I don't wanna talk

I don't wanna talk Lyrics

Song I don't wanna talk
Artist ZIRS
Artist AwakeChangerThree
Artist Yeezy Trapper
Artist N-E-WazY
Album I don't wanna talk
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[00:00.000] 作词 : ZIRS/ACThree333/Yeezy Trapper/WazY
[00:01.000] 作曲 : ZIRS
[00:07.024] 编曲:ZIRS
[00:10.781] 混音:Norman
[00:14.540] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[00:15.793] Nah you guys are faking at all (你们除了装逼不会干啥了)
[00:18.297] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[00:19.550] Nah your flows are out of mode (你们的flow都过时了)
[00:21.805] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[00:23.308] Nah you gotta shut the fxk off (你们都闭嘴吧)
[00:25.562] I don’t wanna talk I don’t wanna talk (我真不想说)
[00:29.570] I don’t wanna talk  (我懒得跟你废话)
[00:30.572] Nah you guys are faking at all (你们搁那装啥呢)
[00:33.078] I don’t wanna talk  (我懒得跟你废话)
[00:34.331] Nah your flows are out of mode (你们的flow都过时了)
[00:36.837] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[00:38.089] Nah you gotta shut the fxk off (你们都闭嘴吧)
[00:40.345] I don’t wanna talk I don’t wanna talk (我真不想说)
[00:43.601] ACThree:
[00:44.102] Im the young generation (我是年轻的一代)
[00:45.856] I got more determination
[00:47.610] To reach ur expectation (我有更大的决心去达到你的期望)
[00:49.613] Nothin gonna be limitation(没有什么能够阻止了我)
[00:51.115] the revelation of my life(我生命的启示录)
[00:52.619] Yall ******* haters ready to die (所有黑子们都准备好迎接死亡)
[00:54.622] I aint got no license but i dare to drive(我没有驾照也敢开车)
[00:56.375]watch out imma fxkin hit u by the 619(小心点 我会有619[WWE雷尔的必杀技] 终结你们)
[00:58.878] Feeling like im buzzer beater(感觉我是压哨绝杀者)
[00:59.888] Feeling like im rap game savor(也是说唱游戏拯救者)
[01:00.641] Beating out the fake rapper(把假的rapper清理出去)
[01:01.642] devil with the pen and paper(我是执笔的恶魔)
[01:02.645] Mtfker Im the best rapper in the future(我是未来最优秀的rapper)
[01:04.900] Rapping with Zirs and YezzyTrapper(和崽儿丝椰崽一起说唱还有Wazy)
[01:06.151] Fake ass bi7 wanna stay as friends(虚情假意的人还想做我的朋友)
[01:07.907] I hate that they do it for my money and the fame(他们只是为了我的金钱名利)
[01:09.659] That u gonna say somethin i dont even give a damn(你们说的话我全当放p)
[01:11.663] Imma kill em no matter where or when(无论何时何地我都会SHA了他们)
[01:13.666] Looking for looking for looking for blood(寻觅着血液的气息)
[01:15.430] Bury yall bury yall bury yall in mud(把你们都埋进泥土里)
[01:17.184] Looking for looking for looking for blood(寻觅着血液的气息)
[01:19.439] Bury yall bury yall bury yall in mud(把你们都埋进泥土里)
[01:20.943] aint no mercy exists(不留情面)
[01:22.946] aint no noises for peace(无声无息)
[01:24.462] better get down on knees(跪下认错)
[01:26.465] pull the trigger yall see(准备扣动扳机)
[01:28.221] Back to my studio(回到我的工作室)
[01:29.474] Turn on my radio(打开收音机)
[01:30.225] Watch the timetable(看看我的时间表)
[01:31.227] Succeed in 24(在24岁前成功)
[01:32.229] 19 in Mexico(歌名)
[01:32.989] Learn something meaningful (学习一些有意义的东西)
[01:34.240] Could it be logical(这不合乎常理吗?)
[01:34.992] Everything's possible(一切皆有可能)
[01:35.743] Hey yall been in the cage(你们这些井底之蛙)
[01:36.995] Imma indicate Yall been in my plate(只能当我盘中餐)
[01:38.750] Thanks for the hate(感谢你们的怨恨)
[01:40.005] And I got an A(我早已变得优秀)
[01:40.757] What u gonna say(你还能说些啥呢)
[01:41.758] Fxk off all the fake(给爷起开!!)
