
airplane Lyrics

Song airplane
Artist Gfanfan
Artist LambinTXF
Album Fan&Lambin
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[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 无
[00:03.865] 翻唱:Gfanfan&Lambin
[00:06.366] 混音:Gfanfan
[00:09.616] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[00:11.116] 我们是否可以假装那些飞机,
[00:12.366] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[00:13.866] 是夜空中的流星,
[00:14.616] I could really use a wish right now,
[00:16.116] 我真的希望现在许下一个愿望,
[00:16.866] Wish right now wish right now,
[00:18.116] 现在 马上 许愿,
[00:19.116] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[00:20.367] 我们是否可以假装那些飞机,
[00:21.117] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[00:22.616] 是夜空中的流星,
[00:23.617] I could really use a wish right now,
[00:24.616] 我真的希望现在许下一个愿望,
[00:26.366] Wish right now wish right now,
[00:27.866] 现在 马上 许愿,
[00:29.366] Yeah I could use a dream or a genie or a wish,
[00:32.367] 对 我希望通过做梦或向鬼神许愿,
[00:32.866] To go back to a place much simpler than this,
[00:35.366] 回到那个更简单的过去,
[00:35.617] 'Cause after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'
[00:38.367] 因为在这些派对狂欢结束后,
[00:39.368] And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion,
[00:40.617] 所有的纸醉金迷,
[00:41.117] And all the pandemonium and all the madness,
[00:42.867] 所有的嘈杂与疯狂,
[00:44.117] There comes a time where you fade to the blackness,
[00:45.622] 都会逐渐消失在黑暗中,
[00:46.617] And when you starin' at that phone in your lap,
[00:48.617] 你盯着放在腿上的手机,
[00:49.117] And you hopin' but them people never call you back,
[00:50.867] 希望但却永远不会有人回电,
[00:51.617] But that's just how the story unfolds,
[00:53.868] 但那只是故事的开始,
[00:54.368] You get another hand soon after you fold,
[00:55.618] 生活给你关上一扇门 也会给你留下一扇窗,
[00:57.118] And when your plans unravel in the sand,
[00:59.117] 当你的计划像沙子那样随风而去,
[00:59.368] What would you wish for if you had one chance,
[01:01.617] 如果你有一次机会 会许下什么愿望,
[01:03.117] So airplane airplane sorry I'm late,
[01:04.117] 所以啊 飞机 很抱歉我迟到了,
[01:04.617] I'm on my way so don't close that gate,
[01:06.367] 我正在路上 请不要关闭舱门,
[01:06.618] If I don't make that then I'll switch my flight,
[01:08.618] 如果我没赶上 就换另一趟航班,
[01:09.118] And I'll be right back at it by the end of the night,
[01:11.118] 我一定会在夜晚结束前到那,
[01:11.618] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[01:13.118] 我们是否可以假装那些飞机,
[01:13.868] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[01:15.118] 是夜空中的流星,
[01:16.119] I could really use a wish right now,
[01:17.368] 我真的希望现在许下一个愿望,
[01:18.868] Wish right now wish right now,
[01:19.865] 现在 马上 许愿,
[01:21.368] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[01:21.868] 我们是否可以假装那些飞机,
[01:23.118] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[01:24.119] 是夜空中的流星,
[01:25.369] I could really use a wish right now,
[01:27.119] 我真的希望现在许下一个愿望,
[01:28.870] Wish right now wish right now,
[01:30.369] 现在 马上 许愿,
[01:31.869] Yeah somebody take me back to the days,
[01:32.868] 是的 有些人可以让我回想那些日子,
[01:34.119] Before this was a job before I got paid,
[01:35.868] 在得到一份工作和工资前,
[01:36.868] Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank,
[01:39.118] 在看重银行的存款前,
[01:39.869] Yeah back when I was tryin' to get a tip at subway,
[01:41.869] 回到要在赛百味辛苦挣小费的日子,
[01:42.369] And back when I was rappin' for the hell of it,
[01:44.119] 回到只为消遣时光而说唱的日子,
[01:44.619] But nowadays we rappin' to stay relevant,
[01:46.619] 现在是为了赚钱而说唱,
[01:47.369] I'm guessin' that if we can make some wishes out of airplanes,
[01:49.619] 我们是否还能通过空中划过的飞机许愿,
[01:50.129] Then maybe oh maybe I'll go back to the days,
[01:51.619] 也许可以回到那些日子,
[01:52.120] Before the politics that we call the rap game,
[01:54.619] 当时权术不过是说唱游戏,
[01:55.119] And back when ain't nobody listened to my mix tape,
[01:57.120] 当时没人听我的混音带,
[01:57.620] And back before I tried to cover up my slang,
[01:59.370] 当时也不需要掩饰自己说的俚语,
[02:00.120] But this is for the hater what's up Bobby Ray,
[02:02.870] 这是为了Bobby Ray,
[02:04.370] So can I get a wish to end the politics,
[02:04.870] 真希望许愿终结这些权术游戏,
[02:05.370] And get back to the music that started this ****,
[02:05.370] 然后回到纯粹做音乐的时光,
