For the light of my darkness

Song For the light of my darkness
Artist Necromantia
Album Ancient pride


You Calm And
Heal My Restless
Soul Brighten
The Blackness of my
Heart You
Light The
Fire in my
Cold Blood
Our Spirits
Unite As One
My dark Seductive
Mistress Enchantress of
Gods and Men
No Words can
Reach Your
Beauty Vampire
Queen Of My
Hell For The
Light of My
Darkness The
Slayer of
My Sadness
For The Light of
My Darkness
The Healer of
My Madness
Only Your
Touch Can
Ease My Hate
Only Your
Lips Can Stop
My Rage I've
Seen your vision in
My Dreams
Empress on
Night's Wings
Not Even Death
Can Do us part
For Years
And Aeons
Still To Come
We'll Still
Be Here To
Win Our Wars
And Reign
Supreme My
Dearest One
Only Your
Flesh Can
Quench My
Thirst Only
Your Soul
Can Kiss My
Thoughts No
Godess Can
Compete Your
Charm Your
Rebel Spirit
Shades The