StarCrossed ver

Song Star-Crossed(ゲームver)
Artist いとうかなこ
Album Amaranthine


With coming dark the birds take fight / 为了将来临的夜 鸟儿竞相起飞
The memories of you and I on the wing / 那翅膀载有你我美好的回忆
The constellations outside my window / 夜里的星座透过窗户清晰可见
And I dream of our days so long ago / 我梦见了我们很久以前的时光
When spring was young and we were too / 如同那年初临的春日 那时的我们也还很年少
The cherry petals drifting through shining nights / 櫻花花瓣飄盪在那閃耀夜晚
Even Taurus skies through children's eyes / 即使孩子們的眼中映著金牛座星空
Couldn't compare to dreams to come / 也無法比較夢想與與真實的差別
When the summer bloomed on in / 當時節進入盛夏
With its breezes warm on bared skin / 輕微溫風吹撫過裸露的肌膚
It seemed you'd never see things through my eyes / 或許你永遠無法和我看見相同事物
But I swore I'd always be right there by your side / 但我發誓會永遠在你身邊
When the stars fill the skies / 當星星滿佈於夜空
Winter, spring, summer or fall / 冬天、春天、夏天或秋天
You know I'll find my way back to you / 你知道我會試著回到你身邊
With the stars in your eyes / 當星星盡收你眼底
You look more beautiful each day / 你看起來更加美麗動人
Growing up, not apart / 我们慢慢长大 不曾分离
You've got my heart / 你早已得到我的心
In hand I breathe a sign / 在手中用我的吐息作為記號
On a shooting star / 標示那顆流星
And with summer here to stay / 时至盛夏的时刻
Now I love you more and more each day / 我對你的愛與日俱增
With fireworks a rainbow in the night / 如同在黑夜中那彩虹般的煙花
I laugh to see you a glow in your delight / 你因歡樂所散發的光輝也令我同感喜悅
When the stars fill the skies / 當星星滿佈於夜空
Winter, spring, summer, or fall / 冬天、春天、夏天或秋天
I swear I'll keep my heart safe for you / 我起誓我对你的爱永远不会改变
With the stars in your eyes / 當星星盡收你眼底
You still can't see all that I'd do / 你仍无法明白我所做的一切
You're so near yet so far / 你近在咫尺却似乎又远在天边
I'll keep on trying To tell you / 我會繼續努力 只為了
Whisper your name / 在你耳邊輕喃你的名
To a shooting star / 於流星落下之際


With coming dark the birds take fight wèi le jiāng lái lín de yè niǎo ér jìng xiāng qǐ fēi
The memories of you and I on the wing nà chì bǎng zài yǒu nǐ wǒ měi hǎo de huí yì
The constellations outside my window yè lǐ de xīng zuò tòu guò chuāng hù qīng xī kě jiàn
And I dream of our days so long ago wǒ mèng jiàn le wǒ men hěn jiǔ yǐ qián de shí guāng
When spring was young and we were too rú tóng nà nián chū lín de chūn rì nà shí de wǒ men yě hái hěn nián shào
The cherry petals drifting through shining nights yīng huā huā bàn piāo dàng zài nà shǎn yào yè wǎn
Even Taurus skies through children' s eyes jí shǐ hái zi men de yǎn zhōng yìng zhe jīn niú zuò xīng kōng
Couldn' t compare to dreams to come yě wú fǎ bǐ jiào mèng xiǎng yǔ yǔ zhēn shí de chà bié
When the summer bloomed on in dāng shí jié jìn rù shèng xià
With its breezes warm on bared skin qīng wēi wēn fēng chuī fǔ guò luǒ lù de jī fū
It seemed you' d never see things through my eyes huò xǔ nǐ yǒng yuǎn wú fǎ hé wǒ kàn jiàn xiāng tóng shì wù
But I swore I' d always be right there by your side dàn wǒ fā shì huì yǒng yuǎn zài nǐ shēn biān
When the stars fill the skies dāng xīng xīng mǎn bù yú yè kōng
Winter, spring, summer or fall dōng tiān chūn tiān xià tiān huò qiū tiān
You know I' ll find my way back to you nǐ zhī dào wǒ huì shì zhe huí dào nǐ shēn biān
With the stars in your eyes dāng xīng xīng jǐn shōu nǐ yǎn dǐ
You look more beautiful each day nǐ kàn qǐ lái gèng jiā měi lì dòng rén
Growing up, not apart wǒ men màn màn cháng dà bù céng fēn lí
You' ve got my heart nǐ zǎo yǐ dé dào wǒ de xīn
In hand I breathe a sign zài shǒu zhōng yòng wǒ de tǔ xī zuò wèi jì hào
On a shooting star biāo shì nà kē liú xīng
And with summer here to stay shí zhì shèng xià de shí kè
Now I love you more and more each day wǒ duì nǐ de ài yǔ rì jù zēng
With fireworks a rainbow in the night rú tóng zài hēi yè zhōng nà cǎi hóng bān de yān huā
I laugh to see you a glow in your delight nǐ yīn huān lè suǒ sàn fā de guāng huī yě lìng wǒ tóng gǎn xǐ yuè
When the stars fill the skies dāng xīng xīng mǎn bù yú yè kōng
Winter, spring, summer, or fall dōng tiān chūn tiān xià tiān huò qiū tiān
I swear I' ll keep my heart safe for you wǒ qǐ shì wǒ duì nǐ de ài yǒng yuǎn bú huì gǎi biàn
With the stars in your eyes dāng xīng xīng jǐn shōu nǐ yǎn dǐ
You still can' t see all that I' d do nǐ réng wú fǎ míng bái wǒ suǒ zuò de yī qiè
You' re so near yet so far nǐ jìn zài zhǐ chǐ què sì hū yòu yuǎn zài tiān biān
I' ll keep on trying To tell you wǒ huì jì xù nǔ lì zhǐ wèi le
Whisper your name zài nǐ ěr biān qīng nán nǐ de míng
To a shooting star yú liú xīng là xià zhī jì