Blood of Immortality

Song Blood of Immortality
Artist Vassline
Album Blood of Immortality


No blood.
No life.
No more dignity.
No pain.
No death.
No existance.
Spread the darkness and fearful nights.
Invite me death, and shatter your rage.
Prince of darkness.
You're the power and the subsistence.
Please, have mercy.
And burn my useless soul.
Prince of darkness.
I worship ruthless fear.
Please, have mercy.
And tear me into shreds.
"This is my blood, so drink it all."
"This is my body, so take it all."
Come to the moonlight and bloodstained nights.
Come and dance around, with the blessed ones.
Sign this holy song, with the baptized ones.
Scream in insanity, with the subped ones.
Spread the wings of dawn, with restriced ones.
We turn into...
Into the ashes...
Shadow of moonlight and wrap around me with your wings.
I am everywhere.
And I won't rest in peace forever...