shan shou xian" che nei zi dong fang song" nei hui dong jing shen tian qiu ye yuan

Song 山手线“车内 自动放送”内回り 东京~神田~秋叶原
Artist JR東日本
Album Yamanote Line Train and Platform Announcements


[00:00.30] この電車は山手線内回り 上野~池袋方面行きです
[00:07.54] 次は神田、神田
[00:11.06] お出口は左側です
[00:14.12] 中央線
[00:15.46] 地下鉄銀座線は
[00:17.06] お乗り換えです
[00:19.55] This is Yamanote Line Train bound for Ueno and Ikebukuro
[00:25.44] The next station is Kanda
[00:28.06] The doors on the left side will open
[00:30.92] Please change here for the Chuo Line
[00:33.92] and the Ginza Subway Line
[00:38.18] 次は秋葉原、秋葉原
[00:42.05] お出口は左側です
[00:45.16] 総武線各駅停車
[00:47.25] 地下鉄日比谷線
[00:48.88] 筑波エクスプレス線は
[00:50.71] お乗り換えです
[00:53.08] The next station is Akihabara
[00:55.98] The doors on the left side will open
[00:58.87] Please change here for the Sobu Line local service
[01:02.86] the Hibiya Subway Line
[01:04.64] and the Tsukuba Express Line


[00:00.30] diàn chē shān shǒu xiàn nèi huí shàng yě chí dài fāng miàn xíng
[00:07.54] cì shén tián shén tián
[00:11.06] chū kǒu zuǒ cè
[00:14.12] zhōng yāng xiàn
[00:15.46] dì xià zhí yín zuò xiàn
[00:17.06] chéng huàn
[00:19.55] This is Yamanote Line Train bound for Ueno and Ikebukuro
[00:25.44] The next station is Kanda
[00:28.06] The doors on the left side will open
[00:30.92] Please change here for the Chuo Line
[00:33.92] and the Ginza Subway Line
[00:38.18] cì qiū yè yuán qiū yè yuán
[00:42.05] chū kǒu zuǒ cè
[00:45.16] zǒng wǔ xiàn gè yì tíng chē
[00:47.25] dì xià zhí rì bǐ gǔ xiàn
[00:48.88] zhù bō xiàn
[00:50.71] chéng huàn
[00:53.08] The next station is Akihabara
[00:55.98] The doors on the left side will open
[00:58.87] Please change here for the Sobu Line local service
[01:02.86] the Hibiya Subway Line
[01:04.64] and the Tsukuba Express Line