Song | Suil Ghorm |
Artist | Altan |
Album | The Best Of Altan - The Songs |
Súil ghorm, uisce fómhair | |
Craiceann chailce, sneachta gheimhridh | |
Folt fonn, corna shamhraidh | |
Cumha póige, bláth an earraigh | |
Your blue eyes, autumn water | |
Pure white skin like winter snow | |
Your fair hair, summer barley | |
Scented kisses, spring flowers | |
Ar imeall na mara a ghluais muid le chéile | |
Is thóg muid ár nglórthai go hárd leis na spéartha | |
Ceo maidne, séidéan gaoithe | |
Anam saortha, sruth 's taoide | |
Gealach iomlán, spéar na hoiche | |
Loinnear réalta, aoibh an gháire | |
Your smile shines through the morning mist | |
Lifts the soul light as a feather | |
And the moon glows in the darkest night | |
Distant stars are yours forever | |
Ar imeall na mara a ghluais muid le chéile | |
Is thóg muid ár nglórthai go hárd leis na spéartha | |
Súil ghorm, uisce fómhair | |
Craiceann chailce, sneachta gheimhridh | |
Folt fonn, corna shamhraidh | |
Cumha póige, bláth an earraigh |
Sú il ghorm, uisce fó mhair | |
Craiceann chailce, sneachta gheimhridh | |
Folt fonn, corna shamhraidh | |
Cumha pó ige, blá th an earraigh | |
Your blue eyes, autumn water | |
Pure white skin like winter snow | |
Your fair hair, summer barley | |
Scented kisses, spring flowers | |
Ar imeall na mara a ghluais muid le ché ile | |
Is thó g muid á r ngló rthai go há rd leis na spé artha | |
Ceo maidne, sé idé an gaoithe | |
Anam saortha, sruth ' s taoide | |
Gealach iomlá n, spé ar na hoiche | |
Loinnear ré alta, aoibh an ghá ire | |
Your smile shines through the morning mist | |
Lifts the soul light as a feather | |
And the moon glows in the darkest night | |
Distant stars are yours forever | |
Ar imeall na mara a ghluais muid le ché ile | |
Is thó g muid á r ngló rthai go há rd leis na spé artha | |
Sú il ghorm, uisce fó mhair | |
Craiceann chailce, sneachta gheimhridh | |
Folt fonn, corna shamhraidh | |
Cumha pó ige, blá th an earraigh |