该我
[12:59.37] Look at that! 是你!
[13:00.78] Oh,my God. 天哪
[13:06.15] The baby just kicked! 天哪,宝宝踢了
[13:08.62] It's okay. It's okay. If it kicked once,it'll kick again! 他会再踢的
[13:15.62] Everybody just remember where they were sitting. 大家要记住刚才的位置
[13:29.24] It was a bug. 有虫
[13:34.84] It doesn't matter how much I'm craving it. 不管我多想吃
[13:36.88] You know why I'm never gonna eat meat? Because it's cold-blooded murder. 我绝不吃肉,那是冷血谋杀
[13:41.18] Okay. 好
[13:47.86] There's a Phoebe on my sandwich! 我的三明治上有菲比
[13:52.16] What are you doing? 菲比,你干什么?
[13:53.76] I can't help it! 我没办法
[13:56.20] I need the meat! The baby needs the meat. 我要吃肉,宝宝要吃肉
[13:59.33] You know when you're dating someone... 跟别人交往...
[14:01.20] ...and you don't want to cheat unless it's with someone really hot? ...要专一 除非第三者真的很辣
[14:07.41] Totally. 那当然
[14:08.64] This is the same kind of deal. 这就对了
[14:12.05] If you're gonna do something wrong... 吃肉也一样,要错…
[14:16.45] it right. 就要错得漂亮
[14:20.75] -I'll be back in a minute. -Okay. 我马上回来 好
[14:24.23] What are you doing to me? 你想怎样?
[14:27.09] I'm trying to get Emily out of here, and you keep talking to her... 我想把她带走 你却一直跟她讲话
[14:30.46] ...being all interesting and making her laugh. 装风趣又逗她笑
[14:33.27] I don't want you to be funny anymore. 从现在起,请你别那么风趣
[14:35.80] Rachel wants me to be funny, you don't want me to be funny. 瑞秋要我风趣 你却不要我风趣
[14:39.84] From now on,I'm gonna be funny sometimes,and not funny others. 从现在起,我要有时候风趣 有时候不风趣
[14:52.49] You feel better now? 感觉好多了吗?
[14:54.19] Yeah,but at what cost? 对,但是代价呢?
[14:57.26] Six more months,three meals a day. 三餐吃肉吃半年?
[14:59.49] I am going to eat,like, you know,millions of cows. 我会吃掉 几百万头牛
[15:04.37] Mommy cows,daddy cows,baby cows 牛爸爸,牛妈妈,牛宝宝
[15:07.03] No. No,I will never eat baby cows. No veal! 我绝不吃牛宝宝,死也不吃
[15:11.37] Oh,but veal. 尽量不吃
[15:15.28] What if I even things out for you,meat-wise? 要是我帮你平衡过来呢? 什么?
[15:18.41] -What? -I eat a lot of meat,right? 我很会吃肉对吧? 对
[15:21.35] But suppose,until the baby's born, I laid off it. 要是在宝宝出生前,我戒吃肉
[15:25.15] No extra animals would die. You'd be eating my animals. 就不会多死动物 你是在吃我的份
[15:30.02] I can't believe you'd do that for me. 你居然愿意为我这么做
[15:32.36] Absolutely. I could be a vegetarian. 当然愿意,我也可以吃素
[15:36.43] There's no meat in beer,right? 啤酒里没有肉吧?
[15:39.53] We can still make dinner if we skip the appetizers and ask for our check right away. 不吃开胃菜,马上买单 还赶得上吃主菜
[15:48.28] We can't go now. Rachel is going to put on a skit. 现在不能走,瑞秋要表演
[15:53.75] Oh,my God! Have you lost your mind? 我的天哪,你疯了吗?
[15:57.15] I am finally thinking clearly. 不,我终于想通了
[16:01.66] My lucky dress wasn't working out too well for me. 我的幸运裙效果不佳
[16:03.96] But for four years, this baby never missed. 但这一套整整4年都百发百中
[16:08.06] Wait,I can't let 瑞秋,我不能让你…
[16:10.90] Actually,I want to see what happens. 我也想看热闹
[16:17.00] Nice costume. 好棒的行头
[16:20.51] Well,I wanted to give Emily a big American goodbye cheer. 是啊,我想给艾蜜莉 来个美式的再见欢呼
[16:30.35] Ready. Okay. 预备…起
[16:32.75] Give me an "E"! 给我一个E E
[16:34.66] Give me an "M"! 给我一个M M
[16:36.49] Give me an "I"! 给我一个I I
[16:38.13] Give me an "L"! 给我一个L L
[16:39.49] Give me a "Y"! 给我一个Y Y
[16:41.30] What do you get? 加起来是什么?
[16:44.23] Emily! Emily! 艾蜜莉!艾蜜莉…
[16:51.97] That's me as a cheerleader! 以上就是我的欢呼
[16:56.48] I loosened a tooth. It's no big deal. I have a dentist. 有一颗牙齿松了 小意思,我有牙医
[17:00.08] I'll put some ice on it. Excuse me. 我去冰敷,失陪
[17:04.92] -What do I do now? -I think you're done. 怎么办怎么办? 你应该是毁了
[17:09.49] Time to take off the bra. 该脱胸罩了
[17:15.10] That was really great. 刚才的表演很精彩
[17:18.60] But I gotta take off. 但是我得走了
[17:20.80] Take the bra off. 脱~胸~罩
[17:27.34] Let's go get your coat. 我陪你去拿外套
[17:32.38] Rachel's my girlfriend. 瑞秋是我的女朋友
[17:37.35] So this was really fun. 今晚蛮开心的
[17:40.15] Yeah,it was real fun. 是啊,很开心
[17:47.03] You know,this bra... 这件胸罩…
[17:51.53] really bothering me. 实在很不舒服
[17:55.50] This used to be my bedroom. 这里以前是我的房间
[17:59.01] A lot of memories in here. Lot of memories. 有很多回忆,很多很多回忆
[18:03.81] If these walls could talk, they'd say: 要是墙壁会说话,它们会说
[18:06.08] "Want to hear some memories?" “想听听往事吗?”
[18:14.76] Need a hand? 你需要帮忙吗?
[18:16.42] I got this all under control. 不用,没问题
[18:20.46] You really don't seem like you do. 可是看起来不像
[18:27.73] God! Forget it! 算了啦!真是…
[18:34.64] This is not how this was supposed to happen. 事情不该是这样的
[18:37.91] What was supposed to happen? 不然应该怎样?
[18:41.35] Can you not look at me when I say this? 你能不能不要看我?
[18:47.59] I thought that if I could get you here... 我以为要是能把你找来
[18:52.13] ...I could seduce you. 我就可以色诱你
[18:56.93] -Excuse me? -Seduce you. 什么? 引诱你
[19:09.14] I don't wear suits to work. 我上班不穿西装
[19:12.75] And I bought six of them from you. 却跟你买了六套
[19:16.22] I'm sorry. I thought you needed them. 抱歉喔,我以为你有需要
[19:20.72] My point is,I kept coming back because I wanted to see you. 我一直去找你,因为我想见你
[19:25.53] -Why? -Because I like you. 为什么? 因为我喜欢你
[19:29.00] You like me? 你喜欢我?
[19:32.43] I mean,you're beautiful and smart and sophisticated. 是啊,你漂亮、聪明又成熟
[19:37.44] A lot of this isn't based on tonight. 这些印象不是来自今晚
[19:42.34] But you like me? 但是你喜欢我?
[19:44.18] I can't believe this. All this time, I liked you and you liked me! 这段日子以来 我们竟然一直互相喜欢
[19:50.48] -But -No "but." 但是… 不要说“但是”
[19:52.35] "But" is never good. Let's leave it at "l like you and you like me." “但是”都没好事 停在“我们互相喜欢”就好
[19:58.09] -Okay. However -No,that's a fancy "but." 好,然而… 那是好听的“但是”
[20:04.46] My marriage,like,just ended. 我刚结束我的婚姻
[20:08.80] And I'm really not ready to get into anything yet. 我还没心情跟别人交往
[20:14.58] But.... 但是…?
[20:18.08] I'm sorry. I just need a little time. 对不起,我需要一点时间
[20:25.49] Okay.
[20:30.66] There you are. I was looking for you. 你在这里,我在找你
[20:33.86] Joshua's gone, so you and Emily are free to go. 约书亚走了 你和艾蜜莉可以走了
[20:37.26] It's okay. 无所谓
[20:39.23] She's still in there enjoying her fake party. 她还在里面享受这场假派对
[20:43.40] It's too late to do the stuff I had planned. 现在要做什么也来不及了
[20:48.61] I'm sorry. I ruined your evening. 抱歉,我毁了你美好的夜晚
[20:51.98] Yeah. 是啊
[20:54.78] If it makes you feel any better, I made a fool of myself. 我出了个大丑 你有没有高兴一点?
[21:00.52] Helps a little. 有一点
[21:03.56] Is there room on that step for a pathetic loser? 有地方让悲惨的失败者坐吗?
[21:06.56] Have a seat. 坐吧
[21:15.04] -I'm so sorry. -It's okay. 对不起 没关系
[21:18.47] It was just a two-week thing anyway. 反正只是一段2星期的恋情
[21:21.64] I just didn't want it to end this way. 我只是不想这样结束
[21:24.28] Or maybe you didn't want it to end. 也许你不想结束呢?
[21:27.71] What do you mean? 什么意思?
[21:29.58] You seem to really like her. 你似乎真的很喜欢她
[21:34.35] I really do. 没错
[21:37.89] But what am I going to do? We agreed it'd be a two-week thing. 但我能怎么办? 我们说好只在一起2星期
[21:42.23] No commitment. 不要有承诺
[21:46.17] 罗斯
[21:48.50] That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... 那个女孩整晚都跟你的朋友
[21:53.44] ...asking to hear stories about you... 吵着要听你的事
[21:56.04] ...Iooking through Monica's photo albums. 还拿摩妮卡的相簿来看
[21:58.91] You don't do that if you're just in it for two weeks. 只想在一起2周才不会这么做
[22:02.75] You think? 是吗?
