Always know that the time you have right now might be your only time at all. |
This is the only thing you need, everything else is a luxury. |
Don't let the weight of the world be pushed down on you. |
Let your altruistic mindset fight for you. |
You're not a slave to past generations. |
You have a mind of your own and a heart to feel anything you desire. |
If it feels right for you, **** anyone that tries to put you down or say otherwise. |
I don't live for you, I live for me. |
I won't let the world's obsolete traditions be pushed upon me. |
I will throw gasoline on the bigot in front of me. |
I'll take your set of beliefs to tired and set it all on fire. |
I'll lead the direction for the will to change. |
We'll leave the ashes of false idols in our wake. |
Reliving this again, this time making everything last. |
The course is set on target, it's a fight we know too well. |
We'll make the same mistakes, fall victim to ourselves. |
Always know that the time you have right now might be your only time at all. |
This is the only thing you need, everything else is a luxury. |
You're not a slave to past generations. |
You have a mind of your own and a heart to feel anything you desire. |
If it feels right for you, **** anyone that tries to put you down or say otherwise. |