zhi min di zhu xing tong Annabella

Song 殖民地—朱星潼Annabella
Artist 朱星潼Annabella
Album 殖民地


[00:00.000] 作词 : 宋普照/朱星潼
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 郑建浩
[00:03.664] 殖民地
[00:22.171] 被你夺走的领域
[00:23.181] The territory seized by you
[00:24.667] 开满了回忆
[00:25.923] is full of memories
[00:26.921] 我独自在这里被寂寞奴役
[00:27.920] I am enslaved by loneliness here
[00:31.169] 我已经出不去
[00:32.413] I can no longer get out
[00:33.423] 主动反锁自己
[00:34.428] I locked myself inside
[00:35.431] 感情镣铐锁住世界只剩你
[00:36.670] Emotion enstrapped
[00:37.169] You are the only one in my world
[00:37.926] 忘记 快忘记
[00:39.180] Forget, forget quickly
[00:40.929] 注定此生和岁月相守到底
[00:41.929] Destined this life and the time get entwained till the end
[00:43.928] 抗拒 再抗拒
[00:44.670] Resist, resist again
[00:45.671] 谁让你是无可代替
[00:47.668] For you are irreplaceable
[00:48.667] 沉溺 在沉溺
[00:49.666] Indulgence preoccupied again
[00:50.421] 无论旋涡还是风浪我都勇敢的漂流下去
[00:51.420] Whether whirlpool or hurricane I will continue to drift
[00:56.424] 心是你的殖民地
[00:57.664] My heart is colonized by you
[00:58.675] 却又被你遗弃
[00:59.919] I was abandoned by you again
[01:00.672] 而我频临绝境
[01:01.670] As I near despair
[01:02.914] 只能选择等待你
[01:03.924] I can only choose to wait for you
[01:05.176] 梦是你的殖民地
[01:06.176] Dream is your colony
[01:07.419] 梦什么都和你有关系
[01:08.172] All dreams are about you
[01:09.421] 记忆繁衍成了孤寂
[01:10.423] Memories grow into loneliness
[01:14.920] 呜喔呜喔呜喔哦
[01:15.918] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o...
[01:18.426] 为何当初就没想到结局
[01:19.168] Why did not think about consequences in the beginning
[01:22.918] 呜喔呜喔呜喔哦
[01:24.416] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o..
[01:26.425] 为何爱到最后伤害都是我自己
[01:28.921] Why love eventually becomes hurt
[01:48.682] 被你夺走的领域
[01:50.170] The territory seized by you
[01:51.668] 开满了回忆
[01:53.920] Is full of memories
[01:54.675] 我独自在这里被寂寞奴役
[01:55.674] I am enslaved by loneliness here
[01:58.424] 我已经出不去
[01:59.423] I can no longer get out
[02:00.423] 主动反锁自己
[02:02.418] I locked myself inside
[02:03.932] 感情镣铐锁住世界只剩你
[02:04.930] Emotion enstrapped
[02:05.432] You are the only one in my world
[02:06.686] 忘记 快忘记
[02:07.422] Forget, forget quickly
[02:08.433] 注定此生和岁月相守到底
[02:09.676] Destined this life and the time get entwained till the end
[02:11.428] 抗拒 再抗拒
[02:12.172] Resist, resist again
[02:13.671] 谁让你是无可代替
[02:14.923] For you are irreplaceable
[02:15.921] 沉溺 在沉溺
[02:16.421] indulgence preoccupied again
[02:17.418] 无论旋涡还是风浪我都勇敢的漂流下去
[02:18.419] Whether whirlpool or hurricane I will continue to drift
[02:23.421] 心是你的殖民地
[02:24.421] My heart is colonized by you
[02:25.418] 却又被你遗弃
[02:27.175] I was abandoned by you again
[02:27.672] 而我频临绝境
[02:28.924] As I near despair
[02:29.928] 只能选择等待你
[02:30.921] I can only choose to wait for you
[02:31.920] 梦是你的殖民地
[02:33.932] Dream is your colony
[02:34.673] 梦什么都和你有关系
[02:35.435] All dreams are about you
[02:38.423] 记忆繁衍成了孤寂
[02:39.421] Memories grow into loneliness
[02:42.673] 呜喔呜喔呜喔哦
[02:43.428] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o...
[02:45.669] 为何当初就没想到结局
[02:46.422] Why did not think about consequences in the beginning
[02:49.928] 呜喔呜喔呜喔哦
[02:51.671] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o..