[22:05.52] You've got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. 她还有14个小时才要去机场
[22:10.39] And you're sitting here in a hallway... 你却坐在走廊上
[22:12.89] ...with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip. 陪一个28岁 嘴肿起来的啦啦队长
[22:19.70] You're right. 你说得对
[22:26.84] Thanks. 谢了
[22:32.81] What photo album was it? 哪一本相簿?
[22:35.55] I don't know. It was you and a bunch of albino kids. 不知道 你跟一堆白子小孩的合照
[22:41.56] Oh,my God! Those weren't albino kids. 他们不是白子
[22:44.29] That was computer camp! 那是电脑夏令营啦
[22:52.30] -You're a pathetic loser,right? -Oh,yeah. 你是悲惨的失败者吧? 就是我
[22:56.64] Sit! 坐
[23:04.18] Hi.
[23:05.71] Oh,my God. Joshua. 天哪,约书亚
[23:08.75] Look... 听着...
[23:10.68] ...all those things I said about not being ready ...我刚才说我没心情…
[23:13.85] -They're not true? -They're all true. 不是真的? 不,都是真的
[23:19.16] But.... 但是…
[23:23.70] I love that "but." 我喜欢这个“但是”
[23:35.58] Do you want to go inside and get some coffee? 要不要进去喝杯咖啡?
[23:38.75] Okay. 好
[23:47.09] Every time. 百发百中
[23:53.59] -What do you got there? -Pastrami. 你放什么? 熏牛肉
[23:59.77] -You know what goes good with that? -Corned beef. 你知道什么跟它最配? 腌牛肉
[24:04.27] I was going to say bologna. But that's better. 我想说红肠,但腌牛肉更棒
[24:08.48] -How about that smoked turkey? -Okay. 要不要放点熏火鸡肉? 好
[24:13.15] Oh,mama! 妈呀
[24:16.08] -When is the baby due? -Six months. 宝宝什么时候生? 半年后
[24:20.12] If a cow died of natural causes, I could have one of those,right? 自然死亡的牛可以吃吧?
[24:24.86] Not if I get there first. 我会先下手
[00:09.40] Cereal killer. yu mi pian sha ren kuang yin tong lian xu sha ren kuang
[00:12.77] Cereal killer? yu mi pian sha ren kuang?
[00:14.28] Hey, come on, I say more dumb things before 9 a. m... wo yi zao shuo de chun hua
[00:16.81] ... than most people say all day. bi bie ren zheng tian shuo de hai duo
[00:21.05] What? zen me le?
[00:22.25] I can' t find anything that I wanna eat. Everything makes me nauseous. wo bu zhi dao yao chi shen me chi shen me dou hui e xin
[00:26.49] I' m telling you, being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh, cake! huai yun you gou nan gao de a, dan gao
[00:30.89] No. bu xing
[00:33.33] Honey, I' m sorry. zhen ke lian
[00:36.36] What is that smell? It' s coming from the bathroom. shen me xiang wei? shi yu shi chuan chu lai de
[00:40.80] Pregnancy does give you some weird cravings. ni dao shi duo le xie guai pi
[00:44.81] It' s me. It' s Phoebe. Listen, there' s something in here I want to eat. shi wo, fei bi zhe li you wo xiang chi de dong xi
[00:50.65] What smells so good? shen me wei dao zhe me xiang?
[00:53.58] ls it the shampoo? It' s guava. No. shi xin xi fa jing ma? fan shi liu xiang wei bu shi
[00:57.95] Wait. deng yi xia
[01:00.62] Is it my bologna sandwich? shi wo de hong chang san ming zhi ma?
[01:04.99] Yes. Yes. Yes. dui, mei cuo
[01:06.96] I can' t believe it. The baby wants bologna. The baby wants meat. I can' t eat meat. bao bao ju ran xiang chi hong chang bao bao xiang chi rou, wo bu neng chi rou
[01:11.47] Wait! deng yi xia
[01:14.07] Maybe it' s the pickle! ye xu shi yan huang gua
[01:16.60] The One With the Fake Party ben ji bo chu:" qiu ai shi ba zhao"
[02:01.65] zhong yang ka fei guan
[02:06.35] What are you writing? ni zai xie shen me?
[02:07.72] Joshua' s coming in tomorrow, and since I don' t have the guts to ask him out... yue shu ya ming tian yao lai ji ran wo mei dan yue ta
[02:12.16] ... I' m gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket. wo jue ding mai ta yi jian wai tao zai ba zhi tiao sai jin kou dai
[02:16.63] " Joshua, give me a call sometime. Guys like you... " yue shu ya: you kong da dian hua gei wo" " ni zhe yang de ren"
[02:20.90] ... never go out of style." " yong bu tui liu xing"
[02:24.24] What did you throw away? ni reng le nei xie ren?
[02:28.51] Hi, guys. What have you guys been up to? ni men zuo le shen me?
[02:31.65] We went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the museum. wo men qu kan wei duo li ya shi qi men ba zhan
[02:36.08] Without me? mei zhao wo qu?
[02:39.22] My uncle dragged us there, but it turned out to be really interesting. shi jiu jiu tuo wo men qu de jie guo hen you yi si
[02:43.09] They were so ornate and beautiful. Look at that. nei xie men ba hen hua li, ni men kan
[02:46.23] I don' t know how museums work in England, but here, you' re not supposed to take stuff. wo bu zhi dao ying guo de guo qing dan zhe li bu neng shun shou qian yang
[02:51.60] I got it from the gift shop. zhe shi li pin bu de
[02:53.67] They have really lax security there. na li mei shen me fang dao cuo shi
[02:57.24] It' s a joke. zhe shi xiao hua
[03:00.34] Anyone for more tea? ying guo qiang shui hai yao he cha?
[03:03.75] No, just me then. ying guo qiang na wo zi ji jiao le
[03:06.85] Hey, Ringo. ying wu xian sheng
[03:09.48] Every time Emily' s around, you talk like her. Would you please cut it out? mei ci ai mi li zai, ni jiu guai qiang guai diao bie nao le
[03:13.45] I think you like it. wo kan ni xi huan o
[03:17.09] I think you can' t resist me when I do it. ni wu fa kang ju zhe yang de wo
[03:19.66] You want to eat me up like a cream " pumpy." ni xiang yi kou le wo
[03:24.77] What? All right, look, I don' t know all the words. shen me? wo bu shi mei ge ying guo zi dou hui
[03:32.71] Right. I' ve got to be off. I' ll see you. Byebye, then. wo gai zou le, zai jian ge
[03:35.48] Byebye, then. zai jian ge
[03:39.71] You guys seem to be having a good time. ni men xiang chu de hen yu kuai
[03:41.82] She is amazing, and she' s so much fun. dui, ta ren hen bang, er qie hen you qu
[03:46.19] And you know what? When I' m with her, I' m fun! gen ta zai yi qi shi, wo ye hen you qu
[03:51.76] I do things like run off to Vermont... wo hui pao qu fo meng te 56 00: 03: 55, 400 00: 03: 58, 230 ... and you guys saw the doorknob. ni men ye kan dao na ge men ba le
[03:59.80] I even signed up for helicopter classes. wo shen zhi bao ming xue kai zhi sheng ji
[04:03.77] She' s leaving in two days. I don' t have to do it. ta guo liang tian jiu zou le, wo bu bi zhen xue
[04:07.14] Two days? You must be bummed. liang tian? ni yi ding hen shi wang
[04:09.44] She' s got to go back to London, but I' ve been prepared for this from the start. ta fei hui qu bu ke bu guo wo zao jiu you xin li zhun bei 62 00: 04: 13, 820 00: 04: 17, 480 We both knew we had two weeks together, and then th?
[04:17.72] Hey, that' s what all my relationships are like. wo de mei duan lian qing dou shi
[04:21.16] Yes, but in Ross' case, they both know in two weeks that' s it. luo si ta men shi" shuang fang" dou zhi dao zhi you 2 xing qi
[04:26.39] Pheebs! Hello. Hello. fei bi
[04:29.23] No, I know. Yeah. bao bao hao a hao la
[04:33.17] So the baby is totally craving meat. bao bao xiang rou xiang feng le
[04:35.80] I tried tricking it, and I made it a soy burger, so that maybe it' d think it was getting meat. xia wu wo xiang yong su rou bao pian ta rang ta yi wei ta chi dao rou
[04:40.68] And I got nauseous. jie guo jiu fan wei le
[04:42.88] Maybe that' s because soy burgers suck. ye xu shi yin wei su rou bao fen nan chi
[04:47.35] But I' m no obstetrician.... bu guo ying gai hen ying yang
[04:50.75] Being pregnant is hard on your tummy. huai yun zhen nan chi dong xi
[04:53.09] At least you got that cool, pregnantlady glow. dan ni you yi zhong yun fu de guang cai
[04:56.16] That' s sweat. You throw up all morning, you' ll have that glow too. ni yao shi tu yi zao shang ye hui you guang cai
[05:07.74] Okay.
[05:08.90] Here' s that trench coat that you wanted. Great. zhe shi ni yao de feng yi tai hao le
[05:14.11] It' s comfortable. hen shu fu
[05:15.94] You could really flash somebody in this. zhe ke yi yong lai zhuang bian tai
[05:19.61] No. They don' t want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store. bu xing, chu le dian men cai neng ba shou fang jin kou dai li
[05:25.45] Why not? wei shi me?
