
Song Anti-Christ
Album Crass Records A Sides Part Two (1982-1984)


[01:24.20] I came out of the warm womb, into a world of fear and hopelessness.
[01:26.60] I was given the gift of life, but the package of this gift was opened by someone else.
[01:30.07] I was never given the chance to ask myself what could I do with this gift.
[01:33.26] I will not cry or reach out for Christ's hand;
[01:35.06] he carries my guilt and my sin which was never there.
[01:37.76] I reject this Christ;I reject the myth that holds us.
[01:40.68] Where is this heaven you speak of? Where is this love you offer?
[01:42.93] Have I no self - control over my thoughts? Whether I like it or not?
[01:46.29] Is my fate sealed toan endless existence binded in guilt and sin?
[01:54.15] Your cross has been worn as a symbol of guilt for too long.
[01:56.51] How much more blood will flow in your name?
[01:58.43] Do you seek some ultimate genocide?
[02:00.46] Must we always bear the burden of your cross?
[02:20.41] I seek no Christ as my savior, I must find control myself.
[02:23.80] I seek no God, No painted idol; I'm the only one who answers to me.
[02:27.37] I ask for nothing, I owe him nothing. His name cause the fires that raged the earth.
[02:30.78] His conditions, his ten commandments, slip the nose around our necks.
[02:34.34] Does your word epitomize good? Where was he when they gassed the Jews?
[02:37.84] Northern Ireland, Hiroshima, Belsen, Auschwitz - where was he?
[02:41.40] What right has he to share his pain? What right has he to crucify us?
[02:44.91] Forever onward Christian soldiers, Hold up that banner so they can see Hiroshima's children.
[02:49.33] Let them see now slaughter in the trenches.
[02:52.00] Let them see sorrow of the mothers who lost their sons.
[02:54.09] The visions of the Christians who'll carry Christ's gun.
[03:14.93] You manufacture our destruction; you turn your heads away.
[03:18.63] Do your unseeing eyes carry no fear? Has the system channeled your thought's?
[03:22.28] Reject this system. Sow the seeds of peace.
[03:24.80] Don't recognize the rules of the power monger, for his hand shall not touch upon peace.
[03:28.30] Let no politician make your decisions, for the only government is yourself.
[03:32.27] Reject and pacify.
[03:55.56] Religious ranting's support this system, we're caught like flies in a spiders web.
[03:59.27] Look to the heavens to find solutions, but you never see your Christ is dead.
[04:02.69] Your crown of thorns, it weighs me down, distorts my vision and burdens my mind.
[04:06.31] We're still waiting, still watching, a second coming, more guilt to sell Armageddon, your good and evil, which is the side which speaks for you?
[04:13.40] Good and evil possessions of all men. Good and evil is what we must bear.
[04:17.18] Cliches of love run from the bible, backed by a negative philosophy.