[01:43.011] ZIRS:
[01:43.513] For real I don’t wanna talk abt trap (说真的 我不想再谈啥陷阱说唱了)
[01:44.765] You guys are trapping in trapping in trap (你们都被陷阱框住了)
[01:46.768] Y’all dress the same meanwhile y’all rap the same(你们穿的 你们说的全都一个样)
[01:48.771] **** so weak  pathetic coincidence(床上功夫也不太行 真是个可悲的巧合)
[01:51.027] Imitating Gucci gang Gucci gang (整天就会模仿骨瓷缸)
[01:53.031] Like a loopy man loopy man (蠢的那样我都不想瞅)
[01:54.541] Just Think abt groupie bang groupie bang (整天想的都是凑果儿)
[01:56.794] So y’all got no fan got no fan (所以你们一直掉粉)
[01:58.047] You ain’t got no attitude y’all just full of platitude (你们没点态度 全是陈词滥调)
[01:59.801] Step into my latitude but no chance to get you proved (踏入我的领域真的没机会给你说话)
[02:01.556] Tryna raise ur magnitude but finna be a substitute (想提高点你们格调 但只能当个替代品)
[02:03.574] What a pity dude you gon lose but I’ll catch the groove (输的一定是你们 只有我能抓住这种律动)
[02:05.328] No one gets attention at first I’ll give you some time to taste it (没人能一开始就被注意 但我能给你们点时间试试我的货)
[02:08.834] My shxt is the real shxt (我的货都是好货)
[02:10.337] This champ champ is the real champ (冠军头衔不是浪得虚名)
[02:12.340] Don’t pretend that you’re better than me(别装得跟你们都比我强似的)
[02:14.344] Cuz I see different size (我早就看出我们的天壤之别)
[02:15.847] Size between our lives and thoughts (演唱会规模不是一个等级 思想不在一个层面)
[02:17.851] And the size between your thighs (甚至你两腿之间的尺寸也不值一提)
[02:19.606] You gon hate me for spitting the truth or screwing all your vibe (不好意思我又说大实话了)
[02:23.366] Better keep yourself noticed that you never deserve the mic (请记住你从来不配拿起麦)
[02:26.874] What I mean don’t you see (还看不出来我啥意思吗)
[02:28.877] I will grab your benefit (我会夺走你每一分钱)
[02:30.629] You’d be another one who bites the dust (你吃点土就得了)
[02:32.884] another one who creeps (哭哭啼啼就得了)
[02:34.388] No recipe   you little prick  (绝不会提点你 )
[02:36.141] Hand me the beat  keep it low key  (把beat交出来 低调着点)
[02:38.144] Yeezy and Z  feat acthree (椰崽加上我和ACthree)
[02:39.895] Wazy gets in we see people they all go crazy  (Wazy出现时人群都疯狂了)
[02:42.150] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[02:44.405] Nah you guys are faking at all (你们除了装逼不会干啥了)
[02:45.907] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[02:47.160] Nah your flows are out of mode (你们的flow都过时了)
[02:49.665] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[02:51.167] Nah you gotta shut the **** off (你们都闭嘴吧)
[02:53.171] I don’t wanna talk I don’t wanna talk (我真不想说)
[02:56.929] I don’t wanna talk  (我懒得跟你废话)
[02:59.185] Nah you guys are faking at all (你们搁那装啥呢)
[03:00.446] I don’t wanna talk  (我懒得跟你废话)
[03:01.948] Nah your flows are out of mode (你们的flow都过时了)
[03:04.208] I don’t wanna talk (我懒得跟你废话)
[03:05.459] Nah you gotta shut the **** off (你们都闭嘴吧)
[03:08.215] I don’t wanna talk I don’t wanna talk (我真不想说)
[03:10.971] Yeezzy Trapper:
[03:11.972] 2019 I be rocking with my team 今年继续和团队一起打拼
[03:13.977] Rapping in English we speaking Chinese 为我们的文化赢得一席之地
[03:15.730] I’m getting viral c'est la vie 出人头地这就是命
[03:17.233] Lame rappers sound like Kidz Bop naive 说唱都像小屁孩属实弟中弟(Kids Bop是一个由儿童来翻唱热单专辑的组合)
[03:19.237] Your songs are ****** up like Mia Khalifa你的歌也只能被按在地上摩擦无力反击
[03:21.490] It’s free for all so I slaughter the arena 火力全开 主宰竞技场 嗜血成性
[03:22.999] If you wanna quit you May, Theresa 你害怕了像英国脱欧退出游戏当然没问题
[03:25.003] Before I chop off your head like a pizza 不然安排你就跟切披萨一样容易
[03:26.756] Do not kill my vibe别来我这扫兴
[03:28.007] If you ain’t loyal don’t stay by my side 墙头草往边上稍稍
[03:29.510] Global and high like a satellite 高速航行又国际化 正如卫星环绕
[03:31.517] Walking with sauce gotcha appetite 走路带风  你可别被刮倒
[03:33.520] Bet you never heard of me cuz I ain’t from Berklee 相信你没听说过我 我也并非来自伯克利
[03:35.272] Don’t care who you are worshipping but you know is just currently 现在所崇拜的以后倒说不定
[03:37.276] Double cup purple lean why were you mumbling before 你水喝多了之前呜呜渣渣什么呢
[03:39.279] I’m the last one standing from Paradise Resort 就算落在天堂度假村我也是最后的生还者(天堂度假村为游戏《绝地求生》竞争最激烈的资源点之一)
[03:41.285] You see me dripping in water 看我出场够有排面
[03:43.037] Never **** up twice ***** I am smarter 从来不在同样的地方跌倒两次
[03:44.791] If you lost your chick go find another 如果你失去了她也别在一棵树上吊着
[03:46.795] Cuz you don’t wanna lick that truffle butter 你不会想尝松露奶油的
[03:48.550] I took your fame wanna sue me? 我夺走了你的名声 打算起诉我吗
[03:50.555] She calling my Johnson like Woody 她称呼我伍迪·强森(动画《脆莓公园》中人物)
[03:52.308] Fascinating I’m boujee 够有排面
[03:54.315] Trap it like a pro I ain’t rookie 像专业人士一样做音乐 我已经不算新手
[03:56.319] the beat is freezing 镶了钻的flow仿佛音乐都快结冰
[03:58.325] I just caught a cold achoo I'm sneezing 冷得我都感冒打喷嚏了 阿嚏
[04:00.329] But there is no down We’re lit every season 不用穿羽绒服(不走下坡路,down双关)因为每个季节热度都够
[04:01.582] Cuz we’re about to go platinum this weekend 我们的歌大概周末就能火起来
[04:03.838] Lyrically bulletproof damn I’m cheating 歌词防弹无懈可击 如同开了挂
[04:05.842] Why they typing triple six I ain’t the demon 为何都在评论666 我又不是恶魔(666在英文中代指魔鬼)
[04:07.595] Running outta breath oh gosh I’m breathing 换不上气了 呼吸一口
[04:09.600] I don’t need no reason Next time I’m leaving 不需要理由 下次再见
[04:10.854] Wazy:
[04:11.104] A lota things string in the brain.太多事情萦绕着
[04:12.356] Never cease chasing dream.Wish to be the fiend.总是想着当个大佬,而不想停下脚步
[04:14.361] Wanna make the money rain,wanna gotta fame. 想着能名利双收
[04:15.864] Wanna gotta fansy clothings and bunch of rings.想着能够衣冠楚楚
[04:18.369] Witness the same stories happen everyday. 看着这熟悉的一幕幕反复上演
[04:20.372] For **** sake,it's not'bout if you get chased.天哪,难道成功真的取决于你有多少关注吗?