[02:07.620] So here I stand and then again I say,
[02:08.370] 站在这里 我要说的是,
[02:10.619] I'm hopin' we can make some wishes out of airplanes,
[02:13.120] 我希望看着飞机许愿,
[02:13.370] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[02:14.121] 我们是否可以假装那些飞机,
[02:15.120] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[02:16.870] 是夜空中的流星,
[02:17.870] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:19.370] 我真的希望现在许下一个愿望,
[02:20.370] Wish right now wish right now,
[02:21.870] 现在 马上 许愿,
[02:22.870] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[02:24.870] 我们是否可以假装那些飞机,
[02:26.371] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[02:27.871] 是夜空中的流星,
[02:28.371] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:29.871] 我真的希望现在许下一个愿望,
[02:30.871] Wish right now wish right now,
[02:31.871] 现在 马上 许愿,
[02:34.121] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:37.121] 真想许下一个愿望,
[02:40.371] I I I could really use a wish right now,
[02:44.122] 许下的心愿,
[02:44.871] Like shooting stars,
[02:44.871] 像流星那般,
[02:48.873] A wish a wish right now,
[02:52.121] 许个愿吧,
[02:53.871] A wish a wish right now,
[02:54.871] 就一个。
[00:00.000] zuo ci : wu
[00:01.000] zuo qu : wu
[00:03.865] fan chang: Gfanfan Lambin
[00:06.366] hun yin: Gfanfan
[00:09.616] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[00:11.116] wo men shi fou ke yi jia zhuang nei xie fei ji,
[00:12.366] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[00:13.866] shi ye kong zhong de liu xing,
[00:14.616] I could really use a wish right now,
[00:16.116] wo zhen de xi wang xian zai xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[00:16.866] Wish right now wish right now,
[00:18.116] xian zai ma shang xu yuan,
[00:19.116] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[00:20.367] wo men shi fou ke yi jia zhuang nei xie fei ji,
[00:21.117] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[00:22.616] shi ye kong zhong de liu xing,
[00:23.617] I could really use a wish right now,
[00:24.616] wo zhen de xi wang xian zai xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[00:26.366] Wish right now wish right now,
[00:27.866] xian zai ma shang xu yuan,
[00:29.366] Yeah I could use a dream or a genie or a wish,
[00:32.367] dui wo xi wang tong guo zuo meng huo xiang gui shen xu yuan,
[00:32.866] To go back to a place much simpler than this,
[00:35.366] hui dao na ge geng jian dan de guo qu,
[00:35.617] ' Cause after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'
[00:38.367] yin wei zai zhei xie pai dui kuang huan jie shu hou,
[00:39.368] And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion,
[00:40.617] suo you de zhi zui jin mi,
[00:41.117] And all the pandemonium and all the madness,
[00:42.867] suo you de cao za yu feng kuang,
[00:44.117] There comes a time where you fade to the blackness,
[00:45.622] dou hui zhu jian xiao shi zai hei an zhong,
[00:46.617] And when you starin' at that phone in your lap,
[00:48.617] ni ding zhe fang zai tui shang de shou ji,
[00:49.117] And you hopin' but them people never call you back,
[00:50.867] xi wang dan que yong yuan bu hui you ren hui dian,
[00:51.617] But that' s just how the story unfolds,
[00:53.868] dan na zhi shi gu shi de kai shi,
[00:54.368] You get another hand soon after you fold,
[00:55.618] sheng huo gei ni guan shang yi shan men ye hui gei ni liu xia yi shan chuang,
[00:57.118] And when your plans unravel in the sand,
[00:59.117] dang ni de ji hua xiang sha zi na yang sui feng er qu,
[00:59.368] What would you wish for if you had one chance,
[01:01.617] ru guo ni you yi ci ji hui hui xu xia shen me yuan wang,
[01:03.117] So airplane airplane sorry I' m late,
[01:04.117] suo yi a fei ji hen bao qian wo chi dao le,
[01:04.617] I' m on my way so don' t close that gate,
[01:06.367] wo zheng zai lu shang qing bu yao guan bi cang men,
[01:06.618] If I don' t make that then I' ll switch my flight,
[01:08.618] ru guo wo mei gan shang jiu huan ling yi tang hang ban,
[01:09.118] And I' ll be right back at it by the end of the night,
[01:11.118] wo yi ding hui zai ye wan jie shu qian dao na,
