
Song Slogans
Artist Screeching Weasel
Album My Brain Hurts


Words are stirring your anger's burning
You could really use a slogan right now
Eighteen and feeling pretty mean cause you're sick and fucking tired out being pushed around and around
Up and fucking down
You wanna believe there's an answer well there's not and the funny thing about it is that two hours later they're just words that you seem to have forgot
Don't think about what's right or wrong just leave the thinking to your boss
Do what you're supposed to now
Your heart is pounding your feet hit the ground
You wanna see some action right now
Feeling strong gonna right some wrong gonna raise your banner and stand up tall and proud
Don't tell me ideology has a thing to do with it
You like to think you're different but you're all one fucked up power trip
And I really don't give a shit what you happen to believe in
Now you can finally begin to feel like you fit in
Don't ever listen to yourself
You'll fuck it up just like you always do
Someone will be there to explain your job so do it