
Song Autumn
Artist sToa
Album Urthona


Unbolt the wind to me! Brag I with audacious pride
But that first gust of him,Makes me stumble and shrink
My barque is covered up With leaves and windfall-pears
His heaven azures me,And his earth is cushioning
The warming of his wine,And the sighing of his fire
His honeys bitterness,Are reviving me
Expose me to the storms,And leave me to despair
But once his cold will die,In my ardent embrace


Unbolt the wind to me! Brag I with audacious pride
wèi wǒ zhào huàn zhèn fēng! yǐ zì yì wǒ wàng wéi de zì fù
But that first gust of him, Makes me stumble and shrink
rán ér zhè yóu lái de liáng fēng, què lìng wǒ páng huáng bù qián
My barque is covered up With leaves and windfallpears
wǒ de xīn zhōu yǐ yǎn gài yú piāo yè yǔ chuī luò de jiāng guǒ zhī zhōng
His heaven azures me, And his earth is cushioning
qī shēn tā wèi lán chéng qīng de tiān táng, shì jiè yě jiàn guī píng jìng
The warming of his wine, And the sighing of his fire
tā rú jiǔ wēn tuó rú huǒ yàn piāo yáo
His honeys bitterness, Are reviving me
tā rú mì de shǔn yǎo jiāng wǒ huàn xǐng
Expose me to the storms, And leave me to despair
zhì shēn yú bào fēng zhī zhōng, shǐ wǒ yuǎn lí jué wàng
But once his cold will die, In my ardent embrace
tā de lěng kù jiāng xiāo róng zài wǒ zhì rè de huái lǐ