[04:21.375] It's not'bout if you get paid,or you get laid. 它不是因为你有了才能证明你有
[04:23.630] It's all about which the way you choose to play in the race.这取决于你对待她的方式
[04:25.635] Recognition doesn't bring the reputation.名声在外不代表广为人知
[04:27.388] It's a competition which temptation is the invitation. 这是一场由欲望引起的战斗
[04:28.891] So be patient to wait for the liberation. 所以,耐心是没坏处的
[04:30.643] The supplication for revolution is on the ******* reservation.解放马上就接踵而至
[04:32.899] **** that ****,you've never gotta plan.但是,你既然没有做好准备
[04:35.152] Only chase for the clout.Plant your seed in your fans.驱名逐利,
[04:36.406] No place for the vaunters.Wish you will understand.这没有属于你的位置,明白了?
[04:38.410] Wish you will have a chance to let people cast a glance.希望你能有机会被人关注到
[04:40.415] Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah.又是陈词滥调
[04:41.668] I don't give a ****'bout how much you got.我不在乎你得到了多少。
[04:43.676] I don't give a ****'bout how much you plus.我不在乎你又给自己冠上多少头衔。
[04:45.428] I don't give a ****'bout how much you lust.我更不在乎你还垂涎多少
[00:00.000] zuo ci : ZIRS ACThree333 Yeezy Trapper WazY
[00:01.000] zuo qu : ZIRS
[00:07.024] bian qu: ZIRS
[00:10.781] hun yin: Norman
[00:14.540] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[00:15.793] Nah you guys are faking at all ni men chu le zhuang bi bu hui gan sha le
[00:18.297] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[00:19.550] Nah your flows are out of mode ni men de flow dou guo shi le
[00:21.805] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[00:23.308] Nah you gotta shut the fxk off ni men dou bi zui ba
[00:25.562] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wo zhen bu xiang shuo
[00:29.570] I don' t wanna talk   wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[00:30.572] Nah you guys are faking at all ni men ge na zhuang sha ne
[00:33.078] I don' t wanna talk   wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[00:34.331] Nah your flows are out of mode ni men de flow dou guo shi le
[00:36.837] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[00:38.089] Nah you gotta shut the fxk off ni men dou bi zui ba
[00:40.345] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wo zhen bu xiang shuo
[00:43.601] ACThree:
[00:44.102] Im the young generation wo shi nian qing de yi dai
[00:45.856] I got more determination
[00:47.610] To reach ur expectation wo you geng da de jue xin qu da dao ni de qi wang
[00:49.613] Nothin gonna be limitation mei you shen me neng gou zu zhi le wo
[00:51.115] the revelation of my life wo sheng ming de qi shi lu
[00:52.619] Yall haters ready to die suo you hei zi men dou zhun bei hao ying jie si wang
[00:54.622] I aint got no license but i dare to drive wo mei you jia zhao ye gan kai che
[00:56.375]watch out imma fxkin hit u by the 619(小心点 我会有619[WWE雷尔的必杀技] zhong jie ni men
[00:58.878] Feeling like im buzzer beater gan jue wo shi ya shao jue sha zhe
[00:59.888] Feeling like im rap game savor ye shi shuo chang you xi zheng jiu zhe
[01:00.641] Beating out the fake rapper ba jia de rapper qing li chu qu
[01:01.642] devil with the pen and paper wo shi zhi bi de e mo
[01:02.645] Mtfker Im the best rapper in the future wo shi wei lai zui you xiu de rapper
[01:04.900] Rapping with Zirs and YezzyTrapper he zai er si ye zai yi qi shuo chang hai you Wazy
[01:06.151] Fake ass bi7 wanna stay as friends xu qing jia yi de ren hai xiang zuo wo de peng you
[01:07.907] I hate that they do it for my money and the fame ta men zhi shi wei le wo de jin qian ming li
[01:09.659] That u gonna say somethin i dont even give a damn ni men shuo de hua wo quan dang fang p
[01:11.663] Imma kill em no matter where or when wu lun he shi he di wo dou hui SHA le ta men
[01:13.666] Looking for looking for looking for blood xun mi zhe xue ye de qi xi
[01:15.430] Bury yall bury yall bury yall in mud ba ni men dou mai jin ni tu li
[01:17.184] Looking for looking for looking for blood xun mi zhe xue ye de qi xi
[01:19.439] Bury yall bury yall bury yall in mud ba ni men dou mai jin ni tu li
[01:20.943] aint no mercy exists bu liu qing mian
[01:22.946] aint no noises for peace wu sheng wu xi
[01:24.462] better get down on knees gui xia ren cuo
[01:26.465] pull the trigger yall see zhun bei kou dong ban ji
[01:28.221] Back to my studio hui dao wo de gong zuo shi
[01:29.474] Turn on my radio da kai shou yin ji
[01:30.225] Watch the timetable kan kan wo de shi jian biao
[01:31.227] Succeed in 24 zai 24 sui qian cheng gong
[01:32.229] 19 in Mexico ge ming
[01:32.989] Learn something meaningful xue xi yi xie you yi yi de dong xi
[01:34.240] Could it be logical zhe bu he hu chang li ma?
