How many nights for |
Hanukkah?Happy joyous |
HanukkahNights and days, days and night, |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahHow many candles do |
I light?Happy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the candles you should light |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahOne for |
Moses on the |
MountHappy joyous |
HanukkahTwo for the mother and father love |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahThree for the |
Books that |
Ezra taughts |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahFour's for the |
Hebrew children |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahFive for the |
Brothers Maccabee |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahSix for the tricks the |
King did play |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahSeven for the sons of |
Hannah that died |
Not so happy |
HanukkahEight for the newbuilt alter place |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahNine is the light of |
God that shines |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahAround this whole wide world tonight |
Happy joyous |
HanukkahNine is for |
God's light that shines |
Eight for the newbuilt alter place |
Seven for the sons of |
Hannah that died |
Six for kings and the tricks they tried |
Five for the brothers |
MaccabeeFour for the |
Hebrew children |
Three for the books that |
Ezra taught |
Two for the father and mother love |
One for Moses on the |
MountChorus: |
Eight are the nights of |
HanukkahHappy joyous |
HanukkahEight are the days, and eight are the nights |
Happy joyous |
Hanukkah |