[05:26.79] Well, because... yin wei
[05:28.72] ... we get a lot of you hen duo ren
[05:33.39] They ruin it for everybody. zhen shi hai qun zhi ma
[05:35.23] I know. shi a
[05:36.76] I wore that sweater on a date last night. wo zuo wan chuan na jian ka shi mi er mao yi qu yue hui
[05:40.87] It was the first date since the divorce. wo li hun hou di yi ci yue hui
[05:44.14] Congratulations. So do you love her? gong xi, ni ai ta ma?
[05:48.24] She' s nice, but it made me realize... ta hai bu cuo, bu guo wo ye fa xian
[05:51.28] ... I' m just not ready to be dating. wo hai mei you xin qing yue hui
[05:59.22] That' s interesting. zhen you yi si
[06:03.02] What was that? Just an antitheft device. na shi shen me? zhi shi fang dao ci tiao
[06:06.89] Then what' s this? na zhe shi shen me?
[06:08.63] You need that too, because a thief could just tear this up. na ge ye yao, yin wei zhe ge yi si jiu sui
[06:18.14] We have to have a party in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans. wan shang you pai dui qi shi shi 5 fen zhong hou, you shi kuai qu xiao
[06:24.05] What' s going on? ni zai shuo shi mo? zen me hui shi?
[06:25.55] We have to have a bonvoyage party for Emily. wo men yao bang ai mi li ban jing xi huan song hui
[06:28.78] But it' s actually for Joshua. qi shi shi wei le yue shu ya
[06:30.79] That sucks. Nobody' s ever thrown me a bonvoyageEmily party. tao yan dou mei ren bang wo ban guo jia huan song hui
[06:35.99] He said he' s not ready to date. ta shuo ta hai mei you xin qing yue hui
[06:38.56] So I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work. wo de zhao ta can jia pai dui cai neng zai gong zuo zhi wai jian dao ta
[06:41.96] And now I have created the perfect opportunity to seduce him. xian zai wo zhi zao le yi ge se you ta de wan mei ji hui
[06:47.34] As much as I' d like to meet Josh and warn him... wo hen xiang dang mian jing gao yue shu ya
[06:52.67] ... Emily and I won' t be here. She' s gonna come by to say goodbye... dan ai mi li he wo bu neng can jia ta hui lai shuo sheng zai jian
[06:56.88] ... and then I' ve got a special evening planned. Sorry. No party. ran hou wo an pai le zheng wan de jie mu dui bu qi, mei xi chang le
[07:03.85] Hello? Surprise! jing xi!
[07:08.02] Surprise! jing xi!
[07:11.46] No one' s thrown me a surprise party before. mei you ren ti wo ban guo jing xi pai dui
[07:14.30] Well, it was all Ross' idea. zhe dou shi luo si de zhu yi
[07:18.77] You' re so sweet. ni zhen hao
[07:21.37] And I' m so surprised. wo hao jing xi o
[07:27.61] You didn' t know? ni zhen de mei liao dao?
[07:39.32] Why are you over here if Joshua' s over there? yue shu ya zai na bian, ni zen me zai zhe bian
[07:42.42] I' m trying to play hardtoget. wo xiang jia zhuang hen nan shang shou
[07:46.36] Quick! He' s looking. Say something funny. kuai, shuo ju hao xiao de hua
[07:49.26] Like what? ju ge li?
[07:52.97] What' s so funny? shen me shi zhe me hao xiao?
[07:56.50] I said," Like what?" wo shuo" ju ge li"
[07:59.61] Now that' s a thinker. zhen shen ao
[08:02.54] This playinghardtoget thing is not working. jia zhuang hen nan shang shou mei yong
[08:05.58] Hand me those cherries. ba ying tao gei wo, hao
[08:15.99] Care for a cherry? No, thanks. yao chi ying tao ma? bu yao, xie xie
[08:18.56] I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue. wo ke yi yong she tou ba ying tao geng da jie
[08:36.04] You okay? ni hai hao ma?
[08:37.88] You all right? mei shi ba?
[08:44.32] We should probably get going soon. wo men de gan kuai zou le
[08:46.82] But the party' s just getting started. dan shi pai dui cai gang kai shi
[08:49.56] We have to be at The Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes. wo men de zai 15 fen zhong nei gan qu si ji can ting he jiu
[08:53.76] Then The Plaza for dinner. ran hou qu guang chang fan dian chi wan fan
[08:55.83] So why did you plan a party at the same time? na ni wei shi me hai ban pai dui?
[08:59.83] bu shi de
[09:03.20] Actually, American surprise parties are very short. qi shi mei guo de jing xi pai dui dou hen duan
[09:07.54] It' s usually," Surprise!" Then," My God, I' m so surprised. Bye!" tong chang dou" jing xi!" ran hou jiu" wo hao jing xi o! zai jian"
[09:14.18] Ross, I' m having such a great time. dan shi wo jue de hao hao wan
[09:16.55] Your sister told me that you used to dress up like old ladies... ni mei shuo ni yi qian hui ban cheng lao tai tai
[09:20.82] ... and host makebelieve tea parties. ju ban jia de cha hui
[09:26.26] Monica said that, did she? mo ni ka shuo de shi ba?
[09:29.36] Did she tell you that when she was little... ta you mei you shuo ta xiao de shi hou
[09:32.40] ... she was partially responsible for new legislation... you yue qi cai shang zeng jia qiu qian de zai zhong liang
[09:35.30] ... regulating the strength of swing sets? ta ye shi yuan yin zhi yi?
[09:45.31] Then what are you going to put on top of that? ni jie xia lai yao fang shen me?
[09:48.82] A little salami. Oh, yeah. yi dian suan wei rou chang zan
[09:53.55] What goes on top of the salami? suan wei rou chang shang mian ne?
[09:56.19] Pastrami. xun niu rou tai zan le
[10:01.16] You' re a genius. ni zhen shi tian cai
[10:06.00] Give me a hand with the zipper. bang wo la yi xia la lian
[10:10.44] Up! wang shang la
[10:14.74] You changed? I decided I needed my lucky dress. ni huan yi fu? dui, wo xu yao wo de xing yun qun
[10:18.55] Lucky means more cleavage? lt does for me. xing yun shi zhi lu geng duo ru gou? wo jue de shi
[10:32.83] Look at him! He' s so cute. ni men kan ta duo shuai
[10:34.83] I just want to grab him and kiss him. zhen xiang yi ba zhuo guo lai qin xia qu
[10:37.90] How could I kiss him without him knowing I like him? dan shi ta bu zhi dao wo xi huan ta
[10:40.84] I know how you can get him. Take off your bra. you ge ban fa tuo xiong zhao
[10:44.71] What? shen me?
[10:45.91] This scene in Footloose Flashdance. zai" hun shen shi jin" li shi" shan wu"
[10:49.21] Yeah. With that plumber girl? A welder. dui na ge shui dian nv gong shi han jie gong
[10:54.18] Were you, like, in the movie? ni shi you yan ma?
[10:58.35] She takes off her bra under the shirt and pulls it out the sleeve. zong zhi ta zai yi fu di xia tuo diao xiong zhao cong xiu zi chou chu lai
[11:03.29] Very sexy. And classy. fei chang xing gan, er qie you ge diao
[11:09.80] Or you could use mistletoe. It' s not Christmas. bu ran ni ye ke yi yong jie ji sheng you bu shi sheng dan jie
[11:13.83] Spinthebottle. He' s not 11. zhuan ping zi ta bu shi xiao hai zi
[11:19.57] Thank you so much for this. It was so thoughtful of you. xie xie ni men, ni men zhen yong xin
[11:22.78] You' re leaving? ni men yao zou le?
[11:24.21] We have something we have to get to. I' m gonna take off too. dui, wo men hai you shi wo ye yao zou le
[11:28.15] You can' t leave yet. You have to stay. xian bie zou, liu xia lai
[11:31.22] We' ve got the whole big thing planned. wo men zhun bei le chong tou xi
[11:34.46] What big thing? shen me chong tou xi?
[11:35.79] Spinthebottle works like this: I spin the bottle. zhuan ping zi de gui ze shi, wo zhuan ping zi
[11:39.66] Lands on Gunther, so I would have to kiss Gunther. zhi xiang a gan, wo jiu yao qin a gan
[11:43.96] All right. jiu zhe yang
[11:46.73] Who wants to go first? shui yao xian?
[11:48.50] I' ll go. wo xian
[11:55.01] Welcome to America. huan ying lai dao mei guo
[12:03.78] Oh, my God! tian na
[12:06.49] Two in a row! You gotta use your tongues now. lian xu liang ci! lai ge she wen ba
[12:14.93] All right. zai lai
[12:18.17] What are the odds? tai qiao le
[12:21.84] That' s enough! gou le
[12:25.01] Let' s let someone else play. rang bie ren wan ba
[12:28.88] If you didn' t want to play, then why' d you come to the party? ni bu xiang wan gan ma lai?
[12:33.78] All right, I' ll go. wo lai hao le
[12:36.32] Somebody loose. Somebody loose. hao fang nv! hao fang nv
[12:43.52] Story of my life. wo de ren sheng xie zhao
[12:46.53] zai zhuan yi ci
[12:51.07] Story of my father' s life. wo ba de ren sheng xie zhao
[12:53.80] Okay, my turn. gai wo
[12:59.37] Look at that! shi ni!
[13:00.78] Oh, my God. tian na
[13:06.15] The baby just kicked! tian na, bao bao ti le
[13:08.62] It' s okay. It' s okay. If it kicked once, it' ll kick again! ta hui zai ti de
[13:15.62] Everybody just remember where they were sitting. da jia yao ji zhu gang cai de wei zhi
[13:29.24] It was a bug. you chong
[13:34.84] It doesn' t matter how much I' m craving it. bu guan wo duo xiang chi
[13:36.88] You know why I' m never gonna eat meat? Because it' s coldblooded murder. wo jue bu chi rou, na shi leng xue mou sha
[13:41.18] Okay. hao
[13:47.86] There' s a Phoebe on my sandwich! wo de san ming zhi shang you fei bi
[13:52.16] What are you doing? fei bi, ni gan shen me?