[01:34.992] Everything' s possible yi qie jie you ke neng
[01:35.743] Hey yall been in the cage ni men zhei xie jing di zhi wa
[01:36.995] Imma indicate Yall been in my plate zhi neng dang wo pan zhong can
[01:38.750] Thanks for the hate gan xie ni men de yuan hen
[01:40.005] And I got an A wo zao yi bian de you xiu
[01:40.757] What u gonna say ni hai neng shuo xie sha ne
[01:41.758] Fxk off all the fake gei ye qi kai!!
[01:43.011] ZIRS:
[01:43.513] For real I don' t wanna talk abt trap shuo zhen de wo bu xiang zai tan sha xian jing shuo chang le
[01:44.765] You guys are trapping in trapping in trap ni men dou bei xian jing kuang zhu le
[01:46.768] Y' all dress the same meanwhile y' all rap the same ni men chuan de ni men shuo de quan dou yi ge yang
[01:48.771] so weak   pathetic coincidence chuang shang gong fu ye bu tai xing zhen shi ge ke bei de qiao he
[01:51.027] Imitating Gucci gang Gucci gang zheng tian jiu hui mo fang gu ci gang
[01:53.031] Like a loopy man loopy man chun de na yang wo dou bu xiang chou
[01:54.541] Just Think abt groupie bang groupie bang zheng tian xiang de dou shi cou guo er
[01:56.794] So y' all got no fan got no fan suo yi ni men yi zhi diao fen
[01:58.047] You ain' t got no attitude y' all just full of platitude ni men mei dian tai du quan shi chen ci lan diao
[01:59.801] Step into my latitude but no chance to get you proved ta ru wo de ling yu zhen de mei ji hui gei ni shuo hua
[02:01.556] Tryna raise ur magnitude but finna be a substitute xiang ti gao dian ni men ge diao dan zhi neng dang ge ti dai pin
[02:03.574] What a pity dude you gon lose but I' ll catch the groove shu de yi ding shi ni men zhi you wo neng zhua zhu zhe zhong lv dong
[02:05.328] No one gets attention at first I' ll give you some time to taste it mei ren neng yi kai shi jiu bei zhu yi dan wo neng gei ni men dian shi jian shi shi wo de huo
[02:08.834] My shxt is the real shxt wo de huo dou shi hao huo
[02:10.337] This champ champ is the real champ guan jun tou xian bu shi lang de xu ming
[02:12.340] Don' t pretend that you' re better than me bie zhuang de gen ni men dou bi wo qiang si de
[02:14.344] Cuz I see different size wo zao jiu kan chu wo men de tian rang zhi bie
[02:15.847] Size between our lives and thoughts yan chang hui gui mo bu shi yi ge deng ji si xiang bu zai yi ge ceng mian
[02:17.851] And the size between your thighs shen zhi ni liang tui zhi jian de chi cun ye bu zhi yi ti
[02:19.606] You gon hate me for spitting the truth or screwing all your vibe bu hao yi si wo you shuo da shi hua le
[02:23.366] Better keep yourself noticed that you never deserve the mic qing ji zhu ni cong lai bu pei na qi mai
[02:26.874] What I mean don' t you see hai kan bu chu lai wo sha yi si ma
[02:28.877] I will grab your benefit wo hui duo zou ni mei yi fen qian
[02:30.629] You' d be another one who bites the dust ni chi dian tu jiu de le
[02:32.884] another one who creeps ku ku ti ti jiu de le
[02:34.388] No recipe   you little prick   jue bu hui ti dian ni
[02:36.141] Hand me the beat   keep it low key   ba beat jiao chu lai di diao zhe dian
[02:38.144] Yeezy and Z   feat acthree ye zai jia shang wo he ACthree
[02:39.895] Wazy gets in we see people they all go crazy   Wazy chu xian shi ren qun dou feng kuang le
[02:42.150] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[02:44.405] Nah you guys are faking at all ni men chu le zhuang bi bu hui gan sha le
[02:45.907] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[02:47.160] Nah your flows are out of mode ni men de flow dou guo shi le
[02:49.665] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[02:51.167] Nah you gotta shut the off ni men dou bi zui ba
[02:53.171] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wo zhen bu xiang shuo
[02:56.929] I don' t wanna talk   wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[02:59.185] Nah you guys are faking at all ni men ge na zhuang sha ne
[03:00.446] I don' t wanna talk   wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[03:01.948] Nah your flows are out of mode ni men de flow dou guo shi le
[03:04.208] I don' t wanna talk wo lan de gen ni fei hua
[03:05.459] Nah you gotta shut the off ni men dou bi zui ba
[03:08.215] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wo zhen bu xiang shuo
[03:10.971] Yeezzy Trapper:
[03:11.972] 2019 I be rocking with my team jin nian ji xu he tuan dui yi qi da pin
[03:13.977] Rapping in English we speaking Chinese wei wo men de wen hua ying de yi xi zhi di
[03:15.730] I' m getting viral c' est la vie chu ren tou di zhe jiu shi ming
[03:17.233] Lame rappers sound like Kidz Bop naive shuo chang dou xiang xiao pi hai shu shi di zhong di Kids Bop shi yi ge you er tong lai fan chang re dan zhuan ji de zu he
[03:19.237] Your songs are up like Mia Khalifa ni de ge ye zhi neng bei an zai di shang mo ca wu li fan ji