[01:11.618] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[01:13.118] wo men shi fou ke yi jia zhuang nei xie fei ji,
[01:13.868] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[01:15.118] shi ye kong zhong de liu xing,
[01:16.119] I could really use a wish right now,
[01:17.368] wo zhen de xi wang xian zai xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[01:18.868] Wish right now wish right now,
[01:19.865] xian zai ma shang xu yuan,
[01:21.368] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[01:21.868] wo men shi fou ke yi jia zhuang nei xie fei ji,
[01:23.118] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[01:24.119] shi ye kong zhong de liu xing,
[01:25.369] I could really use a wish right now,
[01:27.119] wo zhen de xi wang xian zai xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[01:28.870] Wish right now wish right now,
[01:30.369] xian zai ma shang xu yuan,
[01:31.869] Yeah somebody take me back to the days,
[01:32.868] shi de you xie ren ke yi rang wo hui xiang nei xie ri zi,
[01:34.119] Before this was a job before I got paid,
[01:35.868] zai de dao yi fen gong zuo he gong zi qian,
[01:36.868] Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank,
[01:39.118] zai kan zhong yin hang de cun kuan qian,
[01:39.869] Yeah back when I was tryin' to get a tip at subway,
[01:41.869] hui dao yao zai sai bai wei xin ku zheng xiao fei de ri zi,
[01:42.369] And back when I was rappin' for the hell of it,
[01:44.119] hui dao zhi wei xiao qian shi guang er shuo chang de ri zi,
[01:44.619] But nowadays we rappin' to stay relevant,
[01:46.619] xian zai shi wei le zhuan qian er shuo chang,
[01:47.369] I' m guessin' that if we can make some wishes out of airplanes,
[01:49.619] wo men shi fou hai neng tong guo kong zhong hua guo de fei ji xu yuan,
[01:50.129] Then maybe oh maybe I' ll go back to the days,
[01:51.619] ye xu ke yi hui dao nei xie ri zi,
[01:52.120] Before the politics that we call the rap game,
[01:54.619] dang shi quan shu bu guo shi shuo chang you xi,
[01:55.119] And back when ain' t nobody listened to my mix tape,
[01:57.120] dang shi mei ren ting wo de hun yin dai,
[01:57.620] And back before I tried to cover up my slang,
[01:59.370] dang shi ye bu xu yao yan shi zi ji shuo de li yu,
[02:00.120] But this is for the hater what' s up Bobby Ray,
[02:02.870] zhe shi wei le Bobby Ray,
[02:04.370] So can I get a wish to end the politics,
[02:04.870] zhen xi wang xu yuan zhong jie zhei xie quan shu you xi,
[02:05.370] And get back to the music that started this ,
[02:05.370] ran hou hui dao chun cui zuo yin yue de shi guang,
[02:07.620] So here I stand and then again I say,
[02:08.370] zhan zai zhe li wo yao shuo de shi,
[02:10.619] I' m hopin' we can make some wishes out of airplanes,
[02:13.120] wo xi wang kan zhe fei ji xu yuan,
[02:13.370] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[02:14.121] wo men shi fou ke yi jia zhuang nei xie fei ji,
[02:15.120] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[02:16.870] shi ye kong zhong de liu xing,
[02:17.870] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:19.370] wo zhen de xi wang xian zai xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[02:20.370] Wish right now wish right now,
[02:21.870] xian zai ma shang xu yuan,
[02:22.870] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[02:24.870] wo men shi fou ke yi jia zhuang nei xie fei ji,
[02:26.371] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[02:27.871] shi ye kong zhong de liu xing,
[02:28.371] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:29.871] wo zhen de xi wang xian zai xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[02:30.871] Wish right now wish right now,
[02:31.871] xian zai ma shang xu yuan,
[02:34.121] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:37.121] zhen xiang xu xia yi ge yuan wang,
[02:40.371] I I I could really use a wish right now,
[02:44.122] xu xia de xin yuan,
[02:44.871] Like shooting stars,
[02:44.871] xiang liu xing na ban,
[02:48.873] A wish a wish right now,
[02:52.121] xu ge yuan ba,
[02:53.871] A wish a wish right now,
[02:54.871] jiu yi ge.
