Beterarium Deus. |
(O ancient god.) |
Mons dormio Deus, |
(O mount-slumbering god,) |
Renuntio decerto terra agminatim. (Declaring war on the earthly army.) |
Nobis spiritus! |
(Our spirits!) |
Amatum floris campus, oblivisror fremitus, (Flower of love on the wild, forgotten trembling,) |
verecundum sonitus. |
(Rhythm of shyness.) |
Deus obliverat, ratio aeternus |
(O forgetful god, eternal reason) |
Bapulo pluvit, asper ventus, |
(Striks the rain, fiddle with wind,) |
hir passus dona renuntio. |
(Before abandons its movement.) |
Gradus vita, non est causa. |
(There's no more meaning to the step of this life.) |
An desiderium caelum |
(Only the sky longed for remains) |
Despecto veneri filia, |
(Daughter of respect and scorn,) |
carpo quan ob rem herba, |
(What with the herbs in the basket?) |
et e animus, venenum? |
(Remedy to the soul, or poison...?) |
Lanquam rota, vapularis, |
(Like ground by the wheel,) |
vurnus non sitio terrus bibulum |
(The earth quenched before the scars've dried out) |
Beterarium Deus. |
(O ancient god.) |
Mons dormio Deus, |
(O mount-slumbering god,) |
Renuntio decerto terra agminatim. (Declaring war on the earthly army.) |
Nobis spiritus! |
(Our spirits!) |
Ura e Deus nos, inter caelum tonitrus, |
(O the god is angered, thunder resounds in the sky,) |
Biolatum corpus, Guerra Lessatum! |
(My limbs will be crushed for ceasing the war!) |
Utur diabolum ulbis, gehennalis terrarius, (Head to the devil's realm, terra of Gehenna,) |
Amor! Oblitus hic me, Desperatio! |
(Beloved, forgets me with despair!) |