[03:21.490] It' s free for all so I slaughter the arena huo li quan kai zhu zai jing ji chang shi xue cheng xing
[03:22.999] If you wanna quit you May, Theresa ni hai pa le xiang ying guo tuo ou tui chu you xi dang ran mei wen ti
[03:25.003] Before I chop off your head like a pizza bu ran an pai ni jiu gen qie pi sa yi yang rong yi
[03:26.756] Do not kill my vibe bie lai wo zhe sao xing
[03:28.007] If you ain' t loyal don' t stay by my side qiang tou cao wang bian shang shao shao
[03:29.510] Global and high like a satellite gao su hang xing you guo ji hua zheng ru wei xing huan rao
[03:31.517] Walking with sauce gotcha appetite zou lu dai feng   ni ke bie bei gua dao
[03:33.520] Bet you never heard of me cuz I ain' t from Berklee xiang xin ni mei ting shuo guo wo wo ye bing fei lai zi bo ke li
[03:35.272] Don' t care who you are worshipping but you know is just currently xian zai suo chong bai de yi hou dao shuo bu ding
[03:37.276] Double cup purple lean why were you mumbling before ni shui he duo le zhi qian wu wu zha zha shen me ne
[03:39.279] I' m the last one standing from Paradise Resort jiu suan luo zai tian tang du jia cun wo ye shi zui hou de sheng huan zhe tian tang du jia cun wei you xi jue di qiu sheng jing zheng zui ji lie de zi yuan dian zhi yi
[03:41.285] You see me dripping in water kan wo chu chang gou you pai mian
[03:43.037] Never up twice I am smarter cong lai bu zai tong yang de di fang die dao liang ci
[03:44.791] If you lost your chick go find another ru guo ni shi qu le ta ye bie zai yi ke shu shang diao zhe
[03:46.795] Cuz you don' t wanna lick that truffle butter ni bu hui xiang chang song lu nai you de
[03:48.550] I took your fame wanna sue me? wo duo zou le ni de ming sheng da suan qi su wo ma
[03:50.555] She calling my Johnson like Woody ta cheng hu wo wu di qiang sen dong hua cui mei gong yuan zhong ren wu
[03:52.308] Fascinating I' m boujee gou you pai mian
[03:54.315] Trap it like a pro I ain' t rookie xiang zhuan ye ren shi yi yang zuo yin yue wo yi jing bu suan xin shou
[03:56.319] the beat is freezing xiang le zuan de flow fang fu yin yue dou kuai jie bing
[03:58.325] I just caught a cold achoo I' m sneezing leng de wo dou gan mao da pen ti le a ti
[04:00.329] But there is no down We' re lit every season bu yong chuan yu rong fu bu zou xia po lu, down shuang guan yin wei mei ge ji jie re du dou gou
[04:01.582] Cuz we' re about to go platinum this weekend wo men de ge da gai zhou mo jiu neng huo qi lai
[04:03.838] Lyrically bulletproof damn I' m cheating ge ci fang dan wu xie ke ji ru tong kai le gua
[04:05.842] Why they typing triple six I ain' t the demon wei he dou zai ping lun 666 wo you bu shi e mo 666 zai ying wen zhong dai zhi mo gui
[04:07.595] Running outta breath oh gosh I' m breathing huan bu shang qi le hu xi yi kou
[04:09.600] I don' t need no reason Next time I' m leaving bu xu yao li you xia ci zai jian
[04:10.854] Wazy:
[04:11.104] A lota things string in the brain. tai duo shi qing ying rao zhe
[04:12.356] Never cease chasing dream. Wish to be the fiend. zong shi xiang zhe dang ge da lao, er bu xiang ting xia jiao bu
[04:14.361] Wanna make the money rain, wanna gotta fame. xiang zhe neng ming li shuang shou
[04:15.864] Wanna gotta fansy clothings and bunch of rings. xiang zhe neng gou yi guan chu chu
[04:18.369] Witness the same stories happen everyday. kan zhe zhe shu xi de yi mu mu fan fu shang yan
[04:20.372] For sake, it' s not' bout if you get chased. tian na, nan dao cheng gong zhen de qu jue yu ni you duo shao guan zhu ma?
[04:21.375] It' s not' bout if you get paid, or you get laid. ta bu shi yin wei ni you le cai neng zheng ming ni you
[04:23.630] It' s all about which the way you choose to play in the race. zhe qu jue yu ni dui dai ta de fang shi
[04:25.635] Recognition doesn' t bring the reputation. ming sheng zai wai bu dai biao guang wei ren zhi
[04:27.388] It' s a competition which temptation is the invitation. zhe shi yi chang you yu wang yin qi de zhan dou
[04:28.891] So be patient to wait for the liberation. suo yi, nai xin shi mei huai chu de
[04:30.643] The supplication for revolution is on the reservation. jie fang ma shang jiu jie zhong er zhi
[04:32.899] that , you' ve never gotta plan. dan shi, ni ji ran mei you zuo hao zhun bei
[04:35.152] Only chase for the clout. Plant your seed in your fans. qu ming zhu li,
[04:36.406] No place for the vaunters. Wish you will understand. zhe mei you shu yu ni de wei zhi, ming bai le?
[04:38.410] Wish you will have a chance to let people cast a glance. xi wang ni neng you ji hui bei ren guan zhu dao
[04:40.415] BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah. you shi chen ci lan diao
[04:41.668] I don' t give a ' bout how much you got. wo bu zai hu ni de dao le duo shao.
[04:43.676] I don' t give a ' bout how much you plus. wo bu zai hu ni you gei zi ji guan shang duo shao tou xian.