[13:53.76] I can' t help it! wo mei ban fa
[13:56.20] I need the meat! The baby needs the meat. wo yao chi rou, bao bao yao chi rou
[13:59.33] You know when you' re dating someone... gen bie ren jiao wang...
[14:01.20] ... and you don' t want to cheat unless it' s with someone really hot? ... yao zhuan yi chu fei di san zhe zhen de hen la
[14:07.41] Totally. na dang ran
[14:08.64] This is the same kind of deal. zhe jiu dui le
[14:12.05] If you' re gonna do something wrong... chi rou ye yi yang, yao cuo
[14:16.45] ... do it right. jiu yao cuo de piao liang
[14:20.75] I' ll be back in a minute. Okay. wo ma shang hui lai hao
[14:24.23] What are you doing to me? ni xiang zen yang?
[14:27.09] I' m trying to get Emily out of here, and you keep talking to her... wo xiang ba ta dai zou ni que yi zhi gen ta jiang hua
[14:30.46] ... being all interesting and making her laugh. zhuang feng qu you dou ta xiao
[14:33.27] I don' t want you to be funny anymore. cong xian zai qi, qing ni bie na me feng qu
[14:35.80] Rachel wants me to be funny, you don' t want me to be funny. rui qiu yao wo feng qu ni que bu yao wo feng qu
[14:39.84] From now on, I' m gonna be funny sometimes, and not funny others. cong xian zai qi, wo yao you shi hou feng qu you shi hou bu feng qu
[14:52.49] You feel better now? gan jue hao duo le ma?
[14:54.19] Yeah, but at what cost? dui, dan shi dai jia ne?
[14:57.26] Six more months, three meals a day. san can chi rou chi ban nian?
[14:59.49] I am going to eat, like, you know, millions of cows. wo hui chi diao ji bai wan tou niu
[15:04.37] Mommy cows, daddy cows, baby cows niu ba ba, niu ma ma, niu bao bao
[15:07.03] No. No, I will never eat baby cows. No veal! wo jue bu chi niu bao bao, si ye bu chi
[15:11.37] Oh, but veal. jin liang bu chi
[15:15.28] What if I even things out for you, meatwise? yao shi wo bang ni ping heng guo lai ne? shen me?
[15:18.41] What? I eat a lot of meat, right? wo hen hui chi rou dui ba? dui
[15:21.35] But suppose, until the baby' s born, I laid off it. yao shi zai bao bao chu sheng qian, wo jie chi rou
[15:25.15] No extra animals would die. You' d be eating my animals. jiu bu hui duo si dong wu ni shi zai chi wo de fen
[15:30.02] I can' t believe you' d do that for me. ni ju ran yuan yi wei wo zhe me zuo
[15:32.36] Absolutely. I could be a vegetarian. dang ran yuan yi, wo ye ke yi chi su
[15:36.43] There' s no meat in beer, right? pi jiu li mei you rou ba?
[15:39.53] We can still make dinner if we skip the appetizers and ask for our check right away. bu chi kai wei cai, ma shang mai dan hai gan dei shang chi zhu cai
[15:48.28] We can' t go now. Rachel is going to put on a skit. xian zai bu neng zou, rui qiu yao biao yan
[15:53.75] Oh, my God! Have you lost your mind? wo de tian na, ni feng le ma?
[15:57.15] I am finally thinking clearly. bu, wo zhong yu xiang tong le
[16:01.66] My lucky dress wasn' t working out too well for me. wo de xing yun qun xiao guo bu jia
[16:03.96] But for four years, this baby never missed. dan zhe yi tao zheng zheng 4 nian dou bai fa bai zhong
[16:08.06] Wait, I can' t let rui qiu, wo bu neng rang ni
[16:10.90] Actually, I want to see what happens. wo ye xiang kan re nao
[16:17.00] Nice costume. hao bang de xing tou
[16:20.51] Well, I wanted to give Emily a big American goodbye cheer. shi a, wo xiang gei ai mi li lai ge mei shi de zai jian huan hu
[16:30.35] Ready. Okay. yu bei qi
[16:32.75] Give me an " E"! gei wo yi ge E E
[16:34.66] Give me an " M"! gei wo yi ge M M
[16:36.49] Give me an " I"! gei wo yi ge I I
[16:38.13] Give me an " L"! gei wo yi ge L L
[16:39.49] Give me a " Y"! gei wo yi ge Y Y
[16:41.30] What do you get? jia qi lai shi shen me?
[16:44.23] Emily! Emily! ai mi li! ai mi li
[16:51.97] That' s me as a cheerleader! yi shang jiu shi wo de huan hu
[16:56.48] I loosened a tooth. It' s no big deal. I have a dentist. you yi ke ya chi song le xiao yi si, wo you ya yi
[17:00.08] I' ll put some ice on it. Excuse me. wo qu bing fu, shi pei
[17:04.92] What do I do now? I think you' re done. zen me ban zen me ban? ni ying gai shi hui le
[17:09.49] Time to take off the bra. gai tuo xiong zhao le
[17:15.10] That was really great. gang cai de biao yan hen jing cai
[17:18.60] But I gotta take off. dan shi wo de zou le
[17:20.80] Take the bra off. tuo xiong zhao
[17:27.34] Let' s go get your coat. wo pei ni qu na wai tao
[17:32.38] Rachel' s my girlfriend. rui qiu shi wo de nv peng you
[17:37.35] So this was really fun. jin wan man kai xin de
[17:40.15] Yeah, it was real fun. shi a, hen kai xin
[17:47.03] You know, this bra... zhe jian xiong zhao
[17:51.53] ... is really bothering me. shi zai hen bu shu fu
[17:55.50] This used to be my bedroom. zhe li yi qian shi wo de fang jian
[17:59.01] A lot of memories in here. Lot of memories. you hen duo hui yi, hen duo hen duo hui yi
[18:03.81] If these walls could talk, they' d say: yao shi qiang bi hui shuo hua, ta men hui shuo
[18:06.08] " Want to hear some memories?" " xiang ting ting wang shi ma?"
[18:14.76] Need a hand? ni xu yao bang mang ma?
[18:16.42] I got this all under control. bu yong, mei wen ti
[18:20.46] You really don' t seem like you do. ke shi kan qi lai bu xiang
[18:27.73] God! Forget it! suan le la! zhen shi
[18:34.64] This is not how this was supposed to happen. shi qing bu gai shi zhe yang de
[18:37.91] What was supposed to happen? bu ran ying gai zen yang?
[18:41.35] Can you not look at me when I say this? ni neng bu neng bu yao kan wo?
[18:47.59] I thought that if I could get you here... wo yi wei yao shi neng ba ni zhao lai
[18:52.13] ... I could seduce you. wo jiu ke yi se you ni
[18:56.93] Excuse me? Seduce you. shen me? yin you ni
[19:09.14] I don' t wear suits to work. wo shang ban bu chuan xi zhuang
[19:12.75] And I bought six of them from you. que gen ni mai le liu tao
[19:16.22] I' m sorry. I thought you needed them. bao qian o, wo yi wei ni you xu yao
[19:20.72] My point is, I kept coming back because I wanted to see you. wo yi zhi qu zhao ni, yin wei wo xiang jian ni
[19:25.53] Why? Because I like you. wei shi me? yin wei wo xi huan ni
[19:29.00] You like me? ni xi huan wo?
[19:32.43] I mean, you' re beautiful and smart and sophisticated. shi a, ni piao liang cong ming you cheng shu
[19:37.44] A lot of this isn' t based on tonight. zhei xie yin xiang bu shi lai zi jin wan
[19:42.34] But you like me? dan shi ni xi huan wo?
[19:44.18] I can' t believe this. All this time, I liked you and you liked me! zhe duan ri zi yi lai wo men jing ran yi zhi hu xiang xi huan
[19:50.48] But No " but." dan shi bu yao shuo" dan shi"
[19:52.35] " But" is never good. Let' s leave it at " l like you and you like me." " dan shi" dou mei hao shi ting zai" wo men hu xiang xi huan" jiu hao
[19:58.09] Okay. However No, that' s a fancy " but." hao, ran er na shi hao ting de" dan shi"
[20:04.46] My marriage, like, just ended. wo gang jie shu wo de hun yin
[20:08.80] And I' m really not ready to get into anything yet. wo hai mei xin qing gen bie ren jiao wang
[20:14.58] But.... dan shi?
[20:18.08] I' m sorry. I just need a little time. dui bu qi, wo xu yao yi dian shi jian
[20:25.49] Okay.
[20:30.66] There you are. I was looking for you. ni zai zhe li, wo zai zhao ni
[20:33.86] Joshua' s gone, so you and Emily are free to go. yue shu ya zou le ni he ai mi li ke yi zou le
[20:37.26] It' s okay. wu suo wei
[20:39.23] She' s still in there enjoying her fake party. ta hai zai li mian xiang shou zhe chang jia pai dui
[20:43.40] It' s too late to do the stuff I had planned. xian zai yao zuo shi mo ye lai bu ji le
[20:48.61] I' m sorry. I ruined your evening. bao qian, wo hui le ni mei hao de ye wan
[20:51.98] Yeah. shi a
[20:54.78] If it makes you feel any better, I made a fool of myself. wo chu le ge da chou ni you mei you gao xing yi dian?
[21:00.52] Helps a little. you yi dian
[21:03.56] Is there room on that step for a pathetic loser? you di fang rang bei can de shi bai zhe zuo ma?