[02:52.670] 为何爱到最后伤害都是我自己
[02:55.178] Why love eventually becomes hurt
[02:57.928] TEL
[02:58.673] 心是你的殖民地
[02:59.927] My heart is colonized by you
[03:00.670] 却又被你遗弃
[03:01.922] I was abandoned by you again
[03:02.678] 而我频临绝境
[03:03.933] As I near despair
[03:04.929] 只能选择等待你
[03:06.173] I can only choose to wait for you
[03:07.671] 梦是你的殖民地
[03:08.681] Dream is your colony
[03:09.180] 梦什么都和你有关系
[03:10.439] All dreams are about you
[03:13.440] 记忆繁衍成了孤寂
[03:14.672] Memories grow into loneliness
[03:15.925] 心是你的殖民地
[03:16.923] My heart is colonized by you
[03:17.680] 却又被你遗弃
[03:18.932] I was abandoned by you again
[03:19.434] 而我频临绝境
[03:20.430] As I near despair
[03:21.927] 只能选择等待你
[03:23.171] I can only choose to wait for you
[03:24.423] 梦是你的殖民地
[03:25.180] Dream is your colony
[03:26.432] 梦什么都和你有关系
[03:27.431] All dreams are about you
[03:30.672] 记忆繁衍成了孤寂
[03:31.682] Memories grow into loneliness
[03:34.177] 呜喔呜喔呜喔哦
[03:35.430] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o...
[03:37.429] 为何当初就没想到结局
[03:38.934] Why did not think about consequences in the beginning
[03:41.433] 呜喔呜喔呜喔哦
[03:44.437] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o..
[03:45.926] 为何爱到最后伤害都是我自己
[03:50.678] Why love eventually becomes hurt
[03:52.673] 词:宋普照
[03:52.679] 曲:郑建浩
[03:52.927] 编曲:关剑
[03:54.425] 伴唱:Annabella
[03:56.422] 翻译:ATAZ


[00:00.000] zuò cí : sòng pǔ zhào zhū xīng tóng
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : zhèng jiàn hào
[00:03.664] zhí mín dì
[00:22.171] bèi nǐ duó zǒu de lǐng yù
[00:23.181] The territory seized by you
[00:24.667] kāi mǎn le huí yì
[00:25.923] is full of memories
[00:26.921] wǒ dú zì zài zhè lǐ bèi jì mò nú yì
[00:27.920] I am enslaved by loneliness here
[00:31.169] wǒ yǐ jīng chū bù qù
[00:32.413] I can no longer get out
[00:33.423] zhǔ dòng fǎn suǒ zì jǐ
[00:34.428] I locked myself inside
[00:35.431] gǎn qíng liào kào suǒ zhù shì jiè zhǐ shèng nǐ
[00:36.670] Emotion enstrapped
[00:37.169] You are the only one in my world
[00:37.926] wàng jì kuài wàng jì
[00:39.180] Forget, forget quickly
[00:40.929] zhù dìng cǐ shēng hé suì yuè xiàng shǒu dào dǐ
[00:41.929] Destined this life and the time get entwained till the end
[00:43.928] kàng jù zài kàng jù
[00:44.670] Resist, resist again
[00:45.671] shuí ràng nǐ shì wú kě dài tì
[00:47.668] For you are irreplaceable
[00:48.667] chén nì zài chén nì
[00:49.666] Indulgence preoccupied again
[00:50.421] wú lùn xuán wō hái shì fēng làng wǒ dōu yǒng gǎn de piāo liú xià qù
[00:51.420] Whether whirlpool or hurricane I will continue to drift
[00:56.424] xīn shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[00:57.664] My heart is colonized by you
[00:58.675] què yòu bèi nǐ yí qì
[00:59.919] I was abandoned by you again
[01:00.672] ér wǒ pín lín jué jìng
[01:01.670] As I near despair
[01:02.914] zhǐ néng xuǎn zé děng dài nǐ
[01:03.924] I can only choose to wait for you
[01:05.176] mèng shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[01:06.176] Dream is your colony
[01:07.419] mèng shén me dōu hé nǐ yǒu guān xì
[01:08.172] All dreams are about you
[01:09.421] jì yì fán yǎn chéng le gū jì
[01:10.423] Memories grow into loneliness
[01:14.920] wū ō wū ō wū ō ó
[01:15.918] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o...
[01:18.426] wèi hé dāng chū jiù méi xiǎng dào jié jú
[01:19.168] Why did not think about consequences in the beginning
[01:22.918] wū ō wū ō wū ō ó
[01:24.416] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o..