[04:45.428] I don' t give a ' bout how much you lust. wo geng bu zai hu ni hai chui xian duo shao
[00:00.000] zuò cí : ZIRS ACThree333 Yeezy Trapper WazY
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : ZIRS
[00:07.024] biān qǔ: ZIRS
[00:10.781] hùn yīn: Norman
[00:14.540] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[00:15.793] Nah you guys are faking at all nǐ men chú le zhuāng bī bú huì gàn shà le
[00:18.297] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[00:19.550] Nah your flows are out of mode nǐ men de flow dōu guò shí le
[00:21.805] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[00:23.308] Nah you gotta shut the fxk off nǐ men dōu bì zuǐ ba
[00:25.562] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng shuō
[00:29.570] I don' t wanna talk   wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[00:30.572] Nah you guys are faking at all nǐ men gē nà zhuāng shà ne
[00:33.078] I don' t wanna talk   wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[00:34.331] Nah your flows are out of mode nǐ men de flow dōu guò shí le
[00:36.837] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[00:38.089] Nah you gotta shut the fxk off nǐ men dōu bì zuǐ ba
[00:40.345] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng shuō
[00:43.601] ACThree:
[00:44.102] Im the young generation wǒ shì nián qīng de yī dài
[00:45.856] I got more determination
[00:47.610] To reach ur expectation wǒ yǒu gèng dà de jué xīn qù dá dào nǐ de qī wàng
[00:49.613] Nothin gonna be limitation méi yǒu shén me néng gòu zǔ zhǐ le wǒ
[00:51.115] the revelation of my life wǒ shēng mìng de qǐ shì lù
[00:52.619] Yall haters ready to die suǒ yǒu hēi zǐ men dōu zhǔn bèi hǎo yíng jiē sǐ wáng
[00:54.622] I aint got no license but i dare to drive wǒ méi yǒu jià zhào yě gǎn kāi chē
[00:56.375]watch out imma fxkin hit u by the 619(小心点 我会有619[WWE雷尔的必杀技] zhōng jié nǐ men
[00:58.878] Feeling like im buzzer beater gǎn jué wǒ shì yā shào jué shā zhě
[00:59.888] Feeling like im rap game savor yě shì shuō chàng yóu xì zhěng jiù zhě
[01:00.641] Beating out the fake rapper bǎ jiǎ de rapper qīng lǐ chū qù
[01:01.642] devil with the pen and paper wǒ shì zhí bǐ de è mó
[01:02.645] Mtfker Im the best rapper in the future wǒ shì wèi lái zuì yōu xiù de rapper
[01:04.900] Rapping with Zirs and YezzyTrapper hé zǎi ér sī yē zǎi yì qǐ shuō chàng hái yǒu Wazy
[01:06.151] Fake ass bi7 wanna stay as friends xū qíng jiǎ yì de rén hái xiǎng zuò wǒ de péng yǒu
[01:07.907] I hate that they do it for my money and the fame tā men zhǐ shì wèi le wǒ de jīn qián míng lì
[01:09.659] That u gonna say somethin i dont even give a damn nǐ men shuō de huà wǒ quán dāng fàng p
[01:11.663] Imma kill em no matter where or when wú lùn hé shí hé dì wǒ dōu huì SHA le tā men
[01:13.666] Looking for looking for looking for blood xún mì zhe xuè yè de qì xī
[01:15.430] Bury yall bury yall bury yall in mud bǎ nǐ men dōu mái jìn ní tǔ lǐ
[01:17.184] Looking for looking for looking for blood xún mì zhe xuè yè de qì xī
[01:19.439] Bury yall bury yall bury yall in mud bǎ nǐ men dōu mái jìn ní tǔ lǐ
[01:20.943] aint no mercy exists bù liú qíng miàn
[01:22.946] aint no noises for peace wú shēng wú xī
[01:24.462] better get down on knees guì xià rèn cuò
[01:26.465] pull the trigger yall see zhǔn bèi kòu dòng bān jī
[01:28.221] Back to my studio huí dào wǒ de gōng zuò shì
[01:29.474] Turn on my radio dǎ kāi shōu yīn jī
[01:30.225] Watch the timetable kàn kàn wǒ de shí jiān biǎo
[01:31.227] Succeed in 24 zài 24 suì qián chéng gōng
[01:32.229] 19 in Mexico gē míng
[01:32.989] Learn something meaningful xué xí yī xiē yǒu yì yì de dōng xī
[01:34.240] Could it be logical zhè bù hé hū cháng lǐ ma?
[01:34.992] Everything' s possible yī qiè jiē yǒu kě néng
[01:35.743] Hey yall been in the cage nǐ men zhèi xiē jǐng dǐ zhī wā
[01:36.995] Imma indicate Yall been in my plate zhǐ néng dāng wǒ pán zhōng cān
[01:38.750] Thanks for the hate gǎn xiè nǐ men de yuàn hèn
[01:40.005] And I got an A wǒ zǎo yǐ biàn de yōu xiù
[01:40.757] What u gonna say nǐ hái néng shuō xiē shà ne
[01:41.758] Fxk off all the fake gěi yé qǐ kāi!!