[00:00.000] zuò cí : wú
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : wú
[00:03.865] fān chàng: Gfanfan Lambin
[00:06.366] hùn yīn: Gfanfan
[00:09.616] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[00:11.116] wǒ men shì fǒu kě yǐ jiǎ zhuāng nèi xiē fēi jī,
[00:12.366] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[00:13.866] shì yè kōng zhōng de liú xīng,
[00:14.616] I could really use a wish right now,
[00:16.116] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng xiàn zài xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[00:16.866] Wish right now wish right now,
[00:18.116] xiàn zài mǎ shàng xǔ yuàn,
[00:19.116] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[00:20.367] wǒ men shì fǒu kě yǐ jiǎ zhuāng nèi xiē fēi jī,
[00:21.117] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[00:22.616] shì yè kōng zhōng de liú xīng,
[00:23.617] I could really use a wish right now,
[00:24.616] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng xiàn zài xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[00:26.366] Wish right now wish right now,
[00:27.866] xiàn zài mǎ shàng xǔ yuàn,
[00:29.366] Yeah I could use a dream or a genie or a wish,
[00:32.367] duì wǒ xī wàng tōng guò zuò mèng huò xiàng guǐ shén xǔ yuàn,
[00:32.866] To go back to a place much simpler than this,
[00:35.366] huí dào nà gè gèng jiǎn dān de guò qù,
[00:35.617] ' Cause after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'
[00:38.367] yīn wèi zài zhèi xiē pài duì kuáng huān jié shù hòu,
[00:39.368] And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion,
[00:40.617] suǒ yǒu de zhǐ zuì jīn mí,
[00:41.117] And all the pandemonium and all the madness,
[00:42.867] suǒ yǒu de cáo zá yǔ fēng kuáng,
[00:44.117] There comes a time where you fade to the blackness,
[00:45.622] dōu huì zhú jiàn xiāo shī zài hēi àn zhōng,
[00:46.617] And when you starin' at that phone in your lap,
[00:48.617] nǐ dīng zhe fàng zài tuǐ shàng de shǒu jī,
[00:49.117] And you hopin' but them people never call you back,
[00:50.867] xī wàng dàn què yǒng yuǎn bú huì yǒu rén huí diàn,
[00:51.617] But that' s just how the story unfolds,
[00:53.868] dàn nà zhǐ shì gù shì de kāi shǐ,
[00:54.368] You get another hand soon after you fold,
[00:55.618] shēng huó gěi nǐ guān shàng yī shàn mén yě huì gěi nǐ liú xià yī shàn chuāng,
[00:57.118] And when your plans unravel in the sand,
[00:59.117] dāng nǐ de jì huà xiàng shā zi nà yàng suí fēng ér qù,
[00:59.368] What would you wish for if you had one chance,
[01:01.617] rú guǒ nǐ yǒu yī cì jī huì huì xǔ xià shén me yuàn wàng,
[01:03.117] So airplane airplane sorry I' m late,
[01:04.117] suǒ yǐ a fēi jī hěn bào qiàn wǒ chí dào le,
[01:04.617] I' m on my way so don' t close that gate,
[01:06.367] wǒ zhèng zài lù shàng qǐng bú yào guān bì cāng mén,
[01:06.618] If I don' t make that then I' ll switch my flight,
[01:08.618] rú guǒ wǒ méi gǎn shàng jiù huàn lìng yī tàng háng bān,
[01:09.118] And I' ll be right back at it by the end of the night,
[01:11.118] wǒ yí dìng huì zài yè wǎn jié shù qián dào nà,
[01:11.618] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[01:13.118] wǒ men shì fǒu kě yǐ jiǎ zhuāng nèi xiē fēi jī,
[01:13.868] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[01:15.118] shì yè kōng zhōng de liú xīng,
[01:16.119] I could really use a wish right now,
[01:17.368] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng xiàn zài xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[01:18.868] Wish right now wish right now,
[01:19.865] xiàn zài mǎ shàng xǔ yuàn,
[01:21.368] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[01:21.868] wǒ men shì fǒu kě yǐ jiǎ zhuāng nèi xiē fēi jī,