[01:26.425] wèi hé ài dào zuì hòu shāng hài dōu shì wǒ zì jǐ
[01:28.921] Why love eventually becomes hurt
[01:48.682] bèi nǐ duó zǒu de lǐng yù
[01:50.170] The territory seized by you
[01:51.668] kāi mǎn le huí yì
[01:53.920] Is full of memories
[01:54.675] wǒ dú zì zài zhè lǐ bèi jì mò nú yì
[01:55.674] I am enslaved by loneliness here
[01:58.424] wǒ yǐ jīng chū bù qù
[01:59.423] I can no longer get out
[02:00.423] zhǔ dòng fǎn suǒ zì jǐ
[02:02.418] I locked myself inside
[02:03.932] gǎn qíng liào kào suǒ zhù shì jiè zhǐ shèng nǐ
[02:04.930] Emotion enstrapped
[02:05.432] You are the only one in my world
[02:06.686] wàng jì kuài wàng jì
[02:07.422] Forget, forget quickly
[02:08.433] zhù dìng cǐ shēng hé suì yuè xiàng shǒu dào dǐ
[02:09.676] Destined this life and the time get entwained till the end
[02:11.428] kàng jù zài kàng jù
[02:12.172] Resist, resist again
[02:13.671] shuí ràng nǐ shì wú kě dài tì
[02:14.923] For you are irreplaceable
[02:15.921] chén nì zài chén nì
[02:16.421] indulgence preoccupied again
[02:17.418] wú lùn xuán wō hái shì fēng làng wǒ dōu yǒng gǎn de piāo liú xià qù
[02:18.419] Whether whirlpool or hurricane I will continue to drift
[02:23.421] xīn shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[02:24.421] My heart is colonized by you
[02:25.418] què yòu bèi nǐ yí qì
[02:27.175] I was abandoned by you again
[02:27.672] ér wǒ pín lín jué jìng
[02:28.924] As I near despair
[02:29.928] zhǐ néng xuǎn zé děng dài nǐ
[02:30.921] I can only choose to wait for you
[02:31.920] mèng shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[02:33.932] Dream is your colony
[02:34.673] mèng shén me dōu hé nǐ yǒu guān xì
[02:35.435] All dreams are about you
[02:38.423] jì yì fán yǎn chéng le gū jì
[02:39.421] Memories grow into loneliness
[02:42.673] wū ō wū ō wū ō ó
[02:43.428] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o...
[02:45.669] wèi hé dāng chū jiù méi xiǎng dào jié jú
[02:46.422] Why did not think about consequences in the beginning
[02:49.928] wū ō wū ō wū ō ó
[02:51.671] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o..
[02:52.670] wèi hé ài dào zuì hòu shāng hài dōu shì wǒ zì jǐ
[02:55.178] Why love eventually becomes hurt
[02:57.928] TEL
[02:58.673] xīn shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[02:59.927] My heart is colonized by you
[03:00.670] què yòu bèi nǐ yí qì
[03:01.922] I was abandoned by you again
[03:02.678] ér wǒ pín lín jué jìng
[03:03.933] As I near despair
[03:04.929] zhǐ néng xuǎn zé děng dài nǐ
[03:06.173] I can only choose to wait for you
[03:07.671] mèng shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[03:08.681] Dream is your colony
[03:09.180] mèng shén me dōu hé nǐ yǒu guān xì
[03:10.439] All dreams are about you
[03:13.440] jì yì fán yǎn chéng le gū jì
[03:14.672] Memories grow into loneliness
[03:15.925] xīn shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[03:16.923] My heart is colonized by you
[03:17.680] què yòu bèi nǐ yí qì
[03:18.932] I was abandoned by you again
[03:19.434] ér wǒ pín lín jué jìng
[03:20.430] As I near despair
[03:21.927] zhǐ néng xuǎn zé děng dài nǐ
[03:23.171] I can only choose to wait for you
[03:24.423] mèng shì nǐ de zhí mín dì
[03:25.180] Dream is your colony
[03:26.432] mèng shén me dōu hé nǐ yǒu guān xì
[03:27.431] All dreams are about you
[03:30.672] jì yì fán yǎn chéng le gū jì
[03:31.682] Memories grow into loneliness
[03:34.177] wū ō wū ō wū ō ó
[03:35.430] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o...
[03:37.429] wèi hé dāng chū jiù méi xiǎng dào jié jú
[03:38.934] Why did not think about consequences in the beginning
[03:41.433] wū ō wū ō wū ō ó
[03:44.437] Wu wo wu wo wu wo o..
[03:45.926] wèi hé ài dào zuì hòu shāng hài dōu shì wǒ zì jǐ
[03:50.678] Why love eventually becomes hurt
[03:52.673] cí: sòng pǔ zhào
[03:52.679] qū: zhèng jiàn hào
[03:52.927] biān qǔ: guān jiàn
[03:54.425] bàn chàng: Annabella
[03:56.422] fān yì: ATAZ