[01:43.011] ZIRS:
[01:43.513] For real I don' t wanna talk abt trap shuō zhēn de wǒ bù xiǎng zài tán shà xiàn jǐng shuō chàng le
[01:44.765] You guys are trapping in trapping in trap nǐ men dōu bèi xiàn jǐng kuāng zhù le
[01:46.768] Y' all dress the same meanwhile y' all rap the same nǐ men chuān de nǐ men shuō de quán dōu yī ge yàng
[01:48.771] so weak   pathetic coincidence chuáng shàng gōng fū yě bù tài xíng zhēn shì gè kě bēi de qiǎo hé
[01:51.027] Imitating Gucci gang Gucci gang zhěng tiān jiù huì mó fǎng gǔ cí gāng
[01:53.031] Like a loopy man loopy man chǔn de nà yàng wǒ dōu bù xiǎng chǒu
[01:54.541] Just Think abt groupie bang groupie bang zhěng tiān xiǎng de dōu shì còu guǒ ér
[01:56.794] So y' all got no fan got no fan suǒ yǐ nǐ men yī zhí diào fěn
[01:58.047] You ain' t got no attitude y' all just full of platitude nǐ men méi diǎn tài dù quán shì chén cí làn diào
[01:59.801] Step into my latitude but no chance to get you proved tà rù wǒ de lǐng yù zhēn de méi jī huì gěi nǐ shuō huà
[02:01.556] Tryna raise ur magnitude but finna be a substitute xiǎng tí gāo diǎn nǐ men gé diào dàn zhǐ néng dāng gè tì dài pǐn
[02:03.574] What a pity dude you gon lose but I' ll catch the groove shū de yí dìng shì nǐ men zhǐ yǒu wǒ néng zhuā zhù zhè zhǒng lǜ dòng
[02:05.328] No one gets attention at first I' ll give you some time to taste it méi rén néng yī kāi shǐ jiù bèi zhù yì dàn wǒ néng gěi nǐ men diǎn shí jiān shì shì wǒ de huò
[02:08.834] My shxt is the real shxt wǒ de huò dōu shì hǎo huò
[02:10.337] This champ champ is the real champ guàn jūn tóu xián bú shì làng dé xū míng
[02:12.340] Don' t pretend that you' re better than me bié zhuāng dé gēn nǐ men dōu bǐ wǒ qiáng sì de
[02:14.344] Cuz I see different size wǒ zǎo jiù kàn chū wǒ men de tiān rǎng zhī bié
[02:15.847] Size between our lives and thoughts yǎn chàng huì guī mó bú shì yí gè děng jí sī xiǎng bù zài yí gè céng miàn
[02:17.851] And the size between your thighs shèn zhì nǐ liǎng tuǐ zhī jiān de chǐ cùn yě bù zhí yī tí
[02:19.606] You gon hate me for spitting the truth or screwing all your vibe bù hǎo yì sī wǒ yòu shuō dà shí huà le
[02:23.366] Better keep yourself noticed that you never deserve the mic qǐng jì zhù nǐ cóng lái bù pèi ná qǐ mài
[02:26.874] What I mean don' t you see hái kàn bu chū lái wǒ shà yì sī ma
[02:28.877] I will grab your benefit wǒ huì duó zǒu nǐ měi yī fēn qián
[02:30.629] You' d be another one who bites the dust nǐ chī diǎn tǔ jiù dé le
[02:32.884] another one who creeps kū kū tí tí jiù dé le
[02:34.388] No recipe   you little prick   jué bú huì tí diǎn nǐ
[02:36.141] Hand me the beat   keep it low key   bǎ beat jiāo chū lái dī diào zhe diǎn
[02:38.144] Yeezy and Z   feat acthree yē zǎi jiā shang wǒ hé ACthree
[02:39.895] Wazy gets in we see people they all go crazy   Wazy chū xiàn shí rén qún dōu fēng kuáng le
[02:42.150] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[02:44.405] Nah you guys are faking at all nǐ men chú le zhuāng bī bú huì gàn shà le
[02:45.907] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[02:47.160] Nah your flows are out of mode nǐ men de flow dōu guò shí le
[02:49.665] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[02:51.167] Nah you gotta shut the off nǐ men dōu bì zuǐ ba
[02:53.171] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng shuō
[02:56.929] I don' t wanna talk   wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[02:59.185] Nah you guys are faking at all nǐ men gē nà zhuāng shà ne
[03:00.446] I don' t wanna talk   wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[03:01.948] Nah your flows are out of mode nǐ men de flow dōu guò shí le
[03:04.208] I don' t wanna talk wǒ lǎn de gēn nǐ fèi huà
[03:05.459] Nah you gotta shut the off nǐ men dōu bì zuǐ ba
[03:08.215] I don' t wanna talk I don' t wanna talk wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng shuō
[03:10.971] Yeezzy Trapper:
[03:11.972] 2019 I be rocking with my team jīn nián jì xù hé tuán duì yì qǐ dǎ pīn
[03:13.977] Rapping in English we speaking Chinese wèi wǒ men de wén huà yíng de yī xí zhī dì
[03:15.730] I' m getting viral c' est la vie chū rén tóu dì zhè jiù shì mìng
[03:17.233] Lame rappers sound like Kidz Bop naive shuō chàng dōu xiàng xiǎo pì hái shǔ shí dì zhōng dì Kids Bop shì yí gè yóu ér tóng lái fān chàng rè dān zhuān jí de zǔ hé
[03:19.237] Your songs are up like Mia Khalifa nǐ de gē yě zhǐ néng bèi àn zài dì shàng mó cā wú lì fǎn jī
[03:21.490] It' s free for all so I slaughter the arena huǒ lì quán kāi zhǔ zǎi jìng jì chǎng shì xuè chéng xìng
[03:22.999] If you wanna quit you May, Theresa nǐ hài pà le xiàng yīng guó tuō ōu tuì chū yóu xì dāng rán méi wèn tí
[03:25.003] Before I chop off your head like a pizza bù rán ān pái nǐ jiù gēn qiè pī sà yí yàng róng yì