[21:06.56] Have a seat. zuo ba
[21:15.04] I' m so sorry. It' s okay. dui bu qi mei guan xi
[21:18.47] It was just a twoweek thing anyway. fan zheng zhi shi yi duan 2 xing qi de lian qing
[21:21.64] I just didn' t want it to end this way. wo zhi shi bu xiang zhe yang jie shu
[21:24.28] Or maybe you didn' t want it to end. ye xu ni bu xiang jie shu ne?
[21:27.71] What do you mean? shen me yi si?
[21:29.58] You seem to really like her. ni si hu zhen de hen xi huan ta
[21:34.35] I really do. mei cuo
[21:37.89] But what am I going to do? We agreed it' d be a twoweek thing. dan wo neng zen me ban? wo men shuo hao zhi zai yi qi 2 xing qi
[21:42.23] No commitment. bu yao you cheng nuo
[21:46.17] luo si
[21:48.50] That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... na ge nv hai zheng wan dou gen ni de peng you
[21:53.44] ... asking to hear stories about you... chao zhe yao ting ni de shi
[21:56.04] ... Iooking through Monica' s photo albums. hai na mo ni ka de xiang bu lai kan
[21:58.91] You don' t do that if you' re just in it for two weeks. zhi xiang zai yi qi 2 zhou cai bu hui zhe me zuo
[22:02.75] You think? shi ma?
[22:05.52] You' ve got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. ta hai you 14 ge xiao shi cai yao qu ji chang
[22:10.39] And you' re sitting here in a hallway... ni que zuo zai zou lang shang
[22:12.89] ... with a 28yearold cheerleader with a fat lip. pei yi ge 28 sui zui zhong qi lai de la la dui zhang
[22:19.70] You' re right. ni shuo de dui
[22:26.84] Thanks. xie le
[22:32.81] What photo album was it? na yi ben xiang bu?
[22:35.55] I don' t know. It was you and a bunch of albino kids. bu zhi dao ni gen yi dui bai zi xiao hai de he zhao
[22:41.56] Oh, my God! Those weren' t albino kids. ta men bu shi bai zi
[22:44.29] That was computer camp! na shi dian nao xia ling ying la
[22:52.30] You' re a pathetic loser, right? Oh, yeah. ni shi bei can de shi bai zhe ba? jiu shi wo
[22:56.64] Sit! zuo
[23:04.18] Hi.
[23:05.71] Oh, my God. Joshua. tian na, yue shu ya
[23:08.75] Look... ting zhe...
[23:10.68] ... all those things I said about not being ready ... wo gang cai shuo wo mei xin qing
[23:13.85] They' re not true? They' re all true. bu shi zhen de? bu, dou shi zhen de
[23:19.16] But.... dan shi
[23:23.70] I love that " but." wo xi huan zhe ge" dan shi"
[23:35.58] Do you want to go inside and get some coffee? yao bu yao jin qu he bei ka fei?
[23:38.75] Okay. hao
[23:47.09] Every time. bai fa bai zhong
[23:53.59] What do you got there? Pastrami. ni fang shen me? xun niu rou
[23:56.70] zan
[23:59.77] You know what goes good with that? Corned beef. ni zhi dao shen me gen ta zui pei? yan niu rou
[24:04.27] I was going to say bologna. But that' s better. wo xiang shuo hong chang, dan yan niu rou geng bang
[24:08.48] How about that smoked turkey? Okay. yao bu yao fang dian xun huo ji rou? hao
[24:13.15] Oh, mama! ma ya
[24:16.08] When is the baby due? Six months. bao bao shen me shi hou sheng? ban nian hou
[24:20.12] If a cow died of natural causes, I could have one of those, right? zi ran si wang de niu ke yi chi ba?
[24:24.86] Not if I get there first. wo hui xian xia shou
[00:09.40] Cereal killer. yù mǐ piàn shā rén kuáng yīn tóng lián xù shā rén kuáng
[00:12.77] Cereal killer? yù mǐ piàn shā rén kuáng?
[00:14.28] Hey, come on, I say more dumb things before 9 a. m... wǒ yī zǎo shuō de chǔn huà
[00:16.81] ... than most people say all day. bǐ bié rén zhěng tiān shuō de hái duō
[00:21.05] What? zěn me le?
[00:22.25] I can' t find anything that I wanna eat. Everything makes me nauseous. wǒ bù zhī dào yào chī shén me chī shén me dōu huì ě xīn
[00:26.49] I' m telling you, being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh, cake! huái yùn yǒu gòu nán gǎo de a, dàn gāo
[00:30.89] No. bù xíng
[00:33.33] Honey, I' m sorry. zhēn kě lián
[00:36.36] What is that smell? It' s coming from the bathroom. shén me xiāng wèi? shì yù shì chuán chū lái de
[00:40.80] Pregnancy does give you some weird cravings. nǐ dǎo shì duō le xiē guài pǐ
[00:44.81] It' s me. It' s Phoebe. Listen, there' s something in here I want to eat. shì wǒ, fēi bǐ zhè lǐ yǒu wǒ xiǎng chī de dōng xī
[00:50.65] What smells so good? shén me wèi dào zhè me xiāng?
[00:53.58] ls it the shampoo? It' s guava. No. shì xīn xǐ fā jīng ma? fān shí liú xiāng wèi bú shì
[00:57.95] Wait. děng yī xià
[01:00.62] Is it my bologna sandwich? shì wǒ de hóng cháng sān míng zhì ma?
[01:04.99] Yes. Yes. Yes. duì, méi cuò
[01:06.96] I can' t believe it. The baby wants bologna. The baby wants meat. I can' t eat meat. bǎo bǎo jū rán xiǎng chī hóng cháng bǎo bǎo xiǎng chī ròu, wǒ bù néng chī ròu
[01:11.47] Wait! děng yī xià
[01:14.07] Maybe it' s the pickle! yě xǔ shì yān huáng guā
[01:16.60] The One With the Fake Party běn jí bō chū:" qiú ài shí bā zhāo"
[02:01.65] zhōng yāng kā fēi guǎn
[02:06.35] What are you writing? nǐ zài xiě shén me?
[02:07.72] Joshua' s coming in tomorrow, and since I don' t have the guts to ask him out... yuē shū yà míng tiān yào lái jì rán wǒ méi dǎn yuē tā
[02:12.16] ... I' m gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket. wǒ jué dìng mài tā yī jiàn wài tào zài bǎ zhǐ tiáo sāi jìn kǒu dài
[02:16.63] " Joshua, give me a call sometime. Guys like you... " yuē shū yà: yǒu kòng dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ" " nǐ zhè yàng de rén"
[02:20.90] ... never go out of style." " yǒng bù tuì liú xíng"
[02:24.24] What did you throw away? nǐ rēng le něi xiē rén?
[02:28.51] Hi, guys. What have you guys been up to? nǐ men zuò le shén me?
[02:31.65] We went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the museum. wǒ men qù kàn wéi duō lì yà shí qī mén bà zhǎn
[02:36.08] Without me? méi zhǎo wǒ qù?
[02:39.22] My uncle dragged us there, but it turned out to be really interesting. shì jiù jiù tuō wǒ men qù de jié guǒ hěn yǒu yì sī
[02:43.09] They were so ornate and beautiful. Look at that. nèi xiē mén bà hěn huá lì, nǐ men kàn
[02:46.23] I don' t know how museums work in England, but here, you' re not supposed to take stuff. wǒ bù zhī dào yīng guó de guó qíng dàn zhè lǐ bù néng shùn shǒu qiān yáng
[02:51.60] I got it from the gift shop. zhè shì lǐ pǐn bù de
[02:53.67] They have really lax security there. nà lǐ méi shén me fáng dào cuò shī
[02:57.24] It' s a joke. zhè shì xiào huà
[03:00.34] Anyone for more tea? yīng guó qiāng shuí hái yào hē chá?
[03:03.75] No, just me then. yīng guó qiāng nà wǒ zì jǐ jiào le
[03:06.85] Hey, Ringo. yīng wǔ xiān shēng
[03:09.48] Every time Emily' s around, you talk like her. Would you please cut it out? měi cì ài mì lì zài, nǐ jiù guài qiāng guài diào bié nào le
[03:13.45] I think you like it. wǒ kàn nǐ xǐ huān ō
[03:17.09] I think you can' t resist me when I do it. nǐ wú fǎ kàng jù zhè yàng de wǒ
[03:19.66] You want to eat me up like a cream " pumpy." nǐ xiǎng yī kǒu le wǒ
[03:24.77] What? All right, look, I don' t know all the words. shén me? wǒ bú shì měi gè yīng guó zì dōu huì
[03:32.71] Right. I' ve got to be off. I' ll see you. Byebye, then. wǒ gāi zǒu le, zài jiàn gē
[03:35.48] Byebye, then. zài jiàn gē
[03:39.71] You guys seem to be having a good time. nǐ men xiāng chǔ de hěn yú kuài
[03:41.82] She is amazing, and she' s so much fun. duì, tā rén hěn bàng, ér qiě hěn yǒu qù
[03:46.19] And you know what? When I' m with her, I' m fun! gēn tā zài yì qǐ shí, wǒ yě hěn yǒu qù
[03:51.76] I do things like run off to Vermont... wǒ huì pǎo qù fó méng tè 56 00: 03: 55, 400 00: 03: 58, 230 ... and you guys saw the doorknob. nǐ men yě kàn dào nà gè mén bà le
[03:59.80] I even signed up for helicopter classes. wǒ shèn zhì bào míng xué kāi zhí shēng jī
[04:03.77] She' s leaving in two days. I don' t have to do it. tā guò liǎng tiān jiù zǒu le, wǒ bù bì zhēn xué
[04:07.14] Two days? You must be bummed. liǎng tiān? nǐ yí dìng hěn shī wàng
[04:09.44] She' s got to go back to London, but I' ve been prepared for this from the start. tā fēi huí qù bù kě bù guò wǒ zǎo jiù yǒu xīn lǐ zhǔn bèi 62 00: 04: 13, 820 00: 04: 17, 480 We both knew we had two weeks together, and then th?
