Gradus vita

Song Gradus vita
Artist 松尾早人
Album Hellsing OVA Series Original Soundtrack - BLACK DOG


Beterarium Deus.
(O ancient god.)
Mons dormio Deus,
(O mount-slumbering god,)
Renuntio decerto terra agminatim. (Declaring war on the earthly army.)
Nobis spiritus!
(Our spirits!)
Amatum floris campus, oblivisror fremitus, (Flower of love on the wild, forgotten trembling,)
verecundum sonitus.
(Rhythm of shyness.)
Deus obliverat, ratio aeternus
(O forgetful god, eternal reason)
Bapulo pluvit, asper ventus,
(Striks the rain, fiddle with wind,)
hir passus dona renuntio.
(Before abandons its movement.)
Gradus vita, non est causa.
(There's no more meaning to the step of this life.)
An desiderium caelum
(Only the sky longed for remains)
Despecto veneri filia,
(Daughter of respect and scorn,)
carpo quan ob rem herba,
(What with the herbs in the basket?)
et e animus, venenum?
(Remedy to the soul, or poison...?)
Lanquam rota, vapularis,
(Like ground by the wheel,)
vurnus non sitio terrus bibulum
(The earth quenched before the scars've dried out)
Beterarium Deus.
(O ancient god.)
Mons dormio Deus,
(O mount-slumbering god,)
Renuntio decerto terra agminatim. (Declaring war on the earthly army.)
Nobis spiritus!
(Our spirits!)
Ura e Deus nos, inter caelum tonitrus,
(O the god is angered, thunder resounds in the sky,)
Biolatum corpus, Guerra Lessatum!
(My limbs will be crushed for ceasing the war!)
Utur diabolum ulbis, gehennalis terrarius, (Head to the devil's realm, terra of Gehenna,)
Amor! Oblitus hic me, Desperatio!
(Beloved, forgets me with despair!)