O Fortuna (O Fortune) |
Velut luna (like the moon) |
Statu variabilis (you are changeable) |
Semper crescis (ever waxing) |
Aut decrescis; (and waning;) |
Vita detestabilis (hateful life) |
Nunc obdurat (first oppresses) |
Et tunc curat (and then soothes) |
Ludo mentis aciem, (as fancy takes it) |
Egestatem, (poverty) |
Potestatem (and power) |
Dissolvit ut glaciem. (it melts them like ice.) |
Sors immanis (Fate - monstrous) |
Et inanis, (and empty) |
Rota tu volubilis, (you whirling wheel) |
Status malus, (you are malevolent) |
Vana salus (well-being is vain) |
Semper dissolubilis, (and always fades to nothing) |
Obumbrata (shadowed) |
Et velata (and veiled) |
Michi quoque niteris; (you plague me too;) |
Nunc per ludum (now through the game) |
Dorsum nudum (I bring my bare back) |
Fero tui sceleris. (to your villainy.) |
Sors salutis (Fate is against me) |
Et virtutis (in health) |
Michi nunc contraria, (and virtue) |
Est affectus (driven on) |
Et defectus (and weighted down) |
Semper in angaria. (always enslaved.) |
Hac in hora (So at this hour) |
Sine mora (without delay) |
Corde pulsum tangite; (pluck the vibrating strings;) |
Quod per sortem (since Fate) |
Sternit fortem, (strikes down the string) |
Mecum omnes plangite! (everyone weep with me!) |
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