[04:17.72] Hey, that' s what all my relationships are like. wǒ de měi duàn liàn qíng dōu shì
[04:21.16] Yes, but in Ross' case, they both know in two weeks that' s it. luó sī tā men shì" shuāng fāng" dōu zhī dào zhǐ yǒu 2 xīng qī
[04:26.39] Pheebs! Hello. Hello. fēi bǐ
[04:29.23] No, I know. Yeah. bǎo bǎo hǎo a hǎo la
[04:33.17] So the baby is totally craving meat. bǎo bǎo xiǎng ròu xiǎng fēng le
[04:35.80] I tried tricking it, and I made it a soy burger, so that maybe it' d think it was getting meat. xià wǔ wǒ xiǎng yòng sù ròu bǎo piàn tā ràng tā yǐ wéi tā chī dào ròu
[04:40.68] And I got nauseous. jié guǒ jiù fǎn wèi le
[04:42.88] Maybe that' s because soy burgers suck. yě xǔ shì yīn wèi sù ròu bǎo fěn nán chī
[04:47.35] But I' m no obstetrician.... bù guò yīng gāi hěn yíng yǎng
[04:50.75] Being pregnant is hard on your tummy. huái yùn zhēn nán chī dōng xī
[04:53.09] At least you got that cool, pregnantlady glow. dàn nǐ yǒu yī zhǒng yùn fù de guāng cǎi
[04:56.16] That' s sweat. You throw up all morning, you' ll have that glow too. nǐ yào shì tǔ yī zǎo shàng yě huì yǒu guāng cǎi
[05:07.74] Okay.
[05:08.90] Here' s that trench coat that you wanted. Great. zhè shì nǐ yào de fēng yī tài hǎo le
[05:14.11] It' s comfortable. hěn shū fú
[05:15.94] You could really flash somebody in this. zhè kě yǐ yòng lái zhuāng biàn tài
[05:19.61] No. They don' t want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store. bù xíng, chū le diàn mén cái néng bǎ shǒu fàng jìn kǒu dài lǐ
[05:25.45] Why not? wèi shí me?
[05:26.79] Well, because... yīn wèi
[05:28.72] ... we get a lot of yǒu hěn duō rén
[05:33.39] They ruin it for everybody. zhēn shì hài qún zhī mǎ
[05:35.23] I know. shì a
[05:36.76] I wore that sweater on a date last night. wǒ zuó wǎn chuān nà jiàn kā shí mǐ ěr máo yī qù yuē huì
[05:40.87] It was the first date since the divorce. wǒ lí hūn hòu dì yī cì yuē huì
[05:44.14] Congratulations. So do you love her? gōng xǐ, nǐ ài tā ma?
[05:48.24] She' s nice, but it made me realize... tā hái bù cuò, bù guò wǒ yě fā xiàn
[05:51.28] ... I' m just not ready to be dating. wǒ hái méi yǒu xīn qíng yuē huì
[05:59.22] That' s interesting. zhēn yǒu yì sī
[06:03.02] What was that? Just an antitheft device. nà shi shén me? zhǐ shì fáng dào cí tiáo
[06:06.89] Then what' s this? nà zhè shì shén me?
[06:08.63] You need that too, because a thief could just tear this up. nà gè yě yào, yīn wèi zhè gè yī sī jiù suì
[06:18.14] We have to have a party in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans. wǎn shàng yǒu pài duì qí shí shì 5 fēn zhōng hòu, yǒu shì kuài qǔ xiāo
[06:24.05] What' s going on? nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ? zěn me huí shì?
[06:25.55] We have to have a bonvoyage party for Emily. wǒ men yào bāng ài mì lì bàn jīng xǐ huān sòng huì
[06:28.78] But it' s actually for Joshua. qí shí shì wèi le yuē shū yà
[06:30.79] That sucks. Nobody' s ever thrown me a bonvoyageEmily party. tǎo yàn dōu méi rén bāng wǒ bàn guò jiǎ huān sòng huì
[06:35.99] He said he' s not ready to date. tā shuō tā hái méi yǒu xīn qíng yuē huì
[06:38.56] So I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work. wǒ dé zhǎo tā cān jiā pài duì cái néng zài gōng zuò zhī wài jiàn dào tā
[06:41.96] And now I have created the perfect opportunity to seduce him. xiàn zài wǒ zhì zào le yí gè sè yòu tā de wán měi jī huì
[06:47.34] As much as I' d like to meet Josh and warn him... wǒ hěn xiǎng dāng miàn jǐng gào yuē shū yà
[06:52.67] ... Emily and I won' t be here. She' s gonna come by to say goodbye... dàn ài mì lì hé wǒ bù néng cān jiā tā huì lái shuō shēng zài jiàn
[06:56.88] ... and then I' ve got a special evening planned. Sorry. No party. rán hòu wǒ ān pái le zhěng wǎn de jié mù duì bù qǐ, méi xì chàng le
[07:03.85] Hello? Surprise! jīng xǐ!
[07:08.02] Surprise! jīng xǐ!
[07:11.46] No one' s thrown me a surprise party before. méi yǒu rén tì wǒ bàn guò jīng xǐ pài duì
[07:14.30] Well, it was all Ross' idea. zhè dōu shì luó sī de zhǔ yì
[07:18.77] You' re so sweet. nǐ zhēn hǎo
[07:21.37] And I' m so surprised. wǒ hǎo jīng xǐ ō
[07:27.61] You didn' t know? nǐ zhēn de méi liào dào?
[07:39.32] Why are you over here if Joshua' s over there? yuē shū yà zài nà biān, nǐ zěn me zài zhè biān
[07:42.42] I' m trying to play hardtoget. wǒ xiǎng jiǎ zhuāng hěn nán shàng shǒu
[07:46.36] Quick! He' s looking. Say something funny. kuài, shuō jù hǎo xiào de huà
[07:49.26] Like what? jǔ gè lì?
[07:52.97] What' s so funny? shén me shì zhè me hǎo xiào?
[07:56.50] I said," Like what?" wǒ shuō" jǔ gè lì"
[07:59.61] Now that' s a thinker. zhēn shēn ào
[08:02.54] This playinghardtoget thing is not working. jiǎ zhuāng hěn nán shàng shǒu méi yòng
[08:05.58] Hand me those cherries. bǎ yīng táo gěi wǒ, hǎo
[08:15.99] Care for a cherry? No, thanks. yào chī yīng táo ma? bú yào, xiè xiè
[08:18.56] I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue. wǒ kě yǐ yòng shé tou bǎ yīng táo gěng dǎ jié
[08:36.04] You okay? nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[08:37.88] You all right? méi shì ba?
[08:44.32] We should probably get going soon. wǒ men dé gǎn kuài zǒu le
[08:46.82] But the party' s just getting started. dàn shì pài duì cái gāng kāi shǐ
[08:49.56] We have to be at The Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes. wǒ men dé zài 15 fēn zhōng nèi gǎn qù sì jì cān tīng hē jiǔ
[08:53.76] Then The Plaza for dinner. rán hòu qù guǎng chǎng fàn diàn chī wǎn fàn
[08:55.83] So why did you plan a party at the same time? nà nǐ wèi shí me hái bàn pài duì?
[08:59.83] bú shì de
[09:03.20] Actually, American surprise parties are very short. qí shí měi guó de jīng xǐ pài duì dōu hěn duǎn
[09:07.54] It' s usually," Surprise!" Then," My God, I' m so surprised. Bye!" tōng cháng dōu" jīng xǐ!" rán hòu jiù" wǒ hǎo jīng xǐ ō! zài jiàn"
[09:14.18] Ross, I' m having such a great time. dàn shì wǒ jué de hǎo hǎo wán
[09:16.55] Your sister told me that you used to dress up like old ladies... nǐ mèi shuō nǐ yǐ qián huì bàn chéng lǎo tài tài
[09:20.82] ... and host makebelieve tea parties. jǔ bàn jiǎ de chá huì
[09:26.26] Monica said that, did she? mó nī kǎ shuō de shì ba?
[09:29.36] Did she tell you that when she was little... tā yǒu méi yǒu shuō tā xiǎo de shí hòu
[09:32.40] ... she was partially responsible for new legislation... yóu yuè qì cái shāng zēng jiā qiū qiān de zài zhòng liàng
[09:35.30] ... regulating the strength of swing sets? tā yě shì yuán yīn zhī yī?
[09:45.31] Then what are you going to put on top of that? nǐ jiē xià lái yào fàng shén me?
[09:48.82] A little salami. Oh, yeah. yì diǎn suàn wèi ròu cháng zàn
[09:53.55] What goes on top of the salami? suàn wèi ròu cháng shàng miàn ne?
[09:56.19] Pastrami. xūn niú ròu tài zàn le
[10:01.16] You' re a genius. nǐ zhēn shì tiān cái
[10:06.00] Give me a hand with the zipper. bāng wǒ lā yī xià lā liàn
[10:10.44] Up! wǎng shàng lā
[10:14.74] You changed? I decided I needed my lucky dress. nǐ huàn yī fú? duì, wǒ xū yào wǒ de xìng yùn qún
[10:18.55] Lucky means more cleavage? lt does for me. xìng yùn shì zhǐ lù gèng duō rǔ gōu? wǒ jué de shì
[10:32.83] Look at him! He' s so cute. nǐ men kàn tā duō shuài
[10:34.83] I just want to grab him and kiss him. zhēn xiǎng yī bǎ zhuō guò lái qīn xià qù
[10:37.90] How could I kiss him without him knowing I like him? dàn shì tā bù zhī dào wǒ xǐ huān tā
[10:40.84] I know how you can get him. Take off your bra. yǒu gè bàn fǎ tuō xiōng zhào
[10:44.71] What? shén me?
