Lately I've been glaring into mirrors picking myself apart |
You'd think at my age I'd thought of something better to do |
Than making insecurity into a full time job |
Making insecurity into an art |
And I fear my life will be over |
And I will have never lived in unfettered |
Always glaring into mirrors |
Mad, I don't look better |
But now here is this tiny baby |
And they say she looks just like me |
And she is smiling at me with that present infant glee |
Yes, and I would defend to the ends of the earth |
Her perfect right to be, be, be, be |
So I'm beginning to see some problems |
With the ongoing work of my mind |
And I've got myself a new mantra |
It says don't forget to have a good time |
Don't let the sellers of stuff power enough to rob you of your grace |
Love is all over the place |
There's nothing wrong with your face |
Love is all over the place |
There's nothing wrong with your face |