Doe, a deer thut Nugent shot |
Ray, a fish that's flat |
Me, the guy who's always getting fucked |
Fa, the ride to our next gig |
So, it means I'm not impressed |
La, a place where we record |
Ti, H C it's found in pot |
Dough is what I never seem to have |
Mother Goose was never here |
Father Christmas was a drunk |
Easter Bunny well done tasted good |
Peter Pan hung out with fairies |
Tinkerbell got blown away |
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes |
Yo, a word to call my friends |
Hey, it's how I say hello |
Skeeve, the guy who drives your bus |
Ma, the one who sleeps with dad |
Bone, a spliff I roll myself |
Pa, the guy who whips your ass |
Dis, a bust on someone else |
Dough is what I never seem to have |
Mother Goose was never here |
Father Christmas was a drunk |
Easter Bunny well done tasted good |
Peter Pan hung out with fairies |
Tinkerbell got blown away |
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes |
Ho, a bitch who takes your cash |
Spray is what I did to her |
Heave, is when I vomit up |
Car, a way to get around |
(Spoken) |
You fuck me huh? You fucking weak asshole dickhead cocksucker |
You fucking come on |
Come fuck with me |
I'll kick your ass you jerk |
You fuckhead motherfucker, fuck all you and your family |
Come on you cocksucker slime-fucking shitface dirtball |
Bro, a guy who lends you cash |
Lay, it ain't just down |
Pee, a way to skip out on your class |
Bra this thing that you unsnap |
No, the word you never want to hear |
Nah, it's how you say no way |
Free, the price that nothing ever is |
Dough is what I never seem to have |
Morther Goose was never here |
Father Christmas was a drunk |
Easter Bunny well done tasted good |
Peter Pan hung out with fairies |
Tinkerbell got blown away |
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes |
Tow, a truck for when your car's gone down |
Rahs, the girls who do the jocks |
Tee, a place to put your balls |
Grow, my hair until I drop |