[10:45.91] This scene in Footloose Flashdance. zài" hún shēn shì jìn" lǐ shì" shǎn wǔ"
[10:49.21] Yeah. With that plumber girl? A welder. duì nà gè shuǐ diàn nǚ gōng shì hàn jiē gōng
[10:54.18] Were you, like, in the movie? nǐ shì yǒu yǎn ma?
[10:58.35] She takes off her bra under the shirt and pulls it out the sleeve. zǒng zhī tā zài yī fú dǐ xià tuō diào xiōng zhào cóng xiù zi chōu chū lái
[11:03.29] Very sexy. And classy. fēi cháng xìng gǎn, ér qiě yǒu gé diào
[11:09.80] Or you could use mistletoe. It' s not Christmas. bù rán nǐ yě kě yǐ yòng jiě jì shēng yòu bú shì shèng dàn jié
[11:13.83] Spinthebottle. He' s not 11. zhuǎn píng zi tā bú shì xiǎo hái zi
[11:19.57] Thank you so much for this. It was so thoughtful of you. xiè xiè nǐ men, nǐ men zhēn yòng xīn
[11:22.78] You' re leaving? nǐ men yào zǒu le?
[11:24.21] We have something we have to get to. I' m gonna take off too. duì, wǒ men hái yǒu shì wǒ yě yào zǒu le
[11:28.15] You can' t leave yet. You have to stay. xiān bié zǒu, liú xià lái
[11:31.22] We' ve got the whole big thing planned. wǒ men zhǔn bèi le chóng tóu xì
[11:34.46] What big thing? shén me chóng tóu xì?
[11:35.79] Spinthebottle works like this: I spin the bottle. zhuǎn píng zi de guī zé shì, wǒ zhuǎn píng zi
[11:39.66] Lands on Gunther, so I would have to kiss Gunther. zhǐ xiàng ā gān, wǒ jiù yào qīn ā gān
[11:43.96] All right. jiù zhè yàng
[11:46.73] Who wants to go first? shuí yào xiān?
[11:48.50] I' ll go. wǒ xiān
[11:55.01] Welcome to America. huān yíng lái dào měi guó
[12:03.78] Oh, my God! tiān na
[12:06.49] Two in a row! You gotta use your tongues now. lián xù liǎng cì! lái gè shé wěn ba
[12:14.93] All right. zài lái
[12:18.17] What are the odds? tài qiǎo le
[12:21.84] That' s enough! gòu le
[12:25.01] Let' s let someone else play. ràng bié rén wán ba
[12:28.88] If you didn' t want to play, then why' d you come to the party? nǐ bù xiǎng wán gàn ma lái?
[12:33.78] All right, I' ll go. wǒ lái hǎo le
[12:36.32] Somebody loose. Somebody loose. háo fàng nǚ! háo fàng nǚ
[12:43.52] Story of my life. wǒ de rén shēng xiě zhào
[12:46.53] zài zhuǎn yī cì
[12:51.07] Story of my father' s life. wǒ bà de rén shēng xiě zhào
[12:53.80] Okay, my turn. gāi wǒ
[12:59.37] Look at that! shì nǐ!
[13:00.78] Oh, my God. tiān na
[13:06.15] The baby just kicked! tiān na, bǎo bǎo tī le
[13:08.62] It' s okay. It' s okay. If it kicked once, it' ll kick again! tā huì zài tī de
[13:15.62] Everybody just remember where they were sitting. dà jiā yào jì zhù gāng cái de wèi zhì
[13:29.24] It was a bug. yǒu chóng
[13:34.84] It doesn' t matter how much I' m craving it. bù guǎn wǒ duō xiǎng chī
[13:36.88] You know why I' m never gonna eat meat? Because it' s coldblooded murder. wǒ jué bù chī ròu, nà shi lěng xuè móu shā
[13:41.18] Okay. hǎo
[13:47.86] There' s a Phoebe on my sandwich! wǒ de sān míng zhì shàng yǒu fēi bǐ
[13:52.16] What are you doing? fēi bǐ, nǐ gàn shén me?
[13:53.76] I can' t help it! wǒ méi bàn fǎ
[13:56.20] I need the meat! The baby needs the meat. wǒ yào chī ròu, bǎo bǎo yào chī ròu
[13:59.33] You know when you' re dating someone... gēn bié rén jiāo wǎng...
[14:01.20] ... and you don' t want to cheat unless it' s with someone really hot? ... yào zhuān yī chú fēi dì sān zhě zhēn de hěn là
[14:07.41] Totally. nà dāng rán
[14:08.64] This is the same kind of deal. zhè jiù duì le
[14:12.05] If you' re gonna do something wrong... chī ròu yě yí yàng, yào cuò
[14:16.45] ... do it right. jiù yào cuò dé piào liàng
[14:20.75] I' ll be back in a minute. Okay. wǒ mǎ shàng huí lái hǎo
[14:24.23] What are you doing to me? nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng?
[14:27.09] I' m trying to get Emily out of here, and you keep talking to her... wǒ xiǎng bǎ tā dài zǒu nǐ què yī zhí gēn tā jiǎng huà
[14:30.46] ... being all interesting and making her laugh. zhuāng fēng qù yòu dòu tā xiào
[14:33.27] I don' t want you to be funny anymore. cóng xiàn zài qǐ, qǐng nǐ bié nà me fēng qù
[14:35.80] Rachel wants me to be funny, you don' t want me to be funny. ruì qiū yào wǒ fēng qù nǐ què bú yào wǒ fēng qù
[14:39.84] From now on, I' m gonna be funny sometimes, and not funny others. cóng xiàn zài qǐ, wǒ yào yǒu shí hou fēng qù yǒu shí hou bù fēng qù
[14:52.49] You feel better now? gǎn jué hǎo duō le ma?
[14:54.19] Yeah, but at what cost? duì, dàn shì dài jià ne?
[14:57.26] Six more months, three meals a day. sān cān chī ròu chī bàn nián?
[14:59.49] I am going to eat, like, you know, millions of cows. wǒ huì chī diào jǐ bǎi wàn tóu niú
[15:04.37] Mommy cows, daddy cows, baby cows niú bà bà, niú mā mā, niú bǎo bǎo
[15:07.03] No. No, I will never eat baby cows. No veal! wǒ jué bù chī niú bǎo bǎo, sǐ yě bù chī
[15:11.37] Oh, but veal. jǐn liàng bù chī
[15:15.28] What if I even things out for you, meatwise? yào shì wǒ bāng nǐ píng héng guò lái ne? shén me?
[15:18.41] What? I eat a lot of meat, right? wǒ hěn huì chī ròu duì ba? duì
[15:21.35] But suppose, until the baby' s born, I laid off it. yào shì zài bǎo bǎo chū shēng qián, wǒ jiè chī ròu
[15:25.15] No extra animals would die. You' d be eating my animals. jiù bú huì duō sǐ dòng wù nǐ shì zài chī wǒ de fèn
[15:30.02] I can' t believe you' d do that for me. nǐ jū rán yuàn yì wèi wǒ zhè me zuò
[15:32.36] Absolutely. I could be a vegetarian. dāng rán yuàn yì, wǒ yě kě yǐ chī sù
[15:36.43] There' s no meat in beer, right? pí jiǔ lǐ méi yǒu ròu ba?
[15:39.53] We can still make dinner if we skip the appetizers and ask for our check right away. bù chī kāi wèi cài, mǎ shàng mǎi dān hái gǎn děi shàng chī zhǔ cài
[15:48.28] We can' t go now. Rachel is going to put on a skit. xiàn zài bù néng zǒu, ruì qiū yào biǎo yǎn
[15:53.75] Oh, my God! Have you lost your mind? wǒ de tiān na, nǐ fēng le ma?
[15:57.15] I am finally thinking clearly. bù, wǒ zhōng yú xiǎng tōng le
[16:01.66] My lucky dress wasn' t working out too well for me. wǒ de xìng yùn qún xiào guǒ bù jiā
[16:03.96] But for four years, this baby never missed. dàn zhè yī tào zhěng zhěng 4 nián dōu bǎi fā bǎi zhòng
[16:08.06] Wait, I can' t let ruì qiū, wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ
[16:10.90] Actually, I want to see what happens. wǒ yě xiǎng kàn rè nao
[16:17.00] Nice costume. hǎo bàng de xíng tou
[16:20.51] Well, I wanted to give Emily a big American goodbye cheer. shì a, wǒ xiǎng gěi ài mì lì lái gè měi shì de zài jiàn huān hū
[16:30.35] Ready. Okay. yù bèi qǐ
[16:32.75] Give me an " E"! gěi wǒ yí gè E E
[16:34.66] Give me an " M"! gěi wǒ yí gè M M
[16:36.49] Give me an " I"! gěi wǒ yí gè I I
[16:38.13] Give me an " L"! gěi wǒ yí gè L L
[16:39.49] Give me a " Y"! gěi wǒ yí gè Y Y
[16:41.30] What do you get? jiā qǐ lái shì shén me?
