Communion and the Oracle

Song Communion and the Oracle
Artist Symphony X
Album V: The New Mythology Suite


[00:00.00] 作词 : Pinnella, Romeo, Rullo
[01:31.10] All we know, now has come undone 我们所知道的,现已崩塌消解
[01:34.67] Balance lost between the Moon and Sun 太阳和月亮之间的平衡,已被打破
[01:38.56] Hear out prayers - Keepers of the Skies divine 聆听我们的祷告,神圣的天空守护者
[01:42.54] Upon us all - let your wisdom shine 照沐我众,让你智慧的光芒闪耀
[01:47.06] Losing faith as the madness prevails 丧失信仰,犹如疯病蔓延
[01:50.01] in us all we are searching for a reason 于我们之中,我们需要寻找一个理由
[01:55.08] a need to calm the storm 来将这场风暴平息
[01:57.61] In our sails - let your winds be strong 护佑我辈,在生命的远航让你的顺风猛吹
[02:24.34] Breathe the air around you 呼吸你身旁四周的空气
[02:28.68] The oceans fill your veins 大海在你的脉络奔流
[02:30.99] and winds embrace your heart 暴风将你的心脏围绕
[02:33.53] Feel the change within you 感受你自身内在的变化
[02:38.10] The Sun and Moon align - The Grand 太阳和月亮排成直线
[02:41.42] Design awaits a new start 以壮观的形式期待新的开始
[03:07.53] From the skies, looking down on you 穿透遮蔽天空的云层
[03:11.48] Through the clouds tainted crystal blue 至高者自天空将你俯视
[03:15.60] "Such advancement, yet lacking the control “如此的进步,却缺乏控制
[03:19.91] so unaware of your earthly roles" 对于肩负的任务,你一无所知”
[03:24.34] Praise this child and the words of her rhyme 赞颂这孩子,以及他韵诗中的词语
[03:27.42] A sacred gift - Magic of the Five 神圣的恩赐,五人众的魔法
[03:30.54] will bring you tranquillity 会引领你获得安宁
[03:34.55] A new order of equality 一种新的平等的秩序
[03:51.24] Five senses come alive 五者的意识逐渐复苏
[03:57.05] Five reasons thrive 五者的理智迅速提高
[04:00.33] Five nations unite 五个国家联合
[04:05.03] Unite as one 联合为一
[04:21.51] Night and Day will find a way 白天和黑夜终会找到方法
[04:24.14] to keep the Balance true 将平衡精确地保持
[04:28.03] Let the Sky and Stars be your guide 让天空和繁星担当你的向导
[04:31.29] the destination is up to you 那地等待着你的到来
[05:39.69] Raise our heads up to the Skies 将我们的双手迎向天空
[05:45.03] Feel the essence of Time 感受时间的流动
[05:50.28] Changing ways like the shifting tides 变幻的形式如潮汐的浪涌
[05:56.55] In the waves hear the Rhyme 置身其中听诗诵


[00:00.00] zuò cí : Pinnella, Romeo, Rullo
[01:31.10] All we know, now has come undone wǒ men suǒ zhī dào de, xiàn yǐ bēng tā xiāo jiě
[01:34.67] Balance lost between the Moon and Sun tài yáng hé yuè liàng zhī jiān de píng héng, yǐ bèi dǎ pò
[01:38.56] Hear out prayers Keepers of the Skies divine líng tīng wǒ men de dǎo gào, shén shèng de tiān kōng shǒu hù zhě
[01:42.54] Upon us all let your wisdom shine zhào mù wǒ zhòng, ràng nǐ zhì huì de guāng máng shǎn yào
[01:47.06] Losing faith as the madness prevails sàng shī xìn yǎng, yóu rú fēng bìng màn yán
[01:50.01] in us all we are searching for a reason yú wǒ men zhī zhōng, wǒ men xū yào xún zhǎo yí gè lǐ yóu
[01:55.08] a need to calm the storm lái jiāng zhè chǎng fēng bào píng xī
[01:57.61] In our sails let your winds be strong hù yòu wǒ bèi, zài shēng mìng de yuǎn háng ràng nǐ de shùn fēng měng chuī
[02:24.34] Breathe the air around you hū xī nǐ shēn páng sì zhōu de kōng qì
[02:28.68] The oceans fill your veins dà hǎi zài nǐ de mài luò bēn liú
[02:30.99] and winds embrace your heart bào fēng jiāng nǐ de xīn zàng wéi rào
[02:33.53] Feel the change within you gǎn shòu nǐ zì shēn nèi zài de biàn huà
[02:38.10] The Sun and Moon align The Grand tài yáng hé yuè liàng pái chéng zhí xiàn
[02:41.42] Design awaits a new start yǐ zhuàng guān de xíng shì qī dài xīn de kāi shǐ
[03:07.53] From the skies, looking down on you chuān tòu zhē bì tiān kōng de yún céng
[03:11.48] Through the clouds tainted crystal blue zhì gāo zhě zì tiān kōng jiāng nǐ fǔ shì
[03:15.60] " Such advancement, yet lacking the control " rú cǐ de jìn bù, què quē fá kòng zhì
[03:19.91] so unaware of your earthly roles" duì yú jiān fù de rèn wù, nǐ yī wú suǒ zhī"
[03:24.34] Praise this child and the words of her rhyme zàn sòng zhè hái zi, yǐ jí tā yùn shī zhōng de cí yǔ
[03:27.42] A sacred gift Magic of the Five shén shèng de ēn cì, wǔ rén zhòng de mó fǎ
[03:30.54] will bring you tranquillity huì yǐn lǐng nǐ huò dé ān níng
[03:34.55] A new order of equality yī zhǒng xīn de píng děng de zhì xù
[03:51.24] Five senses come alive wǔ zhě de yì shí zhú jiàn fù sū
[03:57.05] Five reasons thrive wǔ zhě de lǐ zhì xùn sù tí gāo
[04:00.33] Five nations unite wǔ gè guó jiā lián hé
[04:05.03] Unite as one lián hé wéi yī
[04:21.51] Night and Day will find a way bái tiān hé hēi yè zhōng huì zhǎo dào fāng fǎ
[04:24.14] to keep the Balance true jiāng píng héng jīng què dì bǎo chí
[04:28.03] Let the Sky and Stars be your guide ràng tiān kōng hé fán xīng dān dāng nǐ de xiàng dǎo
[04:31.29] the destination is up to you nà dì děng dài zhe nǐ de dào lái
[05:39.69] Raise our heads up to the Skies jiāng wǒ men de shuāng shǒu yíng xiàng tiān kōng
[05:45.03] Feel the essence of Time gǎn shòu shí jiān de liú dòng
[05:50.28] Changing ways like the shifting tides biàn huàn de xíng shì rú cháo xī de làng yǒng
[05:56.55] In the waves hear the Rhyme zhì shēn qí zhōng tīng shī sòng