Blue Jean (Safe Sex)

Song Blue Jean (Safe Sex)
Artist Jeru the Damaja
Album Heroz4Hire


yo, yo, yoimma bout to tell you about the time i ran 'nto billy jeanshorty that michael jackson sung about on his jointyo, she was a crazy freak, but she used to be buggin out 'n all thatyou know what i mean? im about to drop it on youand this story is a hundred percent true, word to bill clintons mothersexy and brown i met her downtowni said hey lady your (wicked, lickin')body drives the average nigga crazyim jeru, love, she said her name was billyi continued your(minds exact)girl you could have my babyshe could have played me but smiled and replied"behave G, i like your style now hey so maybe you can get to know me and this mac mac son is physical attraction, i know you have a womanmy mans michael jackson" i think shes askingshe could tell by my reaction, a few seconds pastwe both bust out laughing,not saying, im all thator a p-i-m-p, still that magnetic