Albedo 0.39

Song Albedo 0.39
Artist Vangelis
Album Space Themes


Maximum distance from the sun:
94 million 537 thousand miles
Minimum distance from the sun:
91 million 377 thousand miles
Mean distance from the sun:
92 million 957 thousand and 200 miles
Mean Orbital velocity: 66000 miles per hour
0rbital eccentricity: 0.017
Obliquity of the ecliptic:
23 degrees 27 minutes 8.26 seconds
Length of the tropical year:
equinox equinox 365.24 days
Lenght of the sidereal year:
fixed star fixed star 365.26 days
Length of the mean solar day:
24 hours and 3 minutes
and 56.5555 seconds at mean solar time
Length of the mean sidereal day:
23 hours and 56 minutes
and 4.091 seconds at mean sederial time
Mass: 6600 milion milion milion tons
Equatorial diameter: 7927 miles
Polar diameter: 7900 miles
Oblateness: one 298th
Density: 5.41
Mean surface gravitational acceleration of the rotating earth:
32.174 feet per second per second
Escape velocity: 7 miles per second
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39


Maximum distance from the sun:
94 million 537 thousand miles
Minimum distance from the sun:
91 million 377 thousand miles
Mean distance from the sun:
92 million 957 thousand and 200 miles
Mean Orbital velocity: 66000 miles per hour
0rbital eccentricity: 0. 017
Obliquity of the ecliptic:
23 degrees 27 minutes 8. 26 seconds
Length of the tropical year:
equinox equinox 365. 24 days
Lenght of the sidereal year:
fixed star fixed star 365. 26 days
Length of the mean solar day:
24 hours and 3 minutes
and 56. 5555 seconds at mean solar time
Length of the mean sidereal day:
23 hours and 56 minutes
and 4. 091 seconds at mean sederial time
Mass: 6600 milion milion milion tons
Equatorial diameter: 7927 miles
Polar diameter: 7900 miles
Oblateness: one 298th
Density: 5. 41
Mean surface gravitational acceleration of the rotating earth:
32. 174 feet per second per second
Escape velocity: 7 miles per second
Albedo: 0. 39
Albedo: 0. 39
Albedo: 0. 39
Albedo: 0. 39
Albedo: 0. 39
Albedo: 0. 39
Albedo: 0. 39