[03:26.756] Do not kill my vibe bié lái wǒ zhè sǎo xìng
[03:28.007] If you ain' t loyal don' t stay by my side qiáng tóu cǎo wǎng biān shàng shāo shāo
[03:29.510] Global and high like a satellite gāo sù háng xíng yòu guó jì huà zhèng rú wèi xīng huán rào
[03:31.517] Walking with sauce gotcha appetite zǒu lù dài fēng   nǐ kě bié bèi guā dào
[03:33.520] Bet you never heard of me cuz I ain' t from Berklee xiāng xìn nǐ méi tīng shuō guò wǒ wǒ yě bìng fēi lái zì bó kè lì
[03:35.272] Don' t care who you are worshipping but you know is just currently xiàn zài suǒ chóng bài de yǐ hòu dào shuō bù dìng
[03:37.276] Double cup purple lean why were you mumbling before nǐ shuǐ hē duō le zhī qián wū wū zhā zhā shén me ne
[03:39.279] I' m the last one standing from Paradise Resort jiù suàn luò zài tiān táng dù jià cūn wǒ yě shì zuì hòu de shēng huán zhě tiān táng dù jià cūn wèi yóu xì jué dì qiú shēng jìng zhēng zuì jī liè de zī yuán diǎn zhī yī
[03:41.285] You see me dripping in water kàn wǒ chū chǎng gòu yǒu pái miàn
[03:43.037] Never up twice I am smarter cóng lái bù zài tóng yàng de dì fāng diē dǎo liǎng cì
[03:44.791] If you lost your chick go find another rú guǒ nǐ shī qù le tā yě bié zài yī kē shù shàng diào zhe
[03:46.795] Cuz you don' t wanna lick that truffle butter nǐ bú huì xiǎng cháng sōng lù nǎi yóu de
[03:48.550] I took your fame wanna sue me? wǒ duó zǒu le nǐ de míng shēng dǎ suàn qǐ sù wǒ ma
[03:50.555] She calling my Johnson like Woody tā chēng hū wǒ wǔ dí qiáng sēn dòng huà cuì méi gōng yuán zhōng rén wù
[03:52.308] Fascinating I' m boujee gòu yǒu pái miàn
[03:54.315] Trap it like a pro I ain' t rookie xiàng zhuān yè rén shì yí yàng zuò yīn yuè wǒ yǐ jīng bù suàn xīn shǒu
[03:56.319] the beat is freezing xiāng le zuān de flow fǎng fú yīn yuè dōu kuài jié bīng
[03:58.325] I just caught a cold achoo I' m sneezing lěng dé wǒ dōu gǎn mào dǎ pēn tì le ā tì
[04:00.329] But there is no down We' re lit every season bù yòng chuān yǔ róng fú bù zǒu xià pō lù, down shuāng guān yīn wèi měi gè jì jié rè dù dōu gòu
[04:01.582] Cuz we' re about to go platinum this weekend wǒ men de gē dà gài zhōu mò jiù néng huǒ qǐ lái
[04:03.838] Lyrically bulletproof damn I' m cheating gē cí fáng dàn wú xiè kě jī rú tóng kāi le guà
[04:05.842] Why they typing triple six I ain' t the demon wèi hé dōu zài píng lùn 666 wǒ yòu bú shì è mó 666 zài yīng wén zhōng dài zhǐ mó guǐ
[04:07.595] Running outta breath oh gosh I' m breathing huàn bù shàng qì le hū xī yī kǒu
[04:09.600] I don' t need no reason Next time I' m leaving bù xū yào lǐ yóu xià cì zài jiàn
[04:10.854] Wazy:
[04:11.104] A lota things string in the brain. tài duō shì qíng yíng rào zhe
[04:12.356] Never cease chasing dream. Wish to be the fiend. zǒng shì xiǎng zhe dāng gè dà lǎo, ér bù xiǎng tíng xià jiǎo bù
[04:14.361] Wanna make the money rain, wanna gotta fame. xiǎng zhe néng míng lì shuāng shōu
[04:15.864] Wanna gotta fansy clothings and bunch of rings. xiǎng zhe néng gòu yì guān chǔ chǔ
[04:18.369] Witness the same stories happen everyday. kàn zhe zhè shú xī de yī mù mù fǎn fù shàng yǎn
[04:20.372] For sake, it' s not' bout if you get chased. tiān na, nán dào chéng gōng zhēn de qǔ jué yú nǐ yǒu duō shǎo guān zhù ma?
[04:21.375] It' s not' bout if you get paid, or you get laid. tā bú shì yīn wèi nǐ yǒu le cái néng zhèng míng nǐ yǒu
[04:23.630] It' s all about which the way you choose to play in the race. zhè qǔ jué yú nǐ duì dài tā de fāng shì
[04:25.635] Recognition doesn' t bring the reputation. míng shēng zài wài bù dài biǎo guǎng wéi rén zhī
[04:27.388] It' s a competition which temptation is the invitation. zhè shì yī chǎng yóu yù wàng yǐn qǐ de zhàn dòu
[04:28.891] So be patient to wait for the liberation. suǒ yǐ, nài xīn shì méi huài chù de
[04:30.643] The supplication for revolution is on the reservation. jiě fàng mǎ shàng jiù jiē zhǒng ér zhì
[04:32.899] that , you' ve never gotta plan. dàn shì, nǐ jì rán méi yǒu zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi
[04:35.152] Only chase for the clout. Plant your seed in your fans. qū míng zhú lì,
[04:36.406] No place for the vaunters. Wish you will understand. zhè méi yǒu shǔ yú nǐ de wèi zhì, míng bái le?
[04:38.410] Wish you will have a chance to let people cast a glance. xī wàng nǐ néng yǒu jī huì bèi rén guān zhù dào
[04:40.415] BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah. yòu shì chén cí làn diào
[04:41.668] I don' t give a ' bout how much you got. wǒ bù zài hu nǐ dé dào le duō shǎo.
[04:43.676] I don' t give a ' bout how much you plus. wǒ bù zài hu nǐ yòu gěi zì jǐ guān shàng duō shǎo tóu xián.
[04:45.428] I don' t give a ' bout how much you lust. wǒ gèng bù zài hu nǐ hái chuí xián duō shǎo
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