Ira Sancti (When the Saints Are Going Wild)

Song Ira Sancti (When the Saints Are Going Wild)
Artist Powerwolf
Album Blood of the Saints


Tatal nostru
Care esti in ceruri
Sfinteasca se numele tau
Vie imparatia ta
Faca se voia ta
Precum in cer asa si pre pamant
When the saints are going wild
Then the saints are going wild
Painea noastra cea de toate zilele
Da ne o noua astazi
Si ne iarta noua
Greselile noastre
Precum si noi iertam gresitilor nostri
Si nu ne duce pre noi in ispita
When the saints are going wild
Then the saints are going wild
Ci ne izbaveste de cel rau
Ca a te este imparatia
Slava si puterea
In numele tatalui
Al fiului
Al sfantului duh
When the saints are going wild
Then the saints are going wild.