It Happened | |
On August | |
EighthNineteen | |
Eighty Two | |
Jeffrey Dropped | |
His PantsWith | |
A Crowd In | |
Full ViewThe | |
Police Arrested | |
Him ForDisorderly | |
ConductThey | |
Found Him | |
Guilty And | |
Fined HimFifty | |
Dollars Court | |
CostExposure | |
ExposureFour | |
Years To The | |
Day Jeff Was | |
Exposing Himself | |
AgainAt The | |
Kinnickinnic | |
River A Gathering | |
Place For | |
KidsArrested | |
For Masturbating | |
With His Pants | |
Down To His | |
ThighsHe Told | |
Two Boys He | |
Was Having | |
A Great Time | |
ExposureExposure |