In the year 2525 |
If man is still alive |
If woman can survive, they may find |
In the year 1994 |
War goes on just like before |
War goes on, it never ends |
War brings bigger dividends |
In the year 1995 |
Brave new world is born to die |
From total damage to damage limitation |
Fear is the key to defend the nation |
In the year 1996 |
There is no need for politics |
Seeing life with unseeing eyes |
Seeing man see through the disguise |
In the year 1997 |
The boil bursts in the face of Heaven |
Dragon tears washed away thy youth |
Wash thy hands of eternal truth |
In the year 1998 |
Why shut the door of the Open Gate |
Rivers of people flow like blood |
New race rises from the mud |
In the year 1999 |
War destroys the last sky-line |
A flaming cross appears in the sky |
Man bows down as the bullets fly |
Now it's been 2000 years |
Man has cried a million tears |
For what he never knew |
Now man's reign is through |
But through eternal night |
The twinkling of starlight |
So very far away |
Maybe it's only yesterday |
In the year 2525 |
If man is still alive |
If woman can survive |
We survive |
In the year 3535 |