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\f0\fs28 \cf0 \cb2 Electricity \ |
\ |
I can't really explain it, \ |
I haven't got the words \ |
It's a feeling that you can't control \ |
I suppose it's like forgetting, losing who you are \ |
But at the same time something makes you whole \ |
It's like there's music playing in your ear \ |
And I'm listening, and I'm listening \ |
and then I disappear\ |
And then I feel a change \ |
Like a fire deep inside \ |
Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide \ |
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird \ |
Like electricity, electricity \ |
Sparks inside of me \ |
And I'm free I'm free \ |
\ |
It's a bit like being angry, it's a bit like being scared \ |
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell \ |
It's like when you've been crying \ |
And you're empty and you're full \ |
But I don't know what it is it's hard to tell \ |
It's like that there's a music playing in your ear \ |
But the music is impossible impossible to hear \ |
But then I feel it move me \ |
Like a burning deep inside \ |
Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide \ |
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird \ |
Electricity \ |
Sparks inside of me And I'm free I'm free \ |
Like electricity, electricity \ |
Sparks inside of me \ |
And I'm free I'm free \ |
\ |
It's a bit like being angry, \ |
it's a bit like being scared \ |
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell \ |
It's like when you've been crying \ |
And you're empty and you're full \ |
But I don't know what it is it's hard to tell \ |
It's like that there's a music playing in your ear \ |
But the music is impossible impossible to hear \ |
But then I feel it move me \ |
Like a burning deep inside \ |
Something bursting me wide open \ |
impossible to hide \ |
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird \ |
Like electricity, electricity \ |
Sparks inside of me \ |
And I'm free I'm free \ |
Free \ |
I'm free\ |
} |