[01:23.118] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[01:24.119] shì yè kōng zhōng de liú xīng,
[01:25.369] I could really use a wish right now,
[01:27.119] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng xiàn zài xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[01:28.870] Wish right now wish right now,
[01:30.369] xiàn zài mǎ shàng xǔ yuàn,
[01:31.869] Yeah somebody take me back to the days,
[01:32.868] shì de yǒu xiē rén kě yǐ ràng wǒ huí xiǎng nèi xiē rì zi,
[01:34.119] Before this was a job before I got paid,
[01:35.868] zài dé dào yī fèn gōng zuò hé gōng zī qián,
[01:36.868] Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank,
[01:39.118] zài kàn zhòng yín háng de cún kuǎn qián,
[01:39.869] Yeah back when I was tryin' to get a tip at subway,
[01:41.869] huí dào yào zài sài bǎi wèi xīn kǔ zhēng xiǎo fèi de rì zi,
[01:42.369] And back when I was rappin' for the hell of it,
[01:44.119] huí dào zhǐ wèi xiāo qiǎn shí guāng ér shuō chàng de rì zi,
[01:44.619] But nowadays we rappin' to stay relevant,
[01:46.619] xiàn zài shì wèi le zhuàn qián ér shuō chàng,
[01:47.369] I' m guessin' that if we can make some wishes out of airplanes,
[01:49.619] wǒ men shì fǒu hái néng tōng guò kōng zhōng huá guò de fēi jī xǔ yuàn,
[01:50.129] Then maybe oh maybe I' ll go back to the days,
[01:51.619] yě xǔ kě yǐ huí dào nèi xiē rì zi,
[01:52.120] Before the politics that we call the rap game,
[01:54.619] dāng shí quán shù bù guò shì shuō chàng yóu xì,
[01:55.119] And back when ain' t nobody listened to my mix tape,
[01:57.120] dāng shí méi rén tīng wǒ de hùn yīn dài,
[01:57.620] And back before I tried to cover up my slang,
[01:59.370] dāng shí yě bù xū yào yǎn shì zì jǐ shuō de lǐ yǔ,
[02:00.120] But this is for the hater what' s up Bobby Ray,
[02:02.870] zhè shì wèi le Bobby Ray,
[02:04.370] So can I get a wish to end the politics,
[02:04.870] zhēn xī wàng xǔ yuàn zhōng jié zhèi xiē quán shù yóu xì,
[02:05.370] And get back to the music that started this ,
[02:05.370] rán hòu huí dào chún cuì zuò yīn yuè de shí guāng,
[02:07.620] So here I stand and then again I say,
[02:08.370] zhàn zài zhè lǐ wǒ yào shuō de shì,
[02:10.619] I' m hopin' we can make some wishes out of airplanes,
[02:13.120] wǒ xī wàng kàn zhe fēi jī xǔ yuàn,
[02:13.370] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[02:14.121] wǒ men shì fǒu kě yǐ jiǎ zhuāng nèi xiē fēi jī,
[02:15.120] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[02:16.870] shì yè kōng zhōng de liú xīng,
[02:17.870] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:19.370] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng xiàn zài xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[02:20.370] Wish right now wish right now,
[02:21.870] xiàn zài mǎ shàng xǔ yuàn,
[02:22.870] Can we pretend that airplanes,
[02:24.870] wǒ men shì fǒu kě yǐ jiǎ zhuāng nèi xiē fēi jī,
[02:26.371] In the night sky are like shooting stars,
[02:27.871] shì yè kōng zhōng de liú xīng,
[02:28.371] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:29.871] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng xiàn zài xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[02:30.871] Wish right now wish right now,
[02:31.871] xiàn zài mǎ shàng xǔ yuàn,
[02:34.121] I could really use a wish right now,
[02:37.121] zhēn xiǎng xǔ xià yī ge yuàn wàng,
[02:40.371] I I I could really use a wish right now,
[02:44.122] xǔ xià de xīn yuàn,
[02:44.871] Like shooting stars,
[02:44.871] xiàng liú xīng nà bān,
[02:48.873] A wish a wish right now,
[02:52.121] xǔ gè yuàn ba,
[02:53.871] A wish a wish right now,
[02:54.871] jiù yí gè.
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