Far across yonder blue |
Lies a true paradise |
With the sea rippling over |
The shingle and spice |
Where the gay honeysuckle |
Is luring the bee |
And the green glens of Antrim |
Are calling to me |
If only you knew |
How the light of the moon |
Turns a blue Irish bay |
To a silver lagoon |
You'd imagine the picture |
Of heaven it would be |
Where the green glens of Antrim |
Are welcoming to me |
And I hope to return |
To my own Cuchendall |
It's the one place I know |
That can outshine them all |
Till I know every stone |
I will recall every tree |
Where the green glens of Antrim |
Are heaven to me |
But I'd be where the people |
Are simple and kind |
And among them there is one |
That's been aye in my mind |
So I pray that the world |
That in peace let me be |
Where the green glens of Antrim |
Are heaven to me |
Where the green glens of Antrim |
Are heaven to me |