[16:44.23] Emily! Emily! ài mì lì! ài mì lì
[16:51.97] That' s me as a cheerleader! yǐ shàng jiù shì wǒ de huān hū
[16:56.48] I loosened a tooth. It' s no big deal. I have a dentist. yǒu yī kē yá chǐ sōng le xiǎo yì sī, wǒ yǒu yá yī
[17:00.08] I' ll put some ice on it. Excuse me. wǒ qù bīng fū, shī péi
[17:04.92] What do I do now? I think you' re done. zěn me bàn zěn me bàn? nǐ yīng gāi shì huǐ le
[17:09.49] Time to take off the bra. gāi tuō xiōng zhào le
[17:15.10] That was really great. gāng cái de biǎo yǎn hěn jīng cǎi
[17:18.60] But I gotta take off. dàn shì wǒ dé zǒu le
[17:20.80] Take the bra off. tuō xiōng zhào
[17:27.34] Let' s go get your coat. wǒ péi nǐ qù ná wài tào
[17:32.38] Rachel' s my girlfriend. ruì qiū shì wǒ de nǚ péng yǒu
[17:37.35] So this was really fun. jīn wǎn mán kāi xīn de
[17:40.15] Yeah, it was real fun. shì a, hěn kāi xīn
[17:47.03] You know, this bra... zhè jiàn xiōng zhào
[17:51.53] ... is really bothering me. shí zài hěn bù shū fu
[17:55.50] This used to be my bedroom. zhè lǐ yǐ qián shì wǒ de fáng jiān
[17:59.01] A lot of memories in here. Lot of memories. yǒu hěn duō huí yì, hěn duō hěn duō huí yì
[18:03.81] If these walls could talk, they' d say: yào shì qiáng bì huì shuō huà, tā men huì shuō
[18:06.08] " Want to hear some memories?" " xiǎng tīng tīng wǎng shì ma?"
[18:14.76] Need a hand? nǐ xū yào bāng máng ma?
[18:16.42] I got this all under control. bù yòng, méi wèn tí
[18:20.46] You really don' t seem like you do. kě shì kàn qǐ lái bù xiàng
[18:27.73] God! Forget it! suàn le la! zhēn shì
[18:34.64] This is not how this was supposed to happen. shì qíng bù gāi shì zhè yàng de
[18:37.91] What was supposed to happen? bù rán yīng gāi zěn yàng?
[18:41.35] Can you not look at me when I say this? nǐ néng bù néng bú yào kàn wǒ?
[18:47.59] I thought that if I could get you here... wǒ yǐ wéi yào shì néng bǎ nǐ zhǎo lái
[18:52.13] ... I could seduce you. wǒ jiù kě yǐ sè yòu nǐ
[18:56.93] Excuse me? Seduce you. shén me? yǐn yòu nǐ
[19:09.14] I don' t wear suits to work. wǒ shàng bān bù chuān xī zhuāng
[19:12.75] And I bought six of them from you. què gēn nǐ mǎi le liù tào
[19:16.22] I' m sorry. I thought you needed them. bào qiàn ō, wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ yǒu xū yào
[19:20.72] My point is, I kept coming back because I wanted to see you. wǒ yī zhí qù zhǎo nǐ, yīn wèi wǒ xiǎng jiàn nǐ
[19:25.53] Why? Because I like you. wèi shí me? yīn wèi wǒ xǐ huān nǐ
[19:29.00] You like me? nǐ xǐ huān wǒ?
[19:32.43] I mean, you' re beautiful and smart and sophisticated. shì a, nǐ piào liàng cōng míng yòu chéng shú
[19:37.44] A lot of this isn' t based on tonight. zhèi xiē yìn xiàng bú shì lái zì jīn wǎn
[19:42.34] But you like me? dàn shì nǐ xǐ huān wǒ?
[19:44.18] I can' t believe this. All this time, I liked you and you liked me! zhè duàn rì zi yǐ lái wǒ men jìng rán yī zhí hù xiāng xǐ huān
[19:50.48] But No " but." dàn shì bú yào shuō" dàn shì"
[19:52.35] " But" is never good. Let' s leave it at " l like you and you like me." " dàn shì" dōu méi hǎo shì tíng zài" wǒ men hù xiāng xǐ huān" jiù hǎo
[19:58.09] Okay. However No, that' s a fancy " but." hǎo, rán ér nà shi hǎo tīng de" dàn shì"
[20:04.46] My marriage, like, just ended. wǒ gāng jié shù wǒ de hūn yīn
[20:08.80] And I' m really not ready to get into anything yet. wǒ hái méi xīn qíng gēn bié rén jiāo wǎng
[20:14.58] But.... dàn shì?
[20:18.08] I' m sorry. I just need a little time. duì bù qǐ, wǒ xū yào yì diǎn shí jiān
[20:25.49] Okay.
[20:30.66] There you are. I was looking for you. nǐ zài zhè lǐ, wǒ zài zhǎo nǐ
[20:33.86] Joshua' s gone, so you and Emily are free to go. yuē shū yà zǒu le nǐ hé ài mì lì kě yǐ zǒu le
[20:37.26] It' s okay. wú suǒ wèi
[20:39.23] She' s still in there enjoying her fake party. tā hái zài lǐ miàn xiǎng shòu zhè chǎng jiǎ pài duì
[20:43.40] It' s too late to do the stuff I had planned. xiàn zài yào zuò shí mǒ yě lái bù jí le
[20:48.61] I' m sorry. I ruined your evening. bào qiàn, wǒ huǐ le nǐ měi hǎo de yè wǎn
[20:51.98] Yeah. shì a
[20:54.78] If it makes you feel any better, I made a fool of myself. wǒ chū le gè dà chǒu nǐ yǒu méi yǒu gāo xìng yì diǎn?
[21:00.52] Helps a little. yǒu yì diǎn
[21:03.56] Is there room on that step for a pathetic loser? yǒu dì fāng ràng bēi cǎn de shī bài zhě zuò ma?
[21:06.56] Have a seat. zuò ba
[21:15.04] I' m so sorry. It' s okay. duì bù qǐ méi guān xì
[21:18.47] It was just a twoweek thing anyway. fǎn zhèng zhǐ shì yī duàn 2 xīng qī de liàn qíng
[21:21.64] I just didn' t want it to end this way. wǒ zhǐ shì bù xiǎng zhè yàng jié shù
[21:24.28] Or maybe you didn' t want it to end. yě xǔ nǐ bù xiǎng jié shù ne?
[21:27.71] What do you mean? shén me yì sī?
[21:29.58] You seem to really like her. nǐ sì hū zhēn de hěn xǐ huān tā
[21:34.35] I really do. méi cuò
[21:37.89] But what am I going to do? We agreed it' d be a twoweek thing. dàn wǒ néng zěn me bàn? wǒ men shuō hǎo zhǐ zài yì qǐ 2 xīng qī
[21:42.23] No commitment. bú yào yǒu chéng nuò
[21:46.17] luó sī
[21:48.50] That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... nà gè nǚ hái zhěng wǎn dōu gēn nǐ de péng yǒu
[21:53.44] ... asking to hear stories about you... chǎo zhe yào tīng nǐ de shì
[21:56.04] ... Iooking through Monica' s photo albums. hái ná mó nī kǎ de xiāng bù lái kàn
[21:58.91] You don' t do that if you' re just in it for two weeks. zhǐ xiǎng zài yì qǐ 2 zhōu cái bú huì zhè me zuò
[22:02.75] You think? shì ma?
[22:05.52] You' ve got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. tā hái yǒu 14 gè xiǎo shí cái yào qù jī chǎng
[22:10.39] And you' re sitting here in a hallway... nǐ què zuò zài zǒu láng shàng
[22:12.89] ... with a 28yearold cheerleader with a fat lip. péi yí gè 28 suì zuǐ zhǒng qǐ lái de lā lā duì zhǎng
[22:19.70] You' re right. nǐ shuō de duì
[22:26.84] Thanks. xiè le
[22:32.81] What photo album was it? nǎ yī běn xiàng bù?
[22:35.55] I don' t know. It was you and a bunch of albino kids. bù zhī dào nǐ gēn yī duī bái zǐ xiǎo hái de hé zhào
[22:41.56] Oh, my God! Those weren' t albino kids. tā men bú shì bái zǐ
[22:44.29] That was computer camp! nà shi diàn nǎo xià lìng yíng la
[22:52.30] You' re a pathetic loser, right? Oh, yeah. nǐ shì bēi cǎn de shī bài zhě ba? jiù shì wǒ
[22:56.64] Sit! zuò
[23:04.18] Hi.
[23:05.71] Oh, my God. Joshua. tiān na, yuē shū yà
[23:08.75] Look... tīng zhe...
[23:10.68] ... all those things I said about not being ready ... wǒ gāng cái shuō wǒ méi xīn qíng
[23:13.85] They' re not true? They' re all true. bú shì zhēn de? bù, dōu shì zhēn de
[23:19.16] But.... dàn shì
[23:23.70] I love that " but." wǒ xǐ huān zhè gè" dàn shì"
[23:35.58] Do you want to go inside and get some coffee? yào bú yào jìn qù hē bēi kā fēi?
[23:38.75] Okay. hǎo
[23:47.09] Every time. bǎi fā bǎi zhòng
[23:53.59] What do you got there? Pastrami. nǐ fàng shén me? xūn niú ròu
[23:56.70] zàn
[23:59.77] You know what goes good with that? Corned beef. nǐ zhī dào shén me gēn tā zuì pèi? yān niú ròu
[24:04.27] I was going to say bologna. But that' s better. wǒ xiǎng shuō hóng cháng, dàn yān niú ròu gèng bàng
[24:08.48] How about that smoked turkey? Okay. yào bú yào fàng diǎn xūn huǒ jī ròu? hǎo
[24:13.15] Oh, mama! mā ya
[24:16.08] When is the baby due? Six months. bǎo bǎo shén me shí hòu shēng? bàn nián hòu
[24:20.12] If a cow died of natural causes, I could have one of those, right? zì rán sǐ wáng de niú kě yǐ chī ba?
[24:24.86] Not if I get there first. wǒ huì xiān xià shǒu
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