shan shou xian" che nei zi dong fang song" wai hui da zhong chao ya ju ru

Song 山手线“车内 自动放送”外回り 大冢~巣鸭~驹込
Artist JR東日本
Album Yamanote Line Train and Platform Announcements


[00:00.30] 次は巣鴨、巣鴨
[00:04.05] お出口は右側です
[00:06.80] 都営地下鉄三田線はお乗り換えです
[00:10.97] The next station is Sugamo
[00:14.02] The doors on the right side will open
[00:16.73] Please change here for the Mita Subway Line
[00:22.70] 次は駒込、駒込
[00:26.46] お出口は右側です
[00:29.41] 地下鉄南北線はお乗り換えです
[00:33.68] The next station is Komagome
[00:36.54] The doors on the right side will open
[00:39.22] Please change here for the Nanboku Subway Line


[00:00.30] cì cháo yā cháo yā
[00:04.05] chū kǒu yòu cè
[00:06.80] dōu yíng dì xià zhí sān tián xiàn chéng huàn
[00:10.97] The next station is Sugamo
[00:14.02] The doors on the right side will open
[00:16.73] Please change here for the Mita Subway Line
[00:22.70] cì jū ru jū ru
[00:26.46] chū kǒu yòu cè
[00:29.41] dì xià zhí nán běi xiàn chéng huàn
[00:33.68] The next station is Komagome
[00:36.54] The doors on the right side will open
[00:39.22] Please change here for the